[QUOTE="chesterocks7"] yes all games are built around simple concepts, but most are fleshed out more than doom.fatshodan
So? How fun a game is is what matters - in one of my all time favourite games of all time, all you do is draw shapes with your mouse. There's no story - it's not about story. It's about fun gameplay mechanics. And, last time I checked, games were about fun first and foremost, and all the constituent elements of a computer game were designed to that end.
fps' are all aim and shoot. but almost all fps games other than the doom series actually have somewhat of a storyline.chesterocks7
Doom does have a storyline, and I think it's a great storyline. It has very little in the way of storytelling, but 90% of the FPS genre is barely one rung above Doom on the ladder of quality storytelling.
to say that half-life's story is a copy of doom's with a little more fluff is a ridiculous claim. doom's story is a hell portal opened on mars (correction: Mars' Moon) and demons are trying to get to earth. thats it.chesterocks7
And Half Life's story is a portal to an alternate dimension that's opened on Earth and aliens running rampant. The HL story has a little more fluff, as I said, but it's the same basic storyline.
there arent even any characters. and you have obviously not played anything but doom in those past 14 years if you think that 98% of fps games have no story.chesterocks7
Understand that by no I mean ****ing awful and not worth paying attention to. I can name about six FPS games that have genuinely great stories, and I can assure you that I have played every FPS worth playing.
Oh, and if you don't recognise my username, avatar and signature, you don't deserve to talk about FPS games and their stories.
the only reason doom is still alive is because the original game was such a hit and the fanbase created by that still follows it devoutly, as you are evidence of.chesterocks7
And its gameplay mechanics still haven't been topped, even though plenty of recent games have tried. Games like Serious Sam and its sequels, Painkiller, Starship Troopers and the soon to be released Necrovision. The hectic swarm-slaughter gameplay is still going strong, and while it's a niche market today, that market still exists. And Doom is still the finest example of a game built for such a market.
doom has no story other than you have to kill things. it is the most brainless game ever created.chesterocks7
Okay, firstly. Let's just clarify something here. FPS games are not about stories. Barring scant few exceptions, the storyline in a FPS exists for one reason: to give context to the gunplay. That's the only reason stories exist in FPS games. People do not play FPS games for stories, they play them for combat.
As for it being the most brainless game ever - what does that even mean? FPS games aren't about thought, they're about instinct and reflex.
just because you are a religious follower of a horrible game, dont try to convince everyone that that game is better than all others.chesterocks7
See, you're misunderstanding me. I didn't say it was better than the other games, I said it could not be compared - the core gameplay mechanics are too different. I wouldn't compare Doom with Half Life because that's like comparing, as I said, an electric oven with an office chair. They are very different things and they set out to do different things.
i would bet money that if i created a poll on gamespot asking which game is better, doom or 6 other popular games, doom would be in last place.chesterocks7
Yeah, and I bet that ten years from now, if you put Half Life 2 on a list with six other games, Half Life 2 will be in last place. I fail to see your point, unless your point is that most people on GS are kids who can only appreciate games with pretty graphics.
you seem to think that just because doom pioneered the shooter genre, it will always be the best game ever created,chesterocks7
No, I seem to think that Doom will always be the best at what it does - and what it does is provide insane action and huge numbers of enemies to gun down. As I said before this argument even started, I wouldn't compare Doom with a game like Half Life, because they have fundamentally different gameplay mechanics. But, unlike you, I make room for both Doom and Half Life on the pantheon.
however, doom as been outdone and beaten time and time again, because ppl have actually come to appreciate the hard work put into other great titles, and doom just doesnt reach that mark.chesterocks7
Doom has not been outdone even once at what it does. There are games with more complicated gameplay mechanics and better storytelling, but there are also games with more complicated gameplay mechanics and better storytelling than a driving game. Would you compare them? Of course you wouldn't.
point and click may be the foundation for all fps' but thats all doom's got, and that is why it is inferior to all the games that go farther than that.chesterocks7
In your opinion, sure. But I'm openminded enough to make room for all great games. Not just the recent ones with pretty graphics. Doom offers the kind of insane high action, as well as truly iconic enemies and weapons, which you cannot find anywhere else.
as i said before this is all a matter of opinion, which is why im not going to argue this further. but the fact is, most people prefer a game with depth, a fleshed out story, and good gameplay mechanics, over a game that just throws tons of enemies at you and gives you tons of guns and ammo. if you feel inclined to argue this more, ill make a poll to see what most people prefer. but trying to convince others of your opinion when they feel differently is a hopelessly futile task.
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