Time to play Devil's Advocate (note these are not my opinions for most of the part, unless I had a really bad day).
10. So it may end up being polished. But a polished mess is still a mess. (who said it was a mess, this can be applied to anything and you are assuming things)
9. The Music seems great so far. But even the best of artists have had their let-downs. (again assuming, if someone has made great scores most of his carreeer is safer to assume the next one will be great, not the contrary))
8. So self mentoring essentially. Everquest 2 did this like a year ago. Nothing new here. (no one is saying gw2 will have absolutely everything new, but its a good system if well implemented)
7. So I will have plenty of moments then where I run around with nothing to do I guess. Boring. Besides, I really doubt many of the things, you save the town to have it invaded after an hour again? (no, it means you can be doing the normal stuff and something else happens, thinking you have to sit doing nothing while waiting for something to happen is just a biased and fail argument)
6. "The combat in this game is going to be seriously awesome"... assuming lag doesnt ruin it. (assuming again, you said it, it lag can ruin any game online no?)
5. No Monthly Fee, monthly fees do help keep some trolls and such out. So no monthly fee is not always as good as it seems. (you still have to buy the game, whos gonna buy a game to troll? besides they will have some system for lower lvls not spamming others)
4. They do look amazing, but who knows, they may just show the amazing parts. Oh and these areas might just be interesting for the first 3 times or so you explore them and then the scale just means it takes a long time to get to where you want to go. (assuming again, its even self explanatory, you are assunming they just have these zones they showed but from the videos ive seen most of them are)
3. PvP, but only in a few areas. And if one person just isnt that good at PvP, what if he gets harassed by his own server for that. "*insert insult*, you are bringing the server down." (play on a non pvp server then, problem solved)
2. Less skills, dumbing down? Instead of managing 15 cooldowns I now only have to worry about 10. (dude i dont have time to think for you always, did you not see every char can have various weapons, so you can have many skills and weapons for differents situations, and you can combine them as you like? is better than having your archetype only skills, plus the sills are significant, just check their page, not your hit + add dmg stuff)
1. Ugh, I really wish I could stop playing Devil's Advocate now... but I have to go on, sigh. So, if I come to GW2 expecting to be the one take all the damage or heal others I will be sorely disappointed. There are people out there who love playing tanking roles and people out there who love playing healing roles. This is alienating them somewhat. (did you really miss the point or are actively making questions that shows how little attention you have? you can be healer and you can be the tank, you are just not chained to only that, if you use sword and shield and pick the defender clas you will be the tank but if there is 2 tanks and no healer, you switch to your staff and robes and go heal)
Oh and I have a video to show (though killing party members is not true anymore), and a article to show.
most your points dont even make any sense, use an absurd argument to answer, assume things or can be applied to every mmorpgs
I was not speaking for myself, I just took a bunch of points I have seen thrown around. And yes a lot of those are assumptions. Personally, Guild Wars 2 looks great, and that video made excellent points.
7. Be doing the normal stuff means questing in this day and age for a lot of mmo players. Or gathering once they reach level cap.
6. True lag can ruin any game, but twitch and action based games are hurt more.
5. Who knows, when the game gets cheap perhaps. But it is pretty much generally agreed that if there is one positive thing about monthly fees it is that they help keep the trolls away.
2. I have debated the same way you do, but I know several people who are against it.
1. But some people never want to touch a Tank role in a group, some people like it more when one person is always the tank, one person is always the healer.
Again none of those is speaking for me. Here is how I feel deep inside about them.
10. After playing Guild Wars 1 as well as them saying it is done when it is done. I doubt we are going to get a bad product, besides it looks so promising.
9. Jeremy Soule has not disappointed me so far, and I doubt he will do so for Guild Wars. But there is always a small chance he might disappoint, keyword being small.
8. Self Mentoring was an awesome idea in EverQuest 2. And I am glad seeing it in more mmos.
7. Less handholding and bigger sense of freedom. Count me in.
6. The combat will be fun. Dynamic and hopefully less predictable than most mmos. Rolling gets me worried however, mostly because of how broken that was in Demons Souls (rolling made PvP boring and the game too easy).
5. F2P is nice, but there is indeed a slight chance of this increasing the troll population. P2P has a few perks.
4. Considering everything they have shown so far, I really dont have any concerns. There might be a few areas weaker than others but overall I wouldnt worry.
3. Did you see this video? The World PvP, that seams relatively meaningful, compared to most world PvP systems in modern mmos anyway. The Pick Up play is seriously awesome as well, being able to pick my own settings, yes please. PvP in Guild Wars 2 is gonna be awesome, just like it was in Guild Wars 1.
2. I loved the skill limit system in Guild Wars 1 and Pokemon. I will probably love it here as well, my warrior is going to be COMPLETELY different from that other warrior. You can carry 2 weapon sets, so that means 5*2+5 skills. Though you can change your skills and weapon sets outside combat. I like this system personally.
1. I think the current role system is awful. Tanking and its broken mechanic of threat. Healing, meaning that as long as the healers can take it, people are free to screw up as much as possible. Role system in its current implementation removes teamwork if anything. GW2's role system seems to encourage it more. Again linking to Alexredicilous' videos. Now Tanking and Healing can work, but I have hopes Guild Wars 2 fixes my issues with it.
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