the only reason im considering this is because its from kotor, but if it has a monthly fee, im not gonna buy it
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the only reason im considering this is because its from kotor, but if it has a monthly fee, im not gonna buy it
It's an MMO. Unless a dev comes out and explicitly says there won't be a monthly fee expect it to have one.
This. Also, just about every MMO that Sony backs is pay-for-play. Aside from some games where they nerf the content and give you the "free" version.
It's a huge game from a big-name publisher that's an MMO game. I would say there's about a 99% chance of it being a pay-for-play game.
At least initially...
FFIV. Yeesh....
I suggest you look into guild wars 2. It's another huge mmo, bigger than swtor, in fact. It bringing a lot of new and fun things to the table that no mmo currently or in the forseable future offers/ will offer. And the best part is, it's free. And trust me when I say this, it will be a-m-a-z-i-n-g, best mmo of 2011, fact.
My bad, by free I meant no monthly fees, it will still have a retail price.
I suggest you look into guild wars 2. It's another huge mmo, bigger than swtor, in fact. It bringing a lot of new and fun things to the table that no mmo currently or in the forseable future offers/ will offer. And the best part is, it's free. And trust me when I say this, it will be a-m-a-z-i-n-g, best mmo of 2011, fact.
I loved the original. Played it so much more than WoW. Hopefully 2 does well.
nd yea im not that much into mmo, just wanted to play the old republic because it the sequel to kotor, but i dunno mayber ill try guild wars, if its free, ive got nuthin to lose, well maybe my life lol, but whatever. i know im not going anywhere near wow though, dont have that kind of money
nd yea im not that much into mmo, just wanted to play the old republic because it the sequel to kotor, but i dunno mayber ill try guild wars, if its free, ive got nuthin to lose, well maybe my life lol, but whatever. i know im not going anywhere near wow though, dont have that kind of money
You should check it out, guild wars 2 I mean. The release date is still to be announced but it is gonna be sometime in 2011. If I had to guess Q2-Q3. Anyways, they had plenty of showings for the game. The biggest showing so far was in GamesCom where they won the award for best MMO on show floor, beating out competition like WoW:C, D3, FFXIV, SWTOR, etc. You can check out plenty of videos on youtube if you wish. Everything looks top notch.
they'll end up dropping the monthly fees to compete with lotro, wow and guild wars 2. i cant see SWTOR being very successful with a monthly fee unless it was 5 bucks a month or having a f2p system like lotro does.yellosnolvrYeah thats what im hoping for, i mean i dont think the market could handle as many mmos as are coming out, especiallly if it costs$15 a month. I dunno, i think it was mistake for bioware to venture into mmos when its already competetive as hell.
i don't know whats the big deal about TOR, i loved kotor but from what i've seen and read so far the only reason they are connecting TOR and kotor besides the universe is to make marketing,TOR loooks like a terrible game and i can bet it will fail
The comments in this thread fail on all levels.
The game pushes the MMO genre forward:
1. Branching choices and alignments.
2. Alignments not depending on the faction.
3. Classes and faction you begin with determines the backstory you will play through and will decide the areas you quest in. Nothing new in itself, but this BioWare bringing COMPLEX decisions that WILL affect the backstory somehow,
4. Companions you can interact with, with their own backstory and morals you MAY be able to affect.
5. The companions WILL vary based on your faction/class.
6. Starships unique to your class.
It's the most ambitious game BioWare ever made.
If you don't think that's in the least bit interesting... RPG's are not for you.
^^Wow, calm down there. Firstly, we still have to see if its all going to come toghether the way bioware wants. Secondly, im not discussing if its gonna be a great game or not, im just wondering if it can compete with already established mmos like wow or guild wars 2.
It will stay a monthly fee its going to be the most sought after mmorpg..Since wow came into existance..Look mmorpgs have been pay to play since the ultimate days..Its not going to change...Guild wars 2 did some thing good with its product sure..How ever most devs see cash cows with mmorpgs..Thats why every one and his brother are trying to make a successful one..Lotr failed upon launch because it didnt have a end game..Thats why most mmorpgs are failing these days..You need a end game to keep people buys once they reach lvl 50..Hopefully star wars mmorpg have learned this lesson other wise it will fail also..
sounds like an great elements for an RPG game..not an MMORPGThe comments in this thread fail on all levels.
