STALKER:Call Of Pripyat

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#51 scotty992
Member since 2005 • 2388 Posts

I played the first game and couldnt get into it really. My friend whos not even much of a gamer played it to death. This game is for some but not all get a demo first!

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#52 dakan45
Member since 2009 • 18819 Posts
My god it does not make the game unbalanced. It is something that is different and like Kozzy said it is for the "hardcore" type. It is what makes the PC a great platform. Bioshock is my favorite game of all time, but it and many other multiplatform fps games just follow the normal. Wait come to think of it, like I said before, In every game that I have played your weapons and Armor get better as you progress. Sure you get tougher enemies in those games, but STALKER gives you more enemies to fight against. Just becuae STALKER is "tougher in the begining due to crap equipment does not make it unbalanced.millerlight89
I wouldnt call it "hardcore" for the reason you just pointed. Far cry was hardcore and later on with the elite mecenaries and the mutants it got harder, much harder, doom 3 was hardcore and the monsters you encounter later were much faster and tougher than the first ones. Fallout 2 had tougher enemies later. Also arma 2 is hardcore but it gets much harder later on, in the compaign. As for more eneimes to fight against? Well that would be true if in the begining the game did not put you into a small circle area with few enemies attacking from close with sawed off shotguns. However later you get levels taht you cover more ground with long roads and enemies shooting you from long range, ofcourse you taking damage from long range and tacking cover plus shooting back is much easier than having to deal with a small group of enemies that suround you in the begining with sawef off shotguns and unload them on you at close range. At least the was my experiance :(
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#53 kozzy1234
Member since 2005 • 35966 Posts

[QUOTE="millerlight89"] PLease give me an example where the ai is "dumber" and "easier" to kill in the begining. Every game that I can think of the ai remains the same. dakan45
Yes, that too, the ai is just basicly the same, they see you they shoot you with the same accuracy. Only thing that changes is how much damage they cause to the player and how much damage they can take. But in stalker the first weapons are pretty innacurate so the player is innacurate but the ai has the unfair advantage by being more accurate and much more effective than the "human" player when it comes to combat, especially if the player is new to the game. However if the ai took less hits or the player more. they could easilly balance the unfairly had difficulity the game has in the begining!

Stalker games are just nto for you Dakan. There is nothign wrong with the gunplay imo.

Its a more hardcore FPS then other games, its not for everyone as others have said. You said you want it simplyfied and made easyier in the begining and to fix the combat, well alot of the stalker fans love those aspects of the game.

There are alot of games that you start off really bad/weak and you get better as you upgrade or get better weapons (example is gothic series, Risen,etc..).

Just my two cents, Stalker games are not for everyone. You even said that you wish Stalker games where more like Metro/COD/Bioshock.. but they are not like those games, they are a little mroe hardcore, why should all series "dumb down" as you put it?

Some games im not the best at aiming either, it take s more practise, but I dont blame it on the game.. its just a differnt style that me personally im not as good at as other games. I think the gunplay in Stalker is fine, its jsut not meant for pray and spray arcadey gameplay.


So you tell me that you would not like the game to be polished and balanced just like valve did with left 4 dead? You telling me you wouldnt want the pistols to be more effective and not having to unload more than half a clip on someone to kill him, so you thin moments like that in stalker gunplay are fine? You also telling me that you dont mind that you carefuly (not spray and pray) shot someone a few times and he did not die but then he shoots you once and most of your health is gone and you use medkit and bandages and attack again and then kill him and heal again? Now pay attention ,i am not saying that stalker is bad, in case i gave that impression. I actually like the game alot but the gunplay is not "fine" if it was fine, then i would have loved the game and had no complains about it. Thats what i am saying if they could polish/balance/dumb down/whatever-just fix-them...... those parts i would have liked the game much more!!

No I dont want them to make Stalker like every other shooter out there. I like it how it is now personally, its something differnt then 99% of the other FPS out there. Even if its a hard game to me in some spots, I dont mind, It just makes me try harder.

Im horrible at Halo1 and Halo3, but I dont call the gunplay bad just because I do bad or its hard for me in spots. Im just not that good at it and I can understand and relize that, its just not a FPS that im really good at. But I dont go and say Halo series has bad gunplay because Im personally not very good at it.

The gunplay in Stalker is fine and not bad as you make it out to be.. its just that YOU personally are not that good at it. We all hav egames that we are not the best at, but that doesnt make the gunplay bad or not fine.

Im not that great at ARMA2 either, but its one of my fav shooters. Im not about to say the gunplay is bad just because I am not super great at the game or I get stuck in spots.

It sounds like you only think gunplay is good in games that you do really good at or get headshots with easy. Stalker is a nice and challenging game, with great atmosphere and gunplay imo, it is just a tough game, period.

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#54 chandu83
Member since 2005 • 4864 Posts
[QUOTE="chandu83"] Like I said, after a long day at work, I come back home and I want to play a game for about 30 minutes, not try and prove my gamer skill. ZuluEcho14
Then you probably should have picked console gaming.

Or I could avoid bad console ports on PC. From what I have seen, its very typical of console to have these stupid gameplay mechanics.
Ever played Deus Ex, Crysis, STALKER, Half-Life 2, Doom 3, Age of Empires, Call of duty 1, 2? Those are PC games which let me play for 30 minutes, and then go eat dinner and spend time with my family and go to bed. Why? Because I could save the same wherever I wanted (except CoD 2, but that a great checkpoint system).
So your advice for me to play console games is - let me put it delicately - totally useless.
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#55 dakan45
Member since 2009 • 18819 Posts

No I dont want them to make Stalker like every other shooter out there. I like it how it is now personally, its something differnt then 99% of the other FPS out there. Even if its a hard game to me in some spots, I dont mind, It just makes me try harder.

Im horrible at Halo1 and Halo3, but I dont call the gunplay bad just because I do bad or its hard for me in spots. Im just not that good at it and I can understand and relize that, its just not a FPS that im really good at. But I dont go and say Halo series has bad gunplay because Im personally not very good at it.

The gunplay in Stalker is fine and not bad as you make it out to be.. its just that YOU personally are not that good at it. We all hav egames that we are not the best at, but that doesnt make the gunplay bad or not fine.

Im not that great at ARMA2 either, but its one of my fav shooters. Im not about to say the gunplay is bad just because I am not super great at the game or I get stuck in spots.

