The REAL reason you hate WoW

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#51 Vaultn00b
Member since 2009 • 281 Posts

They've made it so darn simple. Just take a look back at vanilla or early TBC... In vanilla the casuals stuck with Tier 0 and 0.5 ( when it was added in the game by a patch ) and did five mans and ten mans ( UBRS, LBRS, Scholomance (pre-patch) and Stratholme (pre-patch). ) Those who had the patience and will to take the game to another level joined a guild and started raiding 20-40 man raids. It was very hard and time consuming but each time you downed a boss or received a new piece of gear it really ment something.

In TBC, they introduced heroics and badge rewards which gave the casuals a chance to lay their hands on some epic gear which was alright in my opinion. The first raid instance was Karazhan ( my favourite ) which required you to do a pretty hard attunement quest before you could enter. In TBC they made the raiding look like a ladder: you had to clear TK and SSC before you could do Mount Hyjal & same with BT, but in the middle of everything they changed their minds! Attunements were removed, instances nerfed, overpowered badge loot added and it became too easy to acquire badges. Heck, in the ending you could PuG BT which was ment to be the step hardest raid!

And now, WotLK. Blizzard continued where they had ended... Almost ALL raids are PuGable! There is no longer a need of skill, patience or devotion to play this game. A mate of mine plays 2 hours a day at max and he has full T7.5 along with all useful badge rewards for his clas( which are overpowered of course. )

A big FU to Blizzard for ruining the best game I had ever played.

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#52 chrisrooR
Member since 2007 • 9027 Posts
Anyone who openly "hates" a game is an irrational fool. It's a form of entertainment, as is music, movies and theatre. Some people like certain types of music, and some like different genres of movies. Blaming a game for addiction is the same as blaming a drug for addiction; in both cases it's lack of self control within the user (unless it's a physical addiction, however, it's impossible for a video game to become physically addictive).
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#53 HavocEbonlore
Member since 2007 • 483 Posts

I believe the game's design is very effective at tapping into and exploit compulsive behavior. Other MMOs came before WoW and at first glance are believed to achieve this aswell, but that type of compulsiveness was mostly (READ: mostly) built up by the player on his/her end rather than being triggered and built up by the game. Does that mean WoW will grip you right when you sit down at it? No, but the transition is very very subtle.

Overall I find WoW to have a very dark and sinister nature behind it.

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#54 MEOWWW123
Member since 2008 • 870 Posts

Grind Grind GrindGrind Grind GrindGrind Grind GrindGrind Grind Grind Grind Grind GrindGrind Grind Grind Grind Grind GrindGrind Grind Grind

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#55 F1_2004
Member since 2003 • 8009 Posts
Anyone who openly "hates" a game is an irrational fool. It's a form of entertainment, as is music, movies and theatre. Some people like certain types of music, and some like different genres of movies. Blaming a game for addiction is the same as blaming a drug for addiction; in both cases it's lack of self control within the user (unless it's a physical addiction, however, it's impossible for a video game to become physically addictive).chrisrooR
Wow, ok so you just completely wrote off psychological addiction as BS. Of course all addiction is a result of lack of self-control... if nobody ever took any kind of drugs to begin with, we wouldn't have any addiction problems. But they do, and education is one means of preventing addiction. The more dangerous addictions are the ones which are not well known/studied, such as ...(drum roll) MMO gaming addiction.
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#56 treedoor
Member since 2004 • 7648 Posts

Becasue the game is bad?

Seriously, when new content is old dungeons it's lol worthy (and when people that pay for it think it's awesome it's even more lol worthy), and not to mention when any monkey can pick up the game and achieve epics? It's just plain sad.

And in b4 someone mentions hard mode raids. Until people are required to finish those raids to progress then that argument is moot.

The PvP has always been unbalanced, and yet arena is a huge focus of the game.

The game continuously goes downhill. That's why I quit after WotLK. I knew what was coming after attunements were dropped for SSC, and TK, but it wasn't so bad till WotLK.