The game pushes the MMO genre forward:
1. Branching choices and alignments.
2. Alignments not depending on the faction.
3. Classes and faction you begin with determines the backstory you will play through and will decide the areas you quest in. Nothing new in itself, but this BioWare bringing COMPLEX decisions that WILL affect the backstory somehow,
4. Companions you can interact with, with their own backstory and morals you MAY be able to affect.
5. The companions WILL vary based on your faction/class.
6. Starships unique to your class.
It's the most ambitious game BioWare ever made.
If you don't think that's in the least bit interesting... RPG's are not for you.
[QUOTE="SkyWard20"]sounds like an great elements for an RPG game..not an MMORPG If RPG's can have that, why not MMO's? IF it's successful... it may make MMO developers take a new, story-driven direction with their games, which is good.The comments in this thread fail on all levels.
The game pushes the MMO genre forward:
1. Branching choices and alignments.
2. Alignments not depending on the faction.
3. Classes and faction you begin with determines the backstory you will play through and will decide the areas you quest in. Nothing new in itself, but this BioWare bringing COMPLEX decisions that WILL affect the backstory somehow,
4. Companions you can interact with, with their own backstory and morals you MAY be able to affect.
5. The companions WILL vary based on your faction/class.
6. Starships unique to your class.
It's the most ambitious game BioWare ever made.
If you don't think that's in the least bit interesting... RPG's are not for you.
The comments in this thread fail on all levels.
The game pushes the MMO genre forward:
1. Branching choices and alignments.
2. Alignments not depending on the faction.
3. Classes and faction you begin with determines the backstory you will play through and will decide the areas you quest in. Nothing new in itself, but this BioWare bringing COMPLEX decisions that WILL affect the backstory somehow,
4. Companions you can interact with, with their own backstory and morals you MAY be able to affect.
5. The companions WILL vary based on your faction/class.
6. Starships unique to your class.
It's the most ambitious game BioWare ever made.
If you don't think that's in the least bit interesting... RPG's are not for you.
sounds like an great elements for an RPG game..not an MMORPG If RPG's can have that, why not MMO's? IF it's successful... it may make MMO developers take a new, story-driven direction with their games, which is good. I dont know if Bioware can pull it off though, the whole reason we love rpgs is that your decision changes the world, how is bioware gonna change the world for the thousands of people playing it. Its one thing to be ambitious, its another thing to actually do it successfully.Hey,
I suggest you look into guild wars 2. It's another huge mmo, bigger than swtor, in fact. It bringing a lot of new and fun things to the table that no mmo currently or in the forseable future offers/ will offer. And the best part is, it's free. And trust me when I say this, it will be a-m-a-z-i-n-g, best mmo of 2011, fact.
My bad, by free I meant no monthly fees, it will still have a retail price.
Source on the bigger than SWTOR?
It's an MMO. Unless a dev comes out and explicitly says there won't be a monthly fee expect it to have one.
This. Also, just about every MMO that Sony backs is pay-for-play. Aside from some games where they nerf the content and give you the "free" version.
It's a huge game from a big-name publisher that's an MMO game. I would say there's about a 99% chance of it being a pay-for-play game.
At least initially...
FFIV. Yeesh....
SWTOR isnt sony backed is it? Its made by Bioware and Bioware are owned by EA. I dont think SWTOR has anything to do with Sony Online.I like how you write something you can have absolutely have no idea about as a factHey,
I suggest you look into guild wars 2. It's another huge mmo, bigger than swtor, in fact. It bringing a lot of new and fun things to the table that no mmo currently or in the forseable future offers/ will offer. And the best part is, it's free. And trust me when I say this, it will be a-m-a-z-i-n-g, best mmo of 2011, fact.
My bad, by free I meant no monthly fees, it will still have a retail price.
the only reason im considering this is because its from kotor, but if it has a monthly fee, im not gonna buy it
.. No it isn't.. Outside of universe it will not share anything in similarity to KOTOR1.. It would be almost as bad as claiming the reason your going to play WoW is because you liked Warcraft 3.
