I do not think the mutants are easier then they used to be, I often consider them harder due to thier new ai patterns.
But yeah the shotguns generally had a huge overhaull, they are death dealers to mutants, and effective enough against humans. (The unique Spas 12 is a monster, killing almost anything in 2-3 hits (here s a hint, it fires4 shots per sec in semi mode, and a great deal faster in auto mode). Damagewise and feel is alot like the FEAR shotgun.
The shotguns Are not the only weapons that had overhaulls tho... Most weapons are reverted back to SoC standards instead of CS standarts, meaning they are generally more precise, and more unique, also the ap ammo is insanely effective now. And the Snipers (true snipers) are so freakin lethal that its borderline overpowered. (anyone else noticed how the Lynx has damage and precicion maxed out? guess the only rifle more deadly is the gauss rifle, since it pretty much ignores most armor values).
There is also the advantage of sticking to a gun, or finding a unique gun, and kitting it out, it feels more like it is "your gun" you almost gain a personal bond with them. I have more faith in my shotgun in dark narrow corridors, then I have with the rest of my equipment, its nice.
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