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#57 Jinroh_basic
Member since 2002 • 6413 Posts

Grind Grind GrindGrind Grind GrindGrind Grind GrindGrind Grind Grind Grind Grind GrindGrind Grind Grind Grind Grind GrindGrind Grind Grind


sometimes, learning a lesson will take up to 1200 hours. but better late than never i guess. :D

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#58 hoadsw
Member since 2008 • 56 Posts

I don't hate it one bit, I dislike the fact that they made it more casual. I mean yes they made hard modes that can make certains fights really difficult however I don't want to waste hours and days to kill the same boss but a different way. What I liked about BC was that not every one could kill Illidan or actually make it in SWP. I enjoyed the fact that I was in content that I had worked hard to reach with my guild and not every one could explore.

But now any one can go and raid, either 25man or 10man. I made it to 10/12 (25man)in Ulduar as a tank then realized it was useless. The guild I was in (different than my raiding guild in BC) kept recruiting random people and gave them "shots". In BC it was very competitive to get into a raiding guild because there were very few of them that actually made any progress. But now it seems the tables have turned and more incompetent people play the game. (Not to mention countless raiding guilds)

I miss BC or hell even Vanilla wow when you needed 10-15 people to do UBRS or 40 people to do a full raid. I miss the long time consuming instances and I do miss the days when have an epic was trully epic.

I'm going to try AIO (beta from fileplanet), I doubt i'll ever subscribe to another MMO though because i'm about to start my third year in college and honestly I don't think it would be wise to get into such games again.

This so true, after 3 years of WoW i gave up, anyone can strut into endgame content now, it's no longer for the dedicated and elite players. And if I'm going to play for 6 hours a day and some random noob who played for 2 hours a day has the same gear and stats as me whats the point? BC was WoW's Pinnacle of Excellence, it's all downhill form go play Aion, i'll see you there.
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#59 MEOWWW123
Member since 2008 • 870 Posts

Haha im a slow learner :D

I like wow i just hate the grind part of it

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#60 RatchetJunkie20
Member since 2007 • 966 Posts

I wouldn't say I HATE WoW, but I don't care for it. Too much corpse camping going on. I would be like "Stop standing there and PLAY!"

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#61 mirgamer
Member since 2003 • 2489 Posts
The amount of hatred for a game that they are not playing is quite frankly hilarious to read, tbh :D Really folks, life is too precious to be hating on something as stupid as a game. Altho I can admit that its quite tiring to hang out with friends that are too much into can spend the whole day with them and they talk of NOTHING but WoW. ahahaha...but then I was into Quake series back in the old days and I used to remember hanging out with my Quake gamers and talk nothing but that game only.
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#62 FelipeInside
Member since 2003 • 28548 Posts

[QUOTE="FelipeInside"]Whoever hates WoW, go get a life... If you don't like it, don't play it.... but to actually HATE something with no valid reason is just dumb. And no, I used to be a WoW player but I don't play anymore cause of time restraints...dakan45

"If you hate WOW, go get a life..."

Yup i supose that is correct because wow does one thing only, picks an individual and takes his life away and his friends never seen him again, like my cousin Jason....:roll:.... he plays wow alll day long. So i hate wow for taking away my cousin, we were always so close..... I hate wow because i have a life, and Jason also had a life and we were best friends....Now he plays WOW and i joined gamespot because i dont see him very often and waste my life too here typing wow hatefull comments till the day that he finnaly get tired of wow :lol:

WoW didn't take your cousin Jason, he decided to become an addict. Lots of people (like me) play WoW and still have a great life, it's all about control... It's like saying cocaine made my friend an addict, that's bull, cocaine didn't, he chose to take it and keep on taking it...
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#63 FelipeInside
Member since 2003 • 28548 Posts

i don't like it because i shouldn't have to invest 1000 hours into a game to start enjoying it.

u don't' have to...
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#64 FelipeInside
Member since 2003 • 28548 Posts


[QUOTE="FelipeInside"]Whoever hates WoW, go get a life... weirjf

Oh the irony...:lol:

Because WoW players are all excessive OCD addicts, right? Don't let the 10% that show up on the news fool you, or your own personal experience for that matter... they are a minority.