It sounds like you only think gunplay is good in games that you do really good at or get headshots with easy. Stalker is a nice and challenging game, with great atmosphere and gunplay imo, it is just a tough game, period.kozzy1234

No, no no, thats because "i think" the gunplay is bad or that "i am bad at the game" Its about improving the gunplay. Wouldnt you say that combat in soc was much more satysfing than clear sky? Thats what i am talking about. There are mods out there that improve everything on clear sky, weapon sounds, damage, accuracy. Thats what i am talking about.

Also its not about "head shots being easier" its about being able to kill someone with a pistol without aiming to the head just because you know that you gonna have to fire TONS of bullets if you aim to the body, which defeats the point of having that weapon to kill your enemies, since by the time you will kill your enemy, you would already have taken plenty of hits which would have been avoided if simply the weapons were more effective!!

Is it bad that i want the gunplay to be more fluid? More natural? Less rpg, more reallism and ballistics?

You will say that the game is mean to be like that in order to be more "survival" and i wil say that if the game had more fluid combat, it would be more "immersive" for me and i would consider the gameplay better and less frustating, more polished!

Now that i solved my argument myself, i better going!!

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#56 chandu83
Member since 2005 • 4864 Posts

Also its not about "head shots being easier" its about being able to kill someone with a pistol without aiming to the head just because you know that you gonna have to fire TONS of bullets if you aim to the body, which defeats the point of having that weapon to kill your enemiesdakan45

See, that's the reason why they give you better weapons as you go along. You don't expect to have uber weapons right at the outset of the game do you?

I never really had to use the pistol once I got my hands on the machine gun, which happens fairly early in the game. So if you continued using pistols...well, its your fault.

Also, they give you different variants of pistols, which are fairly effective against animals.

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#57 millerlight89
Member since 2007 • 18658 Posts
First you complain that shots do too much damage for someone wearing armor, and then you say they do not do enough damage. To me it seems your views are unbalanced. To me it seems you just do not understand the game and are more than likely not so good at it. As for STALKER SoC being different in the combat area of Clear Sky, they reall seem quite the same. You have not solved anything you just continue to gripe about the most redundant things. You contradict yourself like none other. It is quite funny to read how in one post you say this and then the next you totally contradict yourself. You then go and compare STALKER to L4D. I have to be honest I quite reading there, that is almost as bad as all of these which game is better thread. The games are not similar in anyway except the fact they are both FPS games. I think you just want every game to be dumbed-down so you can get the hang of it, if that is so get over it because all games do not need to be simplistic.
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#58 dakan45
Member since 2009 • 18819 Posts

[QUOTE="dakan45"]Also its not about "head shots being easier" its about being able to kill someone with a pistol without aiming to the head just because you know that you gonna have to fire TONS of bullets if you aim to the body, which defeats the point of having that weapon to kill your enemieschandu83

See, that's the reason why they give you better weapons as you go along. You don't expect to have uber weapons right at the outset of the game do you?

I never really had to use the pistol once I got my hands on the machine gun, which happens fairly early in the game. So if you continued using pistols...well, its your fault.

Also, they give you different variants of pistols, which are fairly effective against animals.

Leave the pistols and pick another weapon. They still work the same way. As you said once you pick an assault rilfe you forgot about the pistols and shotguns. Then you got a better one and a better one. However the diffirence between damage is pretty high sometimes, it makes the gameplay feel more rpg than fps with all that constant upgrading! Its like oblivion, once you have the best sword, its over you keep on using it. Same thing goes for stalker when you get a better weapon. You keep on using it, you got no choice or prefence on a weapon because it handles diffirent. You keep using the g36 or then fn 2000 if you can find it!
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#59 millerlight89
Member since 2007 • 18658 Posts

[QUOTE="dakan45"]Also its not about "head shots being easier" its about being able to kill someone with a pistol without aiming to the head just because you know that you gonna have to fire TONS of bullets if you aim to the body, which defeats the point of having that weapon to kill your enemieschandu83

See, that's the reason why they give you better weapons as you go along. You don't expect to have uber weapons right at the outset of the game do you?

I never really had to use the pistol once I got my hands on the machine gun, which happens fairly early in the game. So if you continued using pistols...well, its your fault.

Also, they give you different variants of pistols, which are fairly effective against animals.

I always use the pistol the most lol. For me it usually only takes 2-3 shots to kill an enemy with one. That is why I do not understand anything Dakan says, it is also the reason I say the game may be too hardcore for him. It takes a certain amount of skill to play the game. When I first started playing SoC back in 07 I could easily been like him and said, "I keep getting killed this game is unbalanced. Though I chose the route, "I need to be more patient and learn how to play the game.
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#60 dakan45
Member since 2009 • 18819 Posts
First you complain that shots do too much damage for someone wearing armor, and then you say they do not do enough damage. To me it seems your views are unbalanced. To me it seems you just do not understand the game and are more than likely not so good at it. As for STALKER SoC being different in the combat area of Clear Sky, they reall seem quite the same. You have not solved anything you just continue to gripe about the most redundant things. You contradict yourself like none other. It is quite funny to read how in one post you say this and then the next you totally contradict yourself. You then go and compare STALKER to L4D. I have to be honest I quite reading there, that is almost as bad as all of these which game is better thread. The games are not similar in anyway except the fact they are both FPS games. I think you just want every game to be dumbed-down so you can get the hang of it, if that is so get over it because all games do not need to be simplistic.millerlight89
You still dont understand anything. What i am saying is that the ai causes more damage to you than what you cause to them. Thats what i said i did not contradict myself! Also soc and clear sky are not the same in combat. First of all in soc the weapons are more accurate and more powerful plus they got better sounds. In clear sky the weapons sound weak and cause less damage and are much less accurate. Also every weapon you pick from a corpse is in terrible condition and it keeps on jamming, you gonna have to find someone to repair it for you in order to use it properly! Yes i continue to gripe about the most redunadnt things because unlike you i can see those things in the game and talk about them in detail. Which is sad that you do not see those things because that renders your review on your blog useless to me since you think that soc and clear sky have the same combat. When i read it thought that i got some info about the game but now i realize i got none! Thus i dont wanna know more about cop from you but from someone who can review the game in detail, even what gameplay mechanics have been tweaked and how much!
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#61 chandu83
Member since 2005 • 4864 Posts

[QUOTE="dakan45"]Also its not about "head shots being easier" its about being able to kill someone with a pistol without aiming to the head just because you know that you gonna have to fire TONS of bullets if you aim to the body, which defeats the point of having that weapon to kill your enemiesdakan45

See, that's the reason why they give you better weapons as you go along. You don't expect to have uber weapons right at the outset of the game do you?

