[QUOTE="mitu123"][QUOTE="gameguy6700"]Go back and re-read the article: Update: The new extreme setting is infact the previously known hardcore setting. They changed the names of the graphic settings, its now good, very good and extreme. In other words, there's nothing new to see here folks, it's the same exact thing we saw in the demo. And really, even if they were new settings no one should have been getting excited until we saw screenshots.Ikuto_Tsukiyomi
So they simply change the names because the previous names were confusing? LOL. Yep folks, this is it, unless they decide to patch custom graphics settings(which is unheard of) and tacked on DX11, the demo is pretty much the final game.We don't even know IF they will put in DX11, they might just keep holding it off again and again till we just get fed up and forget about it.I wouldnt be surprised if they did that, along with no custom options they might as well just kept it in DX9. if the Cfg is encypted then we might as well get firey-pitch forks and demand our money back; I sure as well will, if they're gonna piss us about, they better not complain about poor sales, even though /they/ will, but then we can turn around and say;
"You had it coming" but that won't stop them throwing crap like "PC gamers are pirates hur dur; even though we cant really read"
I don't know if it's the developer's doing or EA, or both. I wouldn't be surprised if they kept holding it off until people just forget about it. If the game sells enough to the point where they feel like they don't need to patch DX11, then they probably won't. My reasoning behind this is because look at Dragon Age 2. No fix for DX11 Very High for Nvidia GPU's except maybe GTX 580 gpus only.Not only that, DX11 on High is unstable. Frame rate flies all over the place but you could see it climbing to 60, hangs up there and drops to 40's again even with my setup.
With the Crysis 2 demo, after patching it with Nvidia SLi profile, it ran 60fps without a hitch. Never dropped below 57fps for a second. So I have hope Crysis 2 will perform well. At this point, I don't really care if DX11 is coming or not. Because I've seen it happen with DA2 and they stood by and did nothing.. so I could imagine Crysis 2 not having any kind of support either. DX11 on DA2 is a mess so I could live without it as long as Crysis 2 looks great on DX9.
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