Thank you weirjf...someone finally with some common sense.... Everybody thinks that EVERY SINGLE WoW player is an addict and has no life....
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#65 BLaZe462
Member since 2002 • 1432 Posts

I just find it dull I don't hate it.

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#66 jtickner
Member since 2005 • 499 Posts

I know I will enjoy it if I play it, resulting in a continuous erosion of my hard earned money.

It killed that Chinese kid.

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#67 dr_lionheart
Member since 2004 • 25 Posts

in short

it is a disease

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#68 Kh1ndjal
Member since 2003 • 2788 Posts

many psychologists agree that when young children are torturing house pets and electrocuting rats they have serious issues and some serial killers have spent their childhoods like this. but you see, it's not the rats' or cats' or dogs' fault, the issue lies somewhere else.

what does this have to do with wow? We shouldn't blame WoW for the same reason we dont blame small furry animals. it's not wow's fault that people are spending their lives inside it (and really, do we have any hard figures as to the percentage?). wow shows up in the media every so often because its popular so someone is bound to be playing it. like counterstrike. i have "lost" more friends to CS than i have to wow. there is no reason to hate wow the way people as well as the common gamer does. if you think someone is going to die of it, try helping them. wow is a lot safer than cigarettes, drunk driving, drugs, alcohol, and god knows what else.

also, i hate wow because all the cool kids do it.

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#69 jimmyjammer69
Member since 2008 • 12239 Posts

TBH, I've never met anyone over 18 who plays it, which leads me to conclude that either WoW kills teenagers and harvests their souls or it damages their spirits to the extent that they end up as hollow husks of humans, hunched over their sticky keyboards amidst a sea of discarded pizza boxes. That and the monthly fees.

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#70 naval
Member since 2003 • 11108 Posts

You aren't cool unless you hate WOW. There, I said it. .... what better way to ingratiate myself with the unwashed masses, than to get mad at WOW? I'm not good at jackass stunts. I'm not good looking. I can't get you into any cool betas. So… /sigh, I hate you WOW.

I hate people that play WOW, and the people who developed WOW and continue to work on it, and the people who pay the people who make WOW so that they can play WOW, and the people who defend WOW, and the people who live in Irvine, CA (where Blizzard's home office is located), and the people who go to Blizzcon, and the people who like WOTLK, and the people who hate WOTLK, and on and on and on. taken from :

Disclaimer : These are not my views. Just posted it as I found it funny.

My thought is that Wow is a nice game to try out the c!asses, go through the Warcraft lore etc. Sure, I would have preferred to to view the Warcraft world unfold in RTS more than a MMO, but I don't expect Blizzard to not progress the story ahead in their MMO. Also, do find all the hate funny and kind'a stupid especially seeing some people saying you can get great gears and high level characters easily just by playing 1-2 hours a day and others saying there is too much grinding to do anything :lol:

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#71 Gladestone1
Member since 2004 • 5695 Posts

Myself i come from everquest live..That was the heart an soul of mmorpgs for a long time..When wow beta came to be..Was in it than realised its just a dumbed down game..Everquest was cool it has things inside that game that cant match in todays market..Levitate was a fun spell..It had teleportation my money making in that game..Was hard a challenge..Wow is not a challange to me..So ya im saying that im not at all interested in playing it never have been..Man i miss everquest till this day..Fun times fun times, even the grind i miss..Your going to say what..It was fun grinding..You spent hours with friends trying to hit lvl 30..The boss mobs where challenging no instances..You had to beat another guild to the site..Call up your friends gather people where ever they where...So ya i think wow is very very overrated..

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#72 herezjarchus
Member since 2007 • 316 Posts

I hate MMOs in general... it's not my type of games. I'm not a type of man who is able to spend 200+ hours playing a mindless grindfest.

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#73 rzepak
Member since 2005 • 5758 Posts

The reason I hated WoW was becouse I hated people who played it=) I loathe people who spend considerable time talking about what has +of what and what awesome loot they got after a raid. When I got over those people and actually tried the game it turned out its awesome and people like I described are a minority.

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#74 nikola96
Member since 2008 • 836 Posts

1 - The graphics suck

2 - You have to keep on paying $$$$ to play.