I never really had to use the pistol once I got my hands on the machine gun, which happens fairly early in the game. So if you continued using pistols...well, its your fault.

Also, they give you different variants of pistols, which are fairly effective against animals.

Leave the pistols and pick another weapon. They still work the same way. As you said once you pick an assault rilfe you forgot about the pistols and shotguns. Then you got a better one and a better one. However the diffirence between damage is pretty high sometimes, it makes the gameplay feel more rpg than fps with all that constant upgrading! Its like oblivion, once you have the best sword, its over you keep on using it. Same thing goes for stalker when you get a better weapon. You keep on using it, you got no choice or prefence on a weapon because it handles diffirent. You keep using the g36 or then fn 2000 if you can find it!

So what you are saying is, you want the game to accommodating your need to use sh1tty weapons against powerful foes?
Show me one game that does that.
As for it being a RPG, have you ever played one? Because RPGs is not just about upgrading weapons, but upgrading your character - that's where the whole role playing element comes in.
You do not upgrade your character in STALKER. There is just an inventory.
Of course the difference in damage by a pistol and machinegun are different - they are meant to be. Now that's a bad thing?
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#62 dakan45
Member since 2009 • 18819 Posts

Also its not about "head shots being easier" its about being able to kill someone with a pistol without aiming to the head just because you know that you gonna have to fire TONS of bullets if you aim to the body, which defeats the point of having that weapon to kill your enemiesdakan45

See, that's the reason why they give you better weapons as you go along. You don't expect to have uber weapons right at the outset of the game do you?

I never really had to use the pistol once I got my hands on the machine gun, which happens fairly early in the game. So if you continued using pistols...well, its your fault.

Also, they give you different variants of pistols, which are fairly effective against animals.

I always use the pistol the most lol. For me it usually only takes 2-3 shots to kill an enemy with one. That is why I do not understand anything Dakan says, it is also the reason I say the game may be too hardcore for him. It takes a certain amount of skill to play the game. When I first started playing SoC back in 07 I could easily been like him and said, "I keep getting killed this game is unbalanced. Though I chose the route, "I need to be more patient and learn how to play the game.

What pistol you use and you can kill someone with 2-3 shots without headshots? ^That sounds to me like you have not played the game. How the hell is it possible to have so diffirent experiances? Why cant i have the same experiance as you? 2-3 shots with the pistol are fine, even 4-6 shots are fine, now may i get that without mods? Also no, i dont keep on getting killed, infact i do well on the game but i would trade all that focus and quicksaving plus healing and agressive use of weapons in order to maximize damage, for a more relaxed gameplay.
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#63 millerlight89
Member since 2007 • 18658 Posts
[QUOTE="millerlight89"]First you complain that shots do too much damage for someone wearing armor, and then you say they do not do enough damage. To me it seems your views are unbalanced. To me it seems you just do not understand the game and are more than likely not so good at it. As for STALKER SoC being different in the combat area of Clear Sky, they reall seem quite the same. You have not solved anything you just continue to gripe about the most redundant things. You contradict yourself like none other. It is quite funny to read how in one post you say this and then the next you totally contradict yourself. You then go and compare STALKER to L4D. I have to be honest I quite reading there, that is almost as bad as all of these which game is better thread. The games are not similar in anyway except the fact they are both FPS games. I think you just want every game to be dumbed-down so you can get the hang of it, if that is so get over it because all games do not need to be simplistic.dakan45
You still dont understand anything. What i am saying is that the ai causes more damage to you than what you cause to them. Thats what i said i did not contradict myself! Also soc and clear sky are not the same in combat. First of all in soc the weapons are more accurate and more powerful plus they got better sounds. In clear sky the weapons sound weak and cause less damage and are much less accurate. Also every weapon you pick from a corpse is in terrible condition and it keeps on jamming, you gonna have to find someone to repair it for you in order to use it properly! Yes i continue to gripe about the most redunadnt things because unlike you i can see those things in the game and talk about them in detail. Which is sad that you do not see those things because that renders your review on your blog useless to me since you think that soc and clear sky have the same combat. When i read it thought that i got some info about the game but now i realize i got none! Thus i dont wanna know more about cop from you but from someone who can review the game in detail, even what gameplay mechanics have been tweaked and how much!

Earth to Dakan, it is not a full review it was just a freaking rundown of the game. I am not trying to review a game for you. Wait so I can not see the bad things in the game, can the same not be said for you and Far Cry 2? I am not here to teach you about a game dakan. OMG the guz jam!!! Is that not what happens in your beloved FarCry2?
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#64 kozzy1234
Member since 2005 • 35966 Posts

Im done with this.. I just have to thank god that the Stalker developers do not dumb the game down like Draken wants it.

Just because it takes soem people 2-3 shots with a pistol and you way more that makes the problem with the game? Its obvious the issue is with your aiming, and not the game.

The first time I played it took me alot of shots, but within a few hours I could take them down with 2-3 shots with a pistol as Miller said. All it took was a bit of patience and practise.

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#65 millerlight89
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See, that's the reason why they give you better weapons as you go along. You don't expect to have uber weapons right at the outset of the game do you?

I never really had to use the pistol once I got my hands on the machine gun, which happens fairly early in the game. So if you continued using pistols...well, its your fault.

Also, they give you different variants of pistols, which are fairly effective against animals.


I always use the pistol the most lol. For me it usually only takes 2-3 shots to kill an enemy with one. That is why I do not understand anything Dakan says, it is also the reason I say the game may be too hardcore for him. It takes a certain amount of skill to play the game. When I first started playing SoC back in 07 I could easily been like him and said, "I keep getting killed this game is unbalanced. Though I chose the route, "I need to be more patient and learn how to play the game.

What pistol you use and you can kill someone with 2-3 shots without headshots? ^That sounds to me like you have not played the game. How the hell is it possible to have so diffirent experiances? Why cant i have the same experiance as you? 2-3 shots with the pistol are fine, even 4-6 shots are fine, now may i get that without mods? Also no, i dont keep on getting killed, infact i do well on the game but i would trade all that focus and quicksaving plus healing and agressive use of weapons in order to maximize damage, for a more relaxed gameplay.

I have played each STALKER game 3 times with only playing the newest once. I am sorry you can't get the same experience. Practice a bit more and maybe you can climb up to my level.

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#66 dakan45
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See, that's the reason why they give you better weapons as you go along. You don't expect to have uber weapons right at the outset of the game do you?

