They've made it so darn simple. Just take a look back at vanilla or early TBC... In vanilla the casuals stuck with Tier 0 and 0.5 ( when it was added in the game by a patch ) and did five mans and ten mans ( UBRS, LBRS, Scholomance (pre-patch) and Stratholme (pre-patch). ) Those who had the patience and will to take the game to another level joined a guild and started raiding 20-40 man raids. It was very hard and time consuming but each time you downed a boss or received a new piece of gear it really ment something.
In TBC, they introduced heroics and badge rewards which gave the casuals a chance to lay their hands on some epic gear which was alright in my opinion. The first raid instance was Karazhan ( my favourite ) which required you to do a pretty hard attunement quest before you could enter. In TBC they made the raiding look like a ladder: you had to clear TK and SSC before you could do Mount Hyjal & same with BT, but in the middle of everything they changed their minds! Attunements were removed, instances nerfed, overpowered badge loot added and it became too easy to acquire badges. Heck, in the ending you could PuG BT which was ment to be the step hardest raid!
And now, WotLK. Blizzard continued where they had ended... Almost ALL raids are PuGable! There is no longer a need of skill, patience or devotion to play this game. A mate of mine plays 2 hours a day at max and he has full T7.5 along with all useful badge rewards for his clas( which are overpowered of course. )
A big FU to Blizzard for ruining the best game I had ever played.
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