I agree

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#75 Solid_Tango
Member since 2009 • 8609 Posts
I dont hate it, but i believe is highly overated, i tried the demo for 10 days and i got bored of it when i made it to lvl 10.
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#76 Phoenix534
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Oh the irony...:lol:


Because WoW players are all excessive OCD addicts, right? Don't let the 10% that show up on the news fool you, or your own personal experience for that matter... they are a minority.

Thank you weirjf...someone finally with some common sense.... Everybody thinks that EVERY SINGLE WoW player is an addict and has no life....

That's stereotypical. Not everyone thinks that every WoW player is a no life addict. Actually, quite few don't.

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#77 Alter_Echo
Member since 2003 • 10724 Posts

I liked it for what it once was. I hate it for what it has become and what it now is.

Give them a few more content patches and another expansion and everyone will be playing the same class with the same skin in the same armor with the same 3 skills that have ALL been nerfed into the ground because of LOLarena.

Pretty much it in a nutshell. Anyone who actually "played" the game and was at all decent at it or dedicated enough to get deep into it ( sorry, your 4 hours a week is not applicable here ) will understand.

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#78 zomglolcats
Member since 2008 • 4335 Posts
[QUOTE="GazaAli"]i have not played the game before and i already hate it because: Its too popular and i automaticly hate anything popular. i keep hearing it screw teens minds

That sounds painfully immature.
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#79 quijeros
Member since 2008 • 1728 Posts

I don't hate WoW at all. I just stopped playing it because I got bored of it.

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#80 jrabbit99
Member since 2007 • 2836 Posts
hahaha! some of my friends are addicted to it, I still like the game though
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#81 lordlunch2
Member since 2006 • 544 Posts
I've actually become slightly addicted to this game. I only just played it like, 3 weeks ago. Since then I've played it for 4 to 8 hours a day. My hours got cut at work, so i just wanted to try it. As for having to pay to play, i think its a good deal for me. I bought Batman AA and beat it on hard mode, and got most of the achievements in about 3 days. It was 60 bucks and I already want a new game to play. WOW is 15 bucks a month now, and I've played it for about 3 weeks and I'm only level 24 and have a ton of stuff to do in it still. I think its good.
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#82 -Unreal-
Member since 2004 • 24650 Posts

How come the majority of people saying the game is too easy have crap achievements (WoTLK and TBC) when they show me "their" characters? You should see my inbox, it's overflowing with BS. People have their reasons but a lot of them won't tell you the real reasons. Most of them think WoW is taking away from other PC games, especially Blizzard ones.

As for the 40-man raid instances being taken down to 25-man, this was a choice made for the players. Just because you don't like itdoesn't mean it shouldn't have happened. People wanted smaller raids because 40 was just too much for most guilds.

PuGs is another thing people are complaining about, saying you can PuG any raid instance. Yes you could PuG The Eye, SSC or BT back in TBC, or Ulduar in WoTLK, but I'm betting you wouldn't get far without a lot of frustration. Besides, a PuG is still a group of players that might have already done the bosses before, know the strategies, have appropriate equipment to be in the fight anyway, all you need to add is coordination. It's not much different from a guild group going in, except the guild group might have Ventrillo set up.

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#83 -Unreal-
Member since 2004 • 24650 Posts
WoW is just completely boring to me, graphics are just kind of bleck to me, and its not worth the monthly fee. I have not lost a friend to it as you say (kind of makes me think your saying WoW killed them). Just my opinion on the matter people here are a small minority and so alot of hate will be here for it. I hate it but its because to me its boring, combat blows, graphics are ok, story isn't good, just not my kind of game.blade55555
Yet you base that opinion off of less than 10 levels of play? Yeah I remember you.
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#84 Zemus
Member since 2003 • 9304 Posts

Nope. I hate WoW for its "Everybody Wins" Theme. Before WoW MMO's had "Risk vs Reward" and it made them more nail biting and fun to play. WoW took that away and made everyone a Carebear and I just don't enjoy them anymore because all anyone does now is try to Copy WoW.