The comments in this thread fail on all levels.
The game pushes the MMO genre forward:
1. Branching choices and alignments.
They aren't the first MMO to do this.
2. Alignments not depending on the faction.
Not the first MMO to do this.
3. Classes and faction you begin with determines the backstory you will play through and will decide the areas you quest in. Nothing new in itself, but this BioWare bringing COMPLEX decisions that WILL affect the backstory somehow,
Believe it when I see it.. When I see ridiculous claims like this I see one of two possibilities.. A game that is entirely too small because it tried to make a few paths so detailed that all their resources are put into it.. OR a game thats wide and varied but is like a small piece of butter spread over a big piece of toast.
4. Companions you can interact with, with their own backstory and morals you MAY be able to affect.
5. The companions WILL vary based on your faction/class.
6. Starships unique to your class.
It's the most ambitious game BioWare ever made.
If you don't think that's in the least bit interesting... RPG's are not for you.
................ I think they are fun THEORIES and ideas.. Just like the claims of SPORE did, but the game released wasn't quite what people expected no? I am far more skeptic of this seeing as I am willing to bet this game is going to suffer the Star Wars plague.. In that EVERY ONE will want to be a Sith or Jedi..
I suggest you look into guild wars 2. It's another huge mmo, bigger than swtor, in fact. It bringing a lot of new and fun things to the table that no mmo currently or in the forseable future offers/ will offer. And the best part is, it's free. And trust me when I say this, it will be a-m-a-z-i-n-g, best mmo of 2011, fact.
My bad, by free I meant no monthly fees, it will still have a retail price.
Source on the bigger than SWTOR?
Just compare what each game is offering and you'll find your answer. Sure, both games still have things under wraps but from what has been showed, you'll come with a definitive answer.
I like how you write something you can have absolutely have no idea about as a fact[QUOTE="wootasifwoot"]
I suggest you look into guild wars 2. It's another huge mmo, bigger than swtor, in fact. It bringing a lot of new and fun things to the table that no mmo currently or in the forseable future offers/ will offer. And the best part is, it's free. And trust me when I say this, it will be a-m-a-z-i-n-g, best mmo of 2011, fact.
My bad, by free I meant no monthly fees, it will still have a retail price.
What makes you think I have no idea of what I'm speaking? You trying to challenge me or something? How about YOU get your facts straight. All I did was compare the what each game is offering and judged each game off of that. Take it how you will but the fact remains, gw2 is a much more larger and ambitious game. game
And if what I'm saying doesn't hold any weight then perhaps the awards that gw2 has one won it's DEBUT, trumping all the big name MMOs, will hold weight.
SWTOR will probably have a monthly fee. Around 10-15 USD, dont worry if you enjoy the game it should be worth it hell, most cinema tickets cost around that price.
1. Branching choices and alignments. Has been done before
2. Alignments not depending on the faction. While I cant think of any MMO that had factions and alignments at the same time, I know plenty that have an alignment system.
3. Classes and faction you begin with determines the backstory you will play through and will decide the areas you quest in. Nothing new in itself, but this BioWare bringing COMPLEX decisions that WILL affect the backstory somehow, DO NOT WANT, I would rather have my backstory determined by none other than myself as opposed to having the exact same backround as everyone else sharing my class. Individuality is important imo for mmos, and this hurts individuality. Being a different version of the same guy can break immersion, or at least for me.
4. Companions you can interact with, with their own backstory and morals you MAY be able to affect. Likely, and being able to choose their morals, which you seem to state sounds very likely, Obsidian did it with KotoR 2 afterall. Problem is, my companions should be other players, not NPC's
5. The companions WILL vary based on your faction/class. Having companions being based on your class does not sound good to me, chances are they will make it so you are guaranteed to have at least 1 healer, 1 tank and 1 dps.
6. Starships unique to your class. Yup, instead of choosing ourselves what Starships we want, we have the game choose it for us. Once again, way to hurt individuality.