I never really had to use the pistol once I got my hands on the machine gun, which happens fairly early in the game. So if you continued using pistols...well, its your fault.

Also, they give you different variants of pistols, which are fairly effective against animals.


Leave the pistols and pick another weapon. They still work the same way. As you said once you pick an assault rilfe you forgot about the pistols and shotguns. Then you got a better one and a better one. However the diffirence between damage is pretty high sometimes, it makes the gameplay feel more rpg than fps with all that constant upgrading! Its like oblivion, once you have the best sword, its over you keep on using it. Same thing goes for stalker when you get a better weapon. You keep on using it, you got no choice or prefence on a weapon because it handles diffirent. You keep using the g36 or then fn 2000 if you can find it!

So what you are saying is, you want the game to accommodating your need to use sh1tty weapons against powerful foes?
Show me one game that does that.
As for it being a RPG, have you ever played one? Because RPGs is not just about upgrading weapons, but upgrading your character - that's where the whole role playing element comes in.
You do not upgrade your character in STALKER. There is just an inventory.
Of course the difference in damage by a pistol and machinegun are different - they are meant to be. Now that's a bad thing?

One game that does that? Far cry 2, rainbow six, fallout 3,cod, painkiller,arma 2, all those games the guns handle in a diffirent games and the weapons you get later on dont render the old ones useless!! Thats why i said its more of an rpg than a fps! Another example will be deus ex, sure the plasma cannon and the gep gun are powerfull and ofcourse the shotgun is powefull from close range and the sniperilfe is good for long range but that does not mean that you cant keep on playing with your first default pistol or the riot prod!! As for he machinguen and pistol diffirence? First thats an assault rifle not a machine gun, the machine gun in clear sky is very innacurate!

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#67 dakan45
Member since 2009 • 18819 Posts
[QUOTE="dakan45"][QUOTE="millerlight89"]First you complain that shots do too much damage for someone wearing armor, and then you say they do not do enough damage. To me it seems your views are unbalanced. To me it seems you just do not understand the game and are more than likely not so good at it. As for STALKER SoC being different in the combat area of Clear Sky, they reall seem quite the same. You have not solved anything you just continue to gripe about the most redundant things. You contradict yourself like none other. It is quite funny to read how in one post you say this and then the next you totally contradict yourself. You then go and compare STALKER to L4D. I have to be honest I quite reading there, that is almost as bad as all of these which game is better thread. The games are not similar in anyway except the fact they are both FPS games. I think you just want every game to be dumbed-down so you can get the hang of it, if that is so get over it because all games do not need to be simplistic.millerlight89
You still dont understand anything. What i am saying is that the ai causes more damage to you than what you cause to them. Thats what i said i did not contradict myself! Also soc and clear sky are not the same in combat. First of all in soc the weapons are more accurate and more powerful plus they got better sounds. In clear sky the weapons sound weak and cause less damage and are much less accurate. Also every weapon you pick from a corpse is in terrible condition and it keeps on jamming, you gonna have to find someone to repair it for you in order to use it properly! Yes i continue to gripe about the most redunadnt things because unlike you i can see those things in the game and talk about them in detail. Which is sad that you do not see those things because that renders your review on your blog useless to me since you think that soc and clear sky have the same combat. When i read it thought that i got some info about the game but now i realize i got none! Thus i dont wanna know more about cop from you but from someone who can review the game in detail, even what gameplay mechanics have been tweaked and how much!

Earth to Dakan, it is not a full review it was just a freaking rundown of the game. I am not trying to review a game for you. Wait so I can not see the bad things in the game, can the same not be said for you and Far Cry 2? I am not here to teach you about a game dakan. OMG the guz jam!!! Is that not what happens in your beloved FarCry2?

The diffirence is that in far cry 2 a weapon that you pick up from an enemy can fire many bullets before jamming. But in clear sky it will be a wonder if it fires more than 3 bullets without jamming!!
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#68 millerlight89
Member since 2007 • 18658 Posts

[QUOTE="chandu83"][QUOTE="dakan45"] Leave the pistols and pick another weapon. They still work the same way. As you said once you pick an assault rilfe you forgot about the pistols and shotguns. Then you got a better one and a better one. However the diffirence between damage is pretty high sometimes, it makes the gameplay feel more rpg than fps with all that constant upgrading! Its like oblivion, once you have the best sword, its over you keep on using it. Same thing goes for stalker when you get a better weapon. You keep on using it, you got no choice or prefence on a weapon because it handles diffirent. You keep using the g36 or then fn 2000 if you can find it!dakan45

So what you are saying is, you want the game to accommodating your need to use sh1tty weapons against powerful foes?
Show me one game that does that.
As for it being a RPG, have you ever played one? Because RPGs is not just about upgrading weapons, but upgrading your character - that's where the whole role playing element comes in.
You do not upgrade your character in STALKER. There is just an inventory.
Of course the difference in damage by a pistol and machinegun are different - they are meant to be. Now that's a bad thing?


ne game that does that? Far cry 2, rainbow six, fallout 3,cod, painkiller,arma 2, all those games the guns handle in a diffirent games and the weapons you get later on dont render the old ones useless!! Thats why i said its more of an rpg than a fps! Another example will be deus ex, sure the plasma cannon and the gep gun are powerfull and ofcourse the shotgun is powefull from close range and the sniperilfe is good for long range but that does not mean that you cant keep on playing with your first default pistol or the riot prod!! As for he machinguen and pistol diffirence? First thats an assault rifle not a machine gun, the machine gun in clear sky is very innacurate!

Is it not an RPG FPS? Anyways you said in your other thread that you hold down the button in Far Cry 2 to shoot your enemy, do you do that in STALKER? You can not get away with that in that game nor can you get away with that in real life. O MY! Does that mean real life is unbalanced?

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#69 millerlight89
Member since 2007 • 18658 Posts
[QUOTE="millerlight89"][QUOTE="dakan45"] You still dont understand anything. What i am saying is that the ai causes more damage to you than what you cause to them. Thats what i said i did not contradict myself! Also soc and clear sky are not the same in combat. First of all in soc the weapons are more accurate and more powerful plus they got better sounds. In clear sky the weapons sound weak and cause less damage and are much less accurate. Also every weapon you pick from a corpse is in terrible condition and it keeps on jamming, you gonna have to find someone to repair it for you in order to use it properly! Yes i continue to gripe about the most redunadnt things because unlike you i can see those things in the game and talk about them in detail. Which is sad that you do not see those things because that renders your review on your blog useless to me since you think that soc and clear sky have the same combat. When i read it thought that i got some info about the game but now i realize i got none! Thus i dont wanna know more about cop from you but from someone who can review the game in detail, even what gameplay mechanics have been tweaked and how much!dakan45
Earth to Dakan, it is not a full review it was just a freaking rundown of the game. I am not trying to review a game for you. Wait so I can not see the bad things in the game, can the same not be said for you and Far Cry 2? I am not here to teach you about a game dakan. OMG the guz jam!!! Is that not what happens in your beloved FarCry2?

