This just blows my mind...
Crytek knew exactly how much sales they would get, and how much money to invest in the project...
Nobody is stupid here, this is not their first game, they knew how much PC games sell.In fact Cryiss toped Far Cry in sales, so..
It was profitable, and they expected those numbers.
The problem for Crytek is that they were drooling over the sales Modern Warfare and Halo 3 got, who launched around the same time, and started blaming piracy for everything. CoD and Halo are THE MOST popular shooter franchises, and they are focused on MP, while Crysis was a SP game that's a NEW IP. Do you know how much new IP's sell? Here's some for you, only 1 % of the new IP's launched on consoles this gen topped 1 million. Only one percent.
So, don't give me that, it's my fault, they knew what sales they were getting, and it was extremely proftable for them. Now just abandoning any support for the PC platform, this just screams no respect or gratitude for the people who bought their game.
See this if you want to know what you're dealing with here...
"But if it sells anywhere near what [Call of Duty] Black Ops has, there may be more from Crysis,"
They want Black Ops numbers...:roll:
champ, where does crytek say they wanted to see Crysis on the PC sell as well as a COD game? whether they succeed in achieving COD's number of sales with Crysis 2 or not doesn't mean they'll stop developing a sequel for the game altogether, and if they do, it will more plausibly happen simply because it's not worth investing in the development of another big-budget game, not becauseofsome absurdly highsales expectationspipe dream reason you are trying to fabricate.
No, it's chasing after hypothetical console sales i assure you.I told you already, it sold a lot more than Far Cry 2, and nobody is that stupid to think that PC sales will increase tenfold somehow in such a short period.
They knew how much it would sell, yet still they whined about it.
I can find you an interview where Cevat makes hilarious assumptions of how they would sell five times more if they were on consoles... And you already read that where Cevat expectiations are Black Ops numbers..
Crysis was extremely profitable...They only needed about.. 700k-800k sales to reach equilibrium. The rest of the sales were just pure profit.
What is this crap, companies don't make games to 'reach equilibrium', they are not a charitable organization. They do it for profit. If years of work makes them only get their investment back...Those sales won't just be 'hypothetical'. If Crysis 2 does well with reviews there's no reason not to expect it to sell better, being multiplat, though I do have to wonder how you know that:
1. They knew Crysis will sell 3 million, 3 years after the game releases. 3 years after they've been already working on crysis 2.
2. How you came to the conclusion that Crysis was 'extremely profitable'. It's not just about sales, it's also about how much money you put in your game. On the previous page I linked an article about how Crysis 2 barely pushed the 1 million mark, and that article was in April. That's sales across 1, 2, 3... 5 months, and 1 million copies sold sounds extremely low to someone that doesn't count game sales for a living.
I'm not sure how you know Crytek could predict how their game will perform with 100% accuracy, but before I would give in to the "crytek got lazy/greedy because they aren't putting the PC first anymore" comments, I am reminded by this from Crytek, and how it points to the decisions they made with Crysis 2:
"We are suffering currently from the huge piracy that is encompassing Crysis. We seem to lead the charts in piracy by a large margin; a chart leading that is not desirable," Yerli said. "I believe that's the core problem of PC gaming, piracy. To the degree PC gamers that pirate games inherently destroy the platform. Similar games on consoles sell factors of 4 [to] 5 more. It was a big lesson for us and I believe we won't have PC exclusives as we did with Crysis in future. We are going to support PC, but not exclusive anymore."
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