Ultima Online & Everquest are examples of an MMO done right. Now its true Raiding got Extreme in Everquest and that it should have gotten toned down to be 20-30 people instead of 50-80. But the Mechanics of Everquest were perfect and it bothers the hell out of me how people can sit there and enjoy their MMO just being handed to them with WoW. Its not fun. there is no dangerous gameplay, if you die it doesn't matter you just go back and try again, In Everquest if you Died it meant big trouble and though it was a hassle at times its what made the game great and made everyone pay attention and it made the game more fun.

Today's MMO's is just unplayble for me.

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#85 -Unreal-
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but the ravenous hate for the game cannot be justified because of the gameplay, which is unarguablly high quality and fun (for awhile at least).


WoW fanboy coing on here trying to tell us that we don't really hate the game. We hate the game, because it sucks. Why anyone would pay $1000 to play this "game" is beyond me.

So all the high review scores, awards and record breaking sales and subscription numbers must be wrong. Stop trolling, you're not good at it.
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#86 flipin_jackass
Member since 2004 • 9772 Posts
[QUOTE="blade55555"]WoW is just completely boring to me, graphics are just kind of bleck to me, and its not worth the monthly fee. I have not lost a friend to it as you say (kind of makes me think your saying WoW killed them). Just my opinion on the matter people here are a small minority and so alot of hate will be here for it. I hate it but its because to me its boring, combat blows, graphics are ok, story isn't good, just not my kind of game.-Unreal-
Yet you base that opinion off of less than 10 levels of play? Yeah I remember you.

Why not? If he tried it for 10 levels and thought it was boring, why should he have to endure more? That's probably more than most people who hate it for no apparent reason, having not tried the game.
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#87 -Unreal-
Member since 2004 • 24650 Posts

They've made it so darn simple. Just take a look back at vanilla or early TBC... In vanilla the casuals stuck with Tier 0 and 0.5 ( when it was added in the game by a patch ) and did five mans and ten mans ( UBRS, LBRS, Scholomance (pre-patch) and Stratholme (pre-patch). ) Those who had the patience and will to take the game to another level joined a guild and started raiding 20-40 man raids. It was very hard and time consuming but each time you downed a boss or received a new piece of gear it really ment something.

In TBC, they introduced heroics and badge rewards which gave the casuals a chance to lay their hands on some epic gear which was alright in my opinion. The first raid instance was Karazhan ( my favourite ) which required you to do a pretty hard attunement quest before you could enter. In TBC they made the raiding look like a ladder: you had to clear TK and SSC before you could do Mount Hyjal & same with BT, but in the middle of everything they changed their minds! Attunements were removed, instances nerfed, overpowered badge loot added and it became too easy to acquire badges. Heck, in the ending you could PuG BT which was ment to be the step hardest raid!

And now, WotLK. Blizzard continued where they had ended... Almost ALL raids are PuGable! There is no longer a need of skill, patience or devotion to play this game. A mate of mine plays 2 hours a day at max and he has full T7.5 along with all useful badge rewards for his clas( which are overpowered of course. )

A big FU to Blizzard for ruining the best game I had ever played.


They removed the attunement to Hyjal and BT cloce to the end of TBC to allow players (who were asking on the forums) to see the content since it was content which was very important to fans of Warcraft. They did it for the fans, same as with badge loot and low ilvl "epics". Those were all put in for casual players because a lot (maybe more than half I think) of the playerbase asked for easier to get gear without having to raid all the time, but still had to put in some effort to get. This is the same case with 40-man raids being reduced to 25-man raids. Many guilds just couldn't get close to 40 people to raid with, so they had to reduce it. And since you're saying the game requires no skill, patience or devotion, I'm guessing you have exceptionally good gear on your character, have killed Yogg and Algalon and cleared up to the current boss of the Trial of the Grand Crusader. Oh, and no skill needed, so you're probably one of the highest ranked PvPers in the world too. Do tell me who this character of yours is, I'm dying to see.