The diffirence is that in far cry 2 a weapon that you pick up from an enemy can fire many bullets before jamming. But in clear sky it will be a wonder if it fires more than 3 bullets without jamming!!

It depends in what shape the gun is in. I agree I am glad they do not listen to the people like you and "dumb" down the game.
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#70 dakan45
Member since 2009 • 18819 Posts

Im done with this.. I just have to thank god that the Stalker developers do not dumb the game down like Draken wants it.

Just because it takes soem people 2-3 shots with a pistol and you way more that makes the problem with the game? Its obvious the issue is with your aiming, and not the game.

The first time I played it took me alot of shots, but within a few hours I could take them down with 2-3 shots with a pistol as Miller said. All it took was a bit of patience and practise.

Wrong, it took me 11 to kill someone with the berrata in clear sky at the cordon and all the shots hit the bandit. I count every bullet that hit not everyone that misses and i even got close to make sure!! So 11 confirmed shots from close range on a bandint in clear sky is "fine" gunplay and its just my aiming the problem? Nice!! :lol:
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#71 chandu83
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[QUOTE="chandu83"][QUOTE="dakan45"] Leave the pistols and pick another weapon. They still work the same way. As you said once you pick an assault rilfe you forgot about the pistols and shotguns. Then you got a better one and a better one. However the diffirence between damage is pretty high sometimes, it makes the gameplay feel more rpg than fps with all that constant upgrading! Its like oblivion, once you have the best sword, its over you keep on using it. Same thing goes for stalker when you get a better weapon. You keep on using it, you got no choice or prefence on a weapon because it handles diffirent. You keep using the g36 or then fn 2000 if you can find it!dakan45

So what you are saying is, you want the game to accommodating your need to use sh1tty weapons against powerful foes?
Show me one game that does that.
As for it being a RPG, have you ever played one? Because RPGs is not just about upgrading weapons, but upgrading your character - that's where the whole role playing element comes in.
You do not upgrade your character in STALKER. There is just an inventory.
Of course the difference in damage by a pistol and machinegun are different - they are meant to be. Now that's a bad thing?

One game that does that? Far cry 2, rainbow six, fallout 3,cod, painkiller,arma 2, all those games the guns handle in a diffirent games and the weapons you get later on dont render the old ones useless!! Thats why i said its more of an rpg than a fps! Another example will be deus ex, sure the plasma cannon and the gep gun are powerfull and ofcourse the shotgun is powefull from close range and the sniperilfe is good for long range but that does not mean that you cant keep on playing with your first default pistol or the riot prod!! As for he machinguen and pistol diffirence? First thats an assault rifle not a machine gun, the machine gun in clear sky is very innacurate!

You see, here is the thing, most people do not go back to playing with pistols when they get better weapons. Only you seem to want that. Just like I want quicksave in GTA - I am not getting it, I am not playing it. I am not however calling those as bad games. Get what I am saying?

The second point is, I have used pistols till the very end. Sparingly, but I have used that, especially against the damn dogs. No point in wasting shotgun ammo on those.

Apart from CoD, I did not play any other games you mentioned, so I cannot comment.

I did play all the CoD games except WaW and MW 2. Now, in CoD2, I used pistol in some close combat sequences, but again, I pretty used the machine guns or the rifles (they are good at long range and short range). Pistols in comparison were weak. So, you are saying, you don't really want a difference between a strong weapon and a weak weapon? Then why have two weapons? Might as well give you a pistol and you are good to go.

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#72 dakan45
Member since 2009 • 18819 Posts

I have played each STALKER game 3 times with only playing the newest once. I am sorry you can't get the same experience. Practice a bit more and maybe you can climb up to my level.millerlight89

I told you i do not find the game hard, i just think it could use a few tweaks. I played the first game 5 times, one with realism mods. I played the second 2 times one without mods and one with mods. So its funny because you are the one that has to practice to climb up to my level!! :lol:

Is it not an RPG FPS? Anyways you said in your other thread that you hold down the button in Far Cry 2 to shoot your enemy, do you do that in STALKER? You can not get away with that in that game nor can you get away with that in real life. O MY! Does that mean real life is unbalanced?millerlight89

Nope thats not what i do, i tap the lmouse button in order to remain accurate, am i doing it wrong?

Also STOP comparing real lfie with stalker, stalker is not reallistic, if it was reallistic i would be able to kill someone with much less shots;) Also the reason weapons lose accuracy is because of recoil generated by the firepower, to be "balanced" The game has to gain alot of accuracy since its impossible all that innacuracy coming from the weapons in clear sky since they are as powerfull as BBs and it makes no sense how they lose so much accuracy while beeing so weak, its not reallistic at all so stop saying "stalker is reallistic because its innacurate and you bleed" Because those are both gimmicks, if it was reallistic then the weapons would be powerfull and you wouldnt bleed EVERYTIME just because you fell from a ledge!

It depends in what shape the gun is in. I agree I am glad they do not listen to the people like you and "dumb" down the game.millerlight89

The weapons you pick up from enemies are always in terrible condition as far as i played in clear sky. Thats exactly what i am whining about!! In soc it was not like that but in clear sky all of them are in lowest in the condition bar. So pretty much everyone is fighting me with a broken gun!!!!

Nice!! Yeah be glad they dont listen to people like me and dumb the game, they can do dumb things by themsefls if i judge by the fact that in SOC the weapon conditions in the weapon you picked up from enemies, were just fine and not totally useless like in clear sky!!!

So insted of improve they decide to make the sequel worse!!

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#73 dakan45
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You see, here is the thing, most people do not go back to playing with pistols when they get better weapons. Only you seem to want that. Just like I want quicksave in GTA - I am not getting it, I am not playing it. I am not however calling those as bad games. Get what I am saying?

The second point is, I have used pistols till the very end. Sparingly, but I have used that, especially against the damn dogs. No point in wasting shotgun ammo on those.

Apart from CoD, I did not play any other games you mentioned, so I cannot comment.

