I was saying that I know you appreciate certain aspects of games... cinematics, etc... and I know you disliked certain aspects of Mass Effect 1, like the dead side planets, etc., all of which has been fixed in 2. I get the feeling that you would actually like the game if you would just play it. Its a much fuller experience than Mass Effect.
As for my calling of you illogical, well, that is to be expected when you criticize games you have not played. Such criticism is by nature illogical.
I dont understand how removing = "improving" but anyway i might give it a shot if it has cinematics instead of dialogues. I plated a bit on an xbox. Combat is improved alot and level design too but apart from that it does not feel to worth bothering. Especially the story, i expected some EPIC story in the sequel when the entire council fleet takes the fight to the repears but its mostly collecting teammates, so i am gonna pass for now! Too busy with dragon age anyways! [QUOTE="millerlight89"]The game does perform better than the previous. All the people that say they had trouble with the first say they getter no FPS dips in Mass Effect 2. I would get FPS dips ever now and then in the first game at random moments. Though I never had this happen in the second. There is way less texture pop-ups. I am begining to wonder if you have any idea about the technically side of PC gaming, so far it seems that would be a big nope! You have yet to play the game, so how do you even know how it performs? Also, please quit saying GD that is a very disrespectful term that you seem to like to fling around. [QUOTE="dakan45"] why do i even bother :roll:
I have wondered this too! Never had pops or framerate drops on the first, infact the pc version was polished as hell as far as i can say. The rest of the post did not made much sense. I also pose the question again, why do i even bother since you do not understand my points at all?
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