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#88 -Unreal-
Member since 2004 • 24650 Posts
[QUOTE="-Unreal-"][QUOTE="blade55555"]WoW is just completely boring to me, graphics are just kind of bleck to me, and its not worth the monthly fee. I have not lost a friend to it as you say (kind of makes me think your saying WoW killed them). Just my opinion on the matter people here are a small minority and so alot of hate will be here for it. I hate it but its because to me its boring, combat blows, graphics are ok, story isn't good, just not my kind of game.flipin_jackass
Yet you base that opinion off of less than 10 levels of play? Yeah I remember you.

Why not? If he tried it for 10 levels and thought it was boring, why should he have to endure more? That's probably more than most people who hate it for no apparent reason, having not tried the game.

I never said he has to endure more. What most people know about the MMO genre, is that you need to play for a good amount of time for the game to open up. You don't even get your first major skill in the game until level 10, or your talent tree unlocked. You don't even see a dungeon until past level 10! And it's really not hard to get to level 10. Come on. Besides, you should see the conversation I had with him through PMs. He's clearly just hating on the game.
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#89 Mograine
Member since 2006 • 3666 Posts

The reason I hated WoW was becouse I hated people who played it=) I loathe people who spend considerable time talking about what has +of what and what awesome loot they got after a raid. When I got over those people and actually tried the game it turned out its awesome and people like I described are a minority.


You hate people because they like to do maths?


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#90 Phoenix534
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but the ravenous hate for the game cannot be justified because of the gameplay, which is unarguablly high quality and fun (for awhile at least).


WoW fanboy coing on here trying to tell us that we don't really hate the game. We hate the game, because it sucks. Why anyone would pay $1000 to play this "game" is beyond me.

So all the high review scores, awards and record breaking sales and subscription numbers must be wrong. Stop trolling, you're not good at it.

The high sales and subscriptions have nothing to do with quality. Call of Duty 4 has high sales and players, it's not good either. Awards are awarded to easily, and reviewers are easily manipulated.

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#91 Combii
Member since 2009 • 755 Posts

I loved it played it for 2 years then i totally stopped, because:

1. My friends stopped playing (That took a lot of why i stopped)

2. I wasn't good to school because i used all my time on Wow. Example i didn't do my homework and didn't study that much for tests.

3. And the last thing is in wow, is that when i realised that i used all my time to get some good gear and the Blizzard made some new that you had to spend alot of time to get.

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#92 -Unreal-
Member since 2004 • 24650 Posts


WoW fanboy coing on here trying to tell us that we don't really hate the game. We hate the game, because it sucks. Why anyone would pay $1000 to play this "game" is beyond me.


So all the high review scores, awards and record breaking sales and subscription numbers must be wrong. Stop trolling, you're not good at it.

The high sales and subscriptions have nothing to do with quality. Call of Duty 4 has high sales and players, it's not good either. Awards are awarded to easily, and reviewers are easily manipulated.

Of course the sales have to do with quality. There's plenty of MMOs out there, there's plenty of good ones too, but the record breaking number that subscribe to WoW shows its quality. That number of people don't stick with one game if it's crap when there's plenty of alternatives. And CoD4 is an excellent online game. Great multiplayer, very competitive.
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#93 flipin_jackass
Member since 2004 • 9772 Posts
[QUOTE="-Unreal-"][QUOTE="flipin_jackass"][QUOTE="-Unreal-"] Yet you base that opinion off of less than 10 levels of play? Yeah I remember you.

Why not? If he tried it for 10 levels and thought it was boring, why should he have to endure more? That's probably more than most people who hate it for no apparent reason, having not tried the game.

I never said he has to endure more. What most people know about the MMO genre, is that you need to play for a good amount of time for the game to open up. You don't even get your first major skill in the game until level 10, or your talent tree unlocked. You don't even see a dungeon until past level 10! And it's really not hard to get to level 10. Come on. Besides, you should see the conversation I had with him through PMs. He's clearly just hating on the game.

I see. I though you were dismissing his opinion because he only went through level 10. But if he's hating, that's different.
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#94 -Unreal-
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[QUOTE="flipin_jackass"][QUOTE="-Unreal-"][QUOTE="flipin_jackass"] Why not? If he tried it for 10 levels and thought it was boring, why should he have to endure more? That's probably more than most people who hate it for no apparent reason, having not tried the game.