I did play all the CoD games except WaW and MW 2. Now, in CoD2, I used pistol in some close combat sequences, but again, I pretty used the machine guns or the rifles (they are good at long range and short range). Pistols in comparison were weak. So, you are saying, you don't really want a difference between a strong weapon and a weak weapon? Then why have two weapons? Might as well give you a pistol and you are good to go.


I did not call the game bad, i like the game, i just pointed a personal compain something that i dislike about the game, that if fixed then i am gonna enjoy it more! Why you assume i say that is a bad game when i dont?

The dogs? you talk about those dogs that took ak bullets to the head? You talk about those dog that i shot them many times with the sawed off and did not die? Also i confirmed that they took damages, it was not misses. Correct me if am wrong but i thought those dogs were lesser enemies, so why the take so many hits?

What i am saying is this: In cod 2 you had various weapons. Single fire bolt action rilfes that kill with one shot and where very accurate, semi auto rilfes that kill with 2 shots and were accurate but they had recoil. Smgs that killed with 3-4 shots that were not very accurate in long range and they lose accuracy as they where used. Also there were diffirent stats on those weapons and they way they handle. You cant say mp40 is better than pssh, they just handle in a diffirent way to fit a diffirent player type.

Have you played cod4? Alot of people prefer to use the akm which looks like the first ak in stalker, now you will ask "why use it? m4 and g36 are better!!" and i will reply because it handles in a diffirent way that is more shooting to their playing type and not ever weapon is a total upgrade of the previous which renders the previous useless!

If you are still trying to understand why would i use a pistol when i got an assault rilfe... well since you get better assault rilfes, why cant you get better pistols that will actually be usefull tooand not be left asidebecause theassault rilfes are far more effective?In the end pistols are guns too, they should be effective in their own way, for example why not be used in close range just like in rainbow six series?

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#74 millerlight89
Member since 2007 • 18658 Posts
Well whatever this thread is getting ridiculous I have never had such a headache from looking at what seems to be a foreing language. Anyways STALKER is one of the best series on the PC and really shows why I enjoy playing on the PC. Console players really would hate this game as seeing how it is more for the advanced FPS player. The gun play has remained the same, and has only now gotten improved in the 3rd STALKER. If you did not like the first 2 do not play it. Because it is more or less the same game with improved combat. It remains to where you start out with weaker guns and they improve once you advance. I guess to the game play is unbalanced, but imo they have no idea what they are talking about. Just because it does not hold your hand in the beginning. Anyways I would try the first game out and if you like it get CoP. In terms of atmosphere it is more along the lines of SoC. All of the STALKER games are fun and the game play in all of them are equally as fun.
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#75 dakan45
Member since 2009 • 18819 Posts
:roll:Should i believe all these? Nope, i cannot possible believe all these when you say that soc and cs have the same gunplay, its just very uhelpfull and uninformative!!
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#76 millerlight89
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:roll:Should i believe all these? Nope, i cannot possible believe all these when you say that soc and cs have the same gunplay, its just very uhelpfull and uninformative!!dakan45
Do you really think I care if you believe it or not? Nope
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#77 dakan45
Member since 2009 • 18819 Posts
Good, but from now on i dont care either!
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#78 -Origin-
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Definitely go back and play the other two.

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#79 millerlight89
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The first time I played it took me alot of shots, but within a few hours I could take them down with 2-3 shots with a pistol as Miller said. All it took was a bit of patience and practise.


I guess we are playing the same game then. It is true if you take the time to learn how the shooting mechanics work, then you will eventually take down an enemy in a few shots with a pistol. I am not even talking about the more powerful pistols you get further in the Zone. I remember on my second play-through at the the first place you venture to in Cordon in SoC. I took almost every single bandit down with 2-3 shots. Though when I first played I came out with zero ammo. lol

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#81 millerlight89
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save the lovers guarrel for later :question:

Thanks for your contribute, you are most helpful :roll:.
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#82 ironman388
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Im done with this.. I just have to thank god that the Stalker developers do not dumb the game down like Draken wants it.

Just because it takes soem people 2-3 shots with a pistol and you way more that makes the problem with the game? Its obvious the issue is with your aiming, and not the game.

The first time I played it took me alot of shots, but within a few hours I could take them down with 2-3 shots with a pistol as Miller said. All it took was a bit of patience and practise.


Wrong, it took me 11 to kill someone with the berrata in clear sky at the cordon and all the shots hit the bandit. I count every bullet that hit not everyone that misses and i even got close to make sure!! So 11 confirmed shots from close range on a bandint in clear sky is "fine" gunplay and its just my aiming the problem? Nice!! :lol:

they have better armor than you, thats why they are able to take so many shots. also go for headshots, not body shots, that's probably the problem

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#83 tony2077ca
Member since 2005 • 5242 Posts

save the lovers guarrel for later :question:

Thanks for your contribute, you are most helpful :roll:.

i've never played the series except for a few minutes of the first game not my kind of game and beside i died too much i may try it again someday
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#84 SF_KiLLaMaN
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Im done with this.. I just have to thank god that the Stalker developers do not dumb the game down like Draken wants it.

Just because it takes soem people 2-3 shots with a pistol and you way more that makes the problem with the game? Its obvious the issue is with your aiming, and not the game.

The first time I played it took me alot of shots, but within a few hours I could take them down with 2-3 shots with a pistol as Miller said. All it took was a bit of patience and practise.


Wrong, it took me 11 to kill someone with the berrata in clear sky at the cordon and all the shots hit the bandit. I count every bullet that hit not everyone that misses and i even got close to make sure!! So 11 confirmed shots from close range on a bandint in clear sky is "fine" gunplay and its just my aiming the problem? Nice!! :lol:

they have better armor than you, thats why they are able to take so many shots. also go for headshots, not body shots, that's probably the problem

Don't bother, He's not used to playing a game that requires a lot of skill and thought. Just mindless shooters aka Call of Duty. To Dakan. You have not played Call of Pripyat so get out of the Call of Pripyat thread.
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#85 dakan45
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they have better armor than you, thats why they are able to take so many shots. also go for headshots, not body shots, that's probably the problemironman388

Hmm i think you might be right, why cant i have the same armor aint balanced 8) lol, anyway remember those dandits in the brown coats? They were some kinda of elite enemy, they took more hits that the rest bandits. I unloaded a hunting rilfe from face to face range and he was still alive, i was like Whaaaaaaat :shock:

i've never played the series except for a few minutes of the first game not my kind of game and beside i died too much i may try it again somedaytony2077ca

It gets much easier later on, atleast for me!

