OMFG, your post is so full of wrong I don't know where to being, or even try to.
A person like yourself, using an ANDROID phone and accusing another phone of copying iPhone? Hahahahahahahahah. When the Android is nearly a replica of the iPhone OS?
First, your opinion is invalid since you have never used a Windows Phone.
Second, without using a Windows Phone you have called it trash....so basically it's like saying I hate eating Apples but I've never tried one, so ur opinion is even MORE invalid.
Third, if you think Windows Phone is copying iPhone, then please stop talking cause you are making a fool of yourself. WP does the complete opposite of both iPhone and Android and introduces a brand new way of OS, which in most sections does better than both. I've used extensively both iPhones and Androids, and then I started using Windows Phone and never going back cause once you do, you can tell the rest live in the past.
As for WP7 behind in technology....oh please stop talking and research some facts.
I'm going to sleep now cause I maybe read ur post wrong, or I dreamt it...
Well I am also now inclined to think you have someone who works at MS or you have bought some shares of MS lol.I have used windows phone 7 but never owned one cuz I dont have to in order to know how bad it is. Android only copied the home screen visual style of the iphone not how you actually use the phone or any of the basic functionality.
This isnt a mobile forum and seems like you arent worth arguing anyways, good day!!
Exactly, let's not derail the topic. And again, why does praising a company when they do something right makes you an employee? What a stupid thing to say.
But next time do some research before saying something is trash when you have never actually THOROUGHLY tested it, each function and compared it.
Android is a copy of iPhone in most places, WP7 is completely different, and that's a fact.
Android was developed to compete with blackberry, not iphone. Android was already being developed when the iphone came out. The only thing that the iphone had that android did not was a touch screen, this is why you see so many of the early android phones with a slide out keyboard.
iOS and WP7 were designed with a touch screen in mind, android was not. This is why iOS and WP7 feel more responsive, they have touches interrupt the process, which is why you can scroll to your hearts desire to interrupt anything from ever happening. In most cases even though it feels like iOS and WP7 load faster, they do not, and in most cases load slower, it's just on android you can't really do anything with the touch screen until everything is finished, which is where the multicores come in.
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