I never said he has to endure more. What most people know about the MMO genre, is that you need to play for a good amount of time for the game to open up. You don't even get your first major skill in the game until level 10, or your talent tree unlocked. You don't even see a dungeon until past level 10! And it's really not hard to get to level 10. Come on. Besides, you should see the conversation I had with him through PMs. He's clearly just hating on the game.

I see. I though you were dismissing his opinion because he only went through level 10. But if he's hating, that's different.

I was dismissing his opinion of the game. An MMO can't be summed up in such little time. He didn't even get to level 10, which is the level you get your first major ability and your talent tree is unlocked. He probably seen like 3 zones at the most and no dungeons. There's loads of games on the market which might seem bland to begin with but really take off after more play. The point I was making is that he's giving his opinion based on the first 9 levels of an MMO, where he's experienced a very very small amount of what the game has to offer. Not even any PvP, any dungeons and only a couple of zones (if that).
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#95 appletsauce
Member since 2006 • 1035 Posts

I don't hate it, but I also don't like the idea of having to pay monthly to keep playing I game I've already paid for.

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#96 th3warr1or
Member since 2007 • 20637 Posts
Because I don't find it remotely fun at all. I have to admit that I was tempted a few times(bought and sold the game), but the price they charge is ridiculous.
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#97 Nerkcon
Member since 2006 • 4707 Posts
[QUOTE="-Unreal-"][QUOTE="flipin_jackass"][QUOTE="-Unreal-"] Yet you base that opinion off of less than 10 levels of play? Yeah I remember you.

Why not? If he tried it for 10 levels and thought it was boring, why should he have to endure more? That's probably more than most people who hate it for no apparent reason, having not tried the game.

I never said he has to endure more. What most people know about the MMO genre, is that you need to play for a good amount of time for the game to open up. You don't even get your first major skill in the game until level 10, or your talent tree unlocked. You don't even see a dungeon until past level 10! And it's really not hard to get to level 10. Come on. Besides, you should see the conversation I had with him through PMs. He's clearly just hating on the game.

Off topic but how can I PM you? I don't need to anymore but I've some questions for you in the past (Both WoW and non Wow related). But when I click on your profile all it says is; "Sorry, this user profile is set to private." :(
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#98 mrbojangles25
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No, people hate it because it was turned into even more casual crap.

its pretty bad when a 7 year old girl can have multiple max level characters.


thats the whole reason I like it. I work 50 hours a week, and its a nice, casual, fun game you can play in spurts.

Its also cost-efficient, fun, social, and great to play with friends.

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#99 FelipeInside
Member since 2003 • 28548 Posts


WoW fanboy coing on here trying to tell us that we don't really hate the game. We hate the game, because it sucks. Why anyone would pay $1000 to play this "game" is beyond me.


So all the high review scores, awards and record breaking sales and subscription numbers must be wrong. Stop trolling, you're not good at it.

The high sales and subscriptions have nothing to do with quality. Call of Duty 4 has high sales and players, it's not good either. Awards are awarded to easily, and reviewers are easily manipulated.

Call of Dutyb 4 not good? Well for you maybe.... lots of people thought it was awesome, and I agree...
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#100 -Unreal-
Member since 2004 • 24650 Posts
[QUOTE="Nerkcon"][QUOTE="-Unreal-"][QUOTE="flipin_jackass"] Why not? If he tried it for 10 levels and thought it was boring, why should he have to endure more? That's probably more than most people who hate it for no apparent reason, having not tried the game.

I never said he has to endure more. What most people know about the MMO genre, is that you need to play for a good amount of time for the game to open up. You don't even get your first major skill in the game until level 10, or your talent tree unlocked. You don't even see a dungeon until past level 10! And it's really not hard to get to level 10. Come on. Besides, you should see the conversation I had with him through PMs. He's clearly just hating on the game.

Off topic but how can I PM you? I don't need to anymore but I've some questions for you in the past (Both WoW and non Wow related). But when I click on your profile all it says is; "Sorry, this user profile is set to private." :(

Open your mailbox by clicking the little icon next to your name on the top right of GameSpot's interface. Then send a new message and put my username in.