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#86 dakan45
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Wrong, it took me 11 to kill someone with the berrata in clear sky at the cordon and all the shots hit the bandit. I count every bullet that hit not everyone that misses and i even got close to make sure!! So 11 confirmed shots from close range on a bandint in clear sky is "fine" gunplay and its just my aiming the problem? Nice!! :lol:dakan45
they have better armor than you, thats why they are able to take so many shots. also go for headshots, not body shots, that's probably the problem

Don't bother, He's not used to playing a game that requires a lot of skill and thought. Just mindless shooters aka Call of Duty. To Dakan. You have not played Call of Pripyat so get out of the Call of Pripyat thread.

Nay i play hard shooters, like arma 2 for example, now tahts mindless and requires no skill at all!! Also i am pretty good at stalker. Also why it requires to use your brain in stalker? All you have to do is duck, headshot and press the use medkit key! no i have not played call of pripyat but since its the same as clear sky i wont even bother, i want a better improved game than clear sky!
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#87 SF_KiLLaMaN
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[QUOTE="SF_KiLLaMaN"][QUOTE="ironman388"]they have better armor than you, thats why they are able to take so many shots. also go for headshots, not body shots, that's probably the problem


Don't bother, He's not used to playing a game that requires a lot of skill and thought. Just mindless shooters aka Call of Duty. To Dakan. You have not played Call of Pripyat so get out of the Call of Pripyat thread.

Nay i play hard shooters, like arma 2 for example, now tahts mindless and requires no skill at all!! Also i am pretty good at stalker. Also why it requires to use your brain in stalker? All you have to do is duck, headshot and press the use medkit key! no i have not played call of pripyat but since its the same as clear sky i wont even bother, i want a better improved game than clear sky!

It's not the same as Clear Sky. You would know that if you played Call of Pripyat. But you didn't play CoP so leave like everyone wants you to.

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#88 dakan45
Member since 2009 • 18819 Posts

[QUOTE="dakan45"][QUOTE="SF_KiLLaMaN"] Don't bother, He's not used to playing a game that requires a lot of skill and thought. Just mindless shooters aka Call of Duty. To Dakan. You have not played Call of Pripyat so get out of the Call of Pripyat thread.SF_KiLLaMaN

Nay i play hard shooters, like arma 2 for example, now tahts mindless and requires no skill at all!! Also i am pretty good at stalker. Also why it requires to use your brain in stalker? All you have to do is duck, headshot and press the use medkit key! no i have not played call of pripyat but since its the same as clear sky i wont even bother, i want a better improved game than clear sky!

It's not the same as Clear Sky. You would know that if you played Call of Pripyat. But you didn't play CoP so leave like everyone wants you to.

Good, now we getting somewhere, Provide me information on what diffirences it has from clear sky in order to figure out if it will be a good idea to buy the game or not!
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#89 millerlight89
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It is not like CS. It is the same idea. All of the STALKERS are alike deep down. Dakan if you go read the reviews they all say the sequel is improved. Even GS said the game is sticking to what it does best.
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#90 Gooeykat
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[QUOTE="dakan45"] Nay i play hard shooters, like arma 2 for example, now tahts mindless and requires no skill at all!! Also i am pretty good at stalker. Also why it requires to use your brain in stalker? All you have to do is duck, headshot and press the use medkit key! no i have not played call of pripyat but since its the same as clear sky i wont even bother, i want a better improved game than clear sky!dakan45

It's not the same as Clear Sky. You would know that if you played Call of Pripyat. But you didn't play CoP so leave like everyone wants you to.

Good, now we getting somewhere, Provide me information on what diffirences it has from clear sky in order to figure out if it will be a good idea to buy the game or not!

LOL, I think you haven't made too many friends here so I wouldn't expect a huge response. But I think most people have answered your question. The faction system gameplay is pretty much gone, artifact hunting is just like CS, there are three larger areas instead of the numerous smaller ones like the first two. The side quests are much improved over the first two, there is actually story behind them. The atmosphere is more like SoC. The upgrade and repair system has also been carried over from CS, but you have to find the right tools in order to unlock upgrades. Anyway, you probably know all of this just by reading the good review that Kevin did on GS last week.
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#91 tony2077ca
Member since 2005 • 5242 Posts

[QUOTE="dakan45"][QUOTE="SF_KiLLaMaN"] It's not the same as Clear Sky. You would know that if you played Call of Pripyat. But you didn't play CoP so leave like everyone wants you to.


Good, now we getting somewhere, Provide me information on what diffirences it has from clear sky in order to figure out if it will be a good idea to buy the game or not!

LOL, I think you haven't made too many friends here so I wouldn't expect a huge response. But I think most people have answered your question. The faction system gameplay is pretty much gone, artifact hunting is just like CS, there are three larger areas instead of the numerous smaller ones like the first two. The side quests are much improved over the first two, there is actually story behind them. The atmosphere is more like SoC. The upgrade and repair system has also been carried over from CS, but you have to find the right tools in order to unlock upgrades. Anyway, you probably know all of this just by reading the good review that Kevin did on GS last week.

good review never thought i'd hear that

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#92 millerlight89
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[QUOTE="dakan45"][QUOTE="SF_KiLLaMaN"] It's not the same as Clear Sky. You would know that if you played Call of Pripyat. But you didn't play CoP so leave like everyone wants you to.


Good, now we getting somewhere, Provide me information on what diffirences it has from clear sky in order to figure out if it will be a good idea to buy the game or not!

LOL, I think you haven't made too many friends here so I wouldn't expect a huge response. But I think most people have answered your question. The faction system gameplay is pretty much gone, artifact hunting is just like CS, there are three larger areas instead of the numerous smaller ones like the first two. The side quests are much improved over the first two, there is actually story behind them. The atmosphere is more like SoC. The upgrade and repair system has also been carried over from CS, but you have to find the right tools in order to unlock upgrades. Anyway, you probably know all of this just by reading the good review that Kevin did on GS last week.

He doesn't believe big site reviews he thinks they are all biased. He wants user reviews with LOTS!!!! of detail. The problem is, he will only develop some type of arument from this. He will pick out that this and that seem bad. Really no point to go into detail with him as you will only get a headache. Kevin even came into the forums and said how great the game is and how they are going in the right direction by doing what STALKER does best.

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#93 dakan45
Member since 2009 • 18819 Posts

[QUOTE="dakan45"][QUOTE="SF_KiLLaMaN"] It's not the same as Clear Sky. You would know that if you played Call of Pripyat. But you didn't play CoP so leave like everyone wants you to.Gooeykat
Good, now we getting somewhere, Provide me information on what diffirences it has from clear sky in order to figure out if it will be a good idea to buy the game or not!

