[QUOTE="NathanDrake"][QUOTE="GodLovesDead"]It's the 8800GTS 640. It's the weakest part of your system easily. Sell it and upgrade while you can. There's people who are still willing to pay 150+ since they are conisdering SLI. Get that money and pick up a 9800GTX for $150 more. And 2GB of ram is fine. People who say 4gb makes a noticeable difference are either trying to justify their purchase in extra RAM, or they are running Vista with a load of background processes.
so what do you recommend than?
Oh comon just for ONE game?Wait for new ATI cards coming this summer which will blow all current cards away.While a 9800GTX will give you a noticible improvement in crysis,I think you will really regret with the new ATI cards.
It's just one big waiting game. You can wait all you want. But there's no games that will top Crysis' visuals for a long time to come. Don't expect the ATI cards to be cheap either. And by that time, you won't be able to sell the 8800GTS so in the end it'll just be costing you a lot more money. Personally, I'm just impatient. Waiting would be the best idea - but the thing is - waiting is always the best idea. I'm sure the early ATI cards will have driver problems and won't be a great thing budget-wise. Soon they will release faster versions of the card for cheaper while NVIDIA is then doing their own things. There's just too much to factor in. What's the point of going beyond a 9800GTX anyways? Spore? Starcraft 2? C'mon now.
[QUOTE="GodLovesDead"][QUOTE="NathanDrake"][QUOTE="GodLovesDead"]It's the 8800GTS 640. It's the weakest part of your system easily. Sell it and upgrade while you can. There's people who are still willing to pay 150+ since they are conisdering SLI. Get that money and pick up a 9800GTX for $150 more. And 2GB of ram is fine. People who say 4gb makes a noticeable difference are either trying to justify their purchase in extra RAM, or they are running Vista with a load of background processes.
so what do you recommend than?
I was in the same situation as you, but with an Opteron 180. I sold the 8800GTS for $150 and use my extra $150 to pick up a 9800GTX. I accidently broke my Opteron 180 during cleaning so I have an E8400 on the way. Right now I'm using an AMD Athlon 3700+ and 9800GTX and it's honestly running better than before. I can only imagine how well it'll run once my E8400 shows up. This single processor sucks.
Yes you mean that a single core processor + 9800GTX is ruuning better than a dual core and 8800GTS.Justifying purchases anyone?And do you even know just how terrible your old CPU was for crysis?You dont even know what components need to be upgraded and what not.The fact that you were going to run a 9800GTX on an opteron 180 just shows that.
It is running better than a dual core + 8800GTS. It's not that hard to believe. And an Opteron 180 is the highest-ended Socket 939 processor you can get (or just about). I had it at around 2.9 ghz. Obviously you're overrating the capability of a processor if my single core is running Crysis @ 1680x1050, all high with 30 FPS. I don't even know what components need to be upgraded and what not? Get the hell out of here boy, you aren't in my shoes.
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