Even if this game only lasted 3 months before the 1 million + pre-orders started dropping this game wouldn't be considered a flop. In the US alone physical copy's pre-ordered is 900,000. So with online + europe/asia there are probably at least 2 million pre-orders. The game is also fun just because you hate it doesn't mean "lol it'll flop". If every game I disliked flopped COD would stop breaking records for example :).I can't wait to see the reaction when this game flops. I played the beta and it was the dullest MMO I've ever played. It wasn't terrible, but I had no urge or desire to play it for longer than a day which has never happened to me before with an MMO (usually I no-life them). The areas all feel dead and lifeless, abilities feel very similar to one another, there's very little visual difference between armors (even Bioware has freely admitted this when they explained why they didn't do color matching), and the voice acting is pretty annoying to sit through when you just want to hurry up and finish/start the quest.
Also, for those who will be playing the game, pick Republic as your faction. The Sith NEVER have any victories at any point in their storyline, all of their major characters die, no Republic characters ever die (except for one I think), and the Sith basically just get **** on throughout the entire story. So unless you like playing the role of a villain from a 1980s or 1990s children's cartoon ("I'll get you next time Batman!") you're probably going to hate playing Sith.
Me and all my friends played and had a blast because this MMO actually has a story that draws you in. I don't see this game dying and I wonder what your reaction will be when it doesn't die or flop hard like you are hoping because you didn't enjoy it lol. Its true though if you are playing this game for PvP purely you will probably hate this game, but if you like stories then you will enjoy the game ^_^.
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