LOL, I think you haven't made too many friends here so I wouldn't expect a huge response. But I think most people have answered your question. The faction system gameplay is pretty much gone, artifact hunting is just like CS, there are three larger areas instead of the numerous smaller ones like the first two. The side quests are much improved over the first two, there is actually story behind them. The atmosphere is more like SoC. The upgrade and repair system has also been carried over from CS, but you have to find the right tools in order to unlock upgrades. Anyway, you probably know all of this just by reading the good review that Kevin did on GS last week.

Yeah thanks for all that, 2 more questions, is the combat more like soc and or cs? Also is the story focusing on a character and reveal his past like soc? Or its just an adventure in the zone like cs or it unreveals some conspiracy? Gimme some locationing here, you take the role of an agent but do you find something or you end up like the merc and strelock? (You know, dying for the shake of the zone, and game over)

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#94 dakan45
Member since 2009 • 18819 Posts

[QUOTE="Gooeykat"][QUOTE="dakan45"] Good, now we getting somewhere, Provide me information on what diffirences it has from clear sky in order to figure out if it will be a good idea to buy the game or not!millerlight89

LOL, I think you haven't made too many friends here so I wouldn't expect a huge response. But I think most people have answered your question. The faction system gameplay is pretty much gone, artifact hunting is just like CS, there are three larger areas instead of the numerous smaller ones like the first two. The side quests are much improved over the first two, there is actually story behind them. The atmosphere is more like SoC. The upgrade and repair system has also been carried over from CS, but you have to find the right tools in order to unlock upgrades. Anyway, you probably know all of this just by reading the good review that Kevin did on GS last week.

He doesn't believe big site reviews he thinks they are all biased. He wants user reviews with LOTS!!!! of detail. The problem is, he will only develop some type of arument from this. He will pick out that this and that seem bad. Really no point to go into detail with him as you will only get a headache. Kevin even came into the forums and said how great the game is and how they are going in the right direction by doing what STALKER does best.

Kevin came to the forums and said the game is great as he reviewd. Its not like i asked him to answer my questions.As for reviews? i think that most reviews miss some things thats why i am asking users!
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#95 millerlight89
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Yeah thanks for all that, 2 more questions, is the combat more like soc and or cs? Also is the story focusing on a character and reveal his past like soc? Or its just an adventure in the zone like cs or it unreveals some conspiracy? Gimme some locationing here, you take the role of an agent but do you find something or you end up like the merc and strelock? (You know, dying for the shake of the zone, and game over)


Why do you want the story spoiled for you? Please do not respond to this guys, I am sure some people do not want it spoiled for them. Or at least do a spoiler alert.

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#96 dakan45
Member since 2009 • 18819 Posts

[QUOTE="dakan45"]Yeah thanks for all that, 2 more questions, is the combat more like soc and or cs? Also is the story focusing on a character and reveal his past like soc? Or its just an adventure in the zone like cs or it unreveals some conspiracy? Gimme some locationing here, you take the role of an agent but do you find something or you end up like the merc and strelock? (You know, dying for the shake of the zone, and game over)

Why do you want the story spoiled for you? Please do not respond to this guys, I am sure some people do not want it spoiled for them. Or at least do a spoiler alert.

I dont want the story spoiled. I put it this way, soc had a begining that did not explain much, it felt out of place, however everything was explained later and it was interesting to go through. Clear sky had a more "stalkerish" intro but after a while the story was mostly shooting in the zone without anything being revealed in the end! Now where does call of pripyat sit? More interesting begining, more interesting story? Or its mostly about playing the game without much emphasis on the story?
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#97 millerlight89
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The story is much improved. The beginning gives you an opening cinematic with details has to why you are there. It plays out like a mystery. As in, you have to find out why this happened. There are some twists and it is a better story overall. Though it will not compare to a linear FPS such as Bioshock.
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#98 dakan45
Member since 2009 • 18819 Posts
The story is much improved. The beginning gives you an opening cinematic with details has to why you are there. It plays out like a mystery. As in, you have to find out why this happened. There are some twists and it is a better story overall. Though it will not compare to a linear FPS such as Bioshock. millerlight89
Sounds good, thanks!
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#99 Gooeykat
Member since 2006 • 3412 Posts

[QUOTE="Gooeykat"][QUOTE="dakan45"] Good, now we getting somewhere, Provide me information on what diffirences it has from clear sky in order to figure out if it will be a good idea to buy the game or not!dakan45

LOL, I think you haven't made too many friends here so I wouldn't expect a huge response. But I think most people have answered your question. The faction system gameplay is pretty much gone, artifact hunting is just like CS, there are three larger areas instead of the numerous smaller ones like the first two. The side quests are much improved over the first two, there is actually story behind them. The atmosphere is more like SoC. The upgrade and repair system has also been carried over from CS, but you have to find the right tools in order to unlock upgrades. Anyway, you probably know all of this just by reading the good review that Kevin did on GS last week.

Yeah thanks for all that, 2 more questions, is the combat more like soc and or cs? Also is the story focusing on a character and reveal his past like soc? Or its just an adventure in the zone like cs or it unreveals some conspiracy? Gimme some locationing here, you take the role of an agent but do you find something or you end up like the merc and strelock? (You know, dying for the shake of the zone, and game over)

Well, I haven't finished yet, I'm about 35-40% the way through. The story is stronger than in CS, again more like SoC. You're not just running around doing chores for different factions. Whether the story is better or worse than SoC, I don't know yet, but it's much stronger than CS. If you need a strong story to propel you forward in games and give you motivation to complete the game, than I don't know what to tell you because this can vary from person to person based on their tastes. As far as combat goes, I'm not sure what to say here. What exactly about combat do you want to know. Weapons feel the same to me, I know you thought the ballistics went down a notch CS, I don't see, all three games feel the same to me as far as that goes. You are taking on more mutants than you are humans (again no faction wars so there is less of that). But there is a good mix of fighting both.
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#100 Gooeykat
Member since 2006 • 3412 Posts
[QUOTE="millerlight89"]The story is much improved. The beginning gives you an opening cinematic with details has to why you are there. It plays out like a mystery. As in, you have to find out why this happened. There are some twists and it is a better story overall. Though it will not compare to a linear FPS such as Bioshock. dakan45
Sounds good, thanks!

Pretty much what he said.