Some of those are good ideas, but not all of them are good for an MMO. And RPGs are very much my favorite genre despite the fact that I am against a lot of those ideas.
I suggest you look into guild wars 2. It's another huge mmo, bigger than swtor, in fact. It bringing a lot of new and fun things to the table that no mmo currently or in the forseable future offers/ will offer. And the best part is, it's free. And trust me when I say this, it will be a-m-a-z-i-n-g, best mmo of 2011, fact.
My bad, by free I meant no monthly fees, it will still have a retail price.
Guild Wars 2 is going to be my game of the year next year. I don't care about the other games, 1400 hours of the original and 50 minutes of GW2 gameplay from watchtower tells me we have a winner. The reason I know this? I HATE MMOs, and this is shaping up to be an evolution of the genre away from massive dungeon crawler (for lack of a better phrase, now its all about loot) to a story based game where you are part of something bigger with *no* fetch quests.
During the video I saw random events popped up which alerted the player to something right then where it needed their help instead of running to someone and triggering scripts. It looked to be entirely dynamic and they are just playing a role in solving the problem instead of being generic hero #500.
One of the developers mentioned on the forums they frequent (yes the Arena Net developers frequent forums other then their own) that each level takes the same amount of time so 1-2 takes as long as 74-75. Bye-bye grinding, I hope you die a horrible death.
I haven't been this excited about a game since... Ever actually.
I like how you write something you can have absolutely have no idea about as a fact[QUOTE="bonafidetk"]
I suggest you look into guild wars 2. It's another huge mmo, bigger than swtor, in fact. It bringing a lot of new and fun things to the table that no mmo currently or in the forseable future offers/ will offer. And the best part is, it's free. And trust me when I say this, it will be a-m-a-z-i-n-g, best mmo of 2011, fact.
My bad, by free I meant no monthly fees, it will still have a retail price.
What makes you think I have no idea of what I'm speaking? You trying to challenge me or something? How about YOU get your facts straight. All I did was compare the what each game is offering and judged each game off of that. Take it how you will but the fact remains, gw2 is a much more larger and ambitious game. game
And if what I'm saying doesn't hold any weight then perhaps the awards that gw2 has one won it's DEBUT, trumping all the big name MMOs, will hold weight.
You have played neither. You are merely speculating. fact.[QUOTE="wootasifwoot"][QUOTE="bonafidetk"] I like how you write something you can have absolutely have no idea about as a fact
What makes you think I have no idea of what I'm speaking? You trying to challenge me or something? How about YOU get your facts straight. All I did was compare the what each game is offering and judged each game off of that. Take it how you will but the fact remains, gw2 is a much more larger and ambitious game. game
And if what I'm saying doesn't hold any weight then perhaps the awards that gw2 has one won it's DEBUT, trumping all the big name MMOs, will hold weight.
You have played neither. You are merely speculating. fact.Lols... speculating on FACTUAL data released on each games FROM the devs themselves. I don't don't think we need to discuss this any further 'cause I know what I speak, er... type.
I suggest you look into guild wars 2. It's another huge mmo, bigger than swtor, in fact. It bringing a lot of new and fun things to the table that no mmo currently or in the forseable future offers/ will offer. And the best part is, it's free. And trust me when I say this, it will be a-m-a-z-i-n-g, best mmo of 2011, fact.
My bad, by free I meant no monthly fees, it will still have a retail price.
Guild Wars 2 is going to be my game of the year next year. I don't care about the other games, 1400 hours of the original and 50 minutes of GW2 gameplay from watchtower tells me we have a winner. The reason I know this? I HATE MMOs, and this is shaping up to be an evolution of the genre away from massive dungeon crawler (for lack of a better phrase, now its all about loot) to a story based game where you are part of something bigger with *no* fetch quests.
During the video I saw random events popped up which alerted the player to something right then where it needed their help instead of running to someone and triggering scripts. It looked to be entirely dynamic and they are just playing a role in solving the problem instead of being generic hero #500.
One of the developers mentioned on the forums they frequent (yes the Arena Net developers frequent forums other then their own) that each level takes the same amount of time so 1-2 takes as long as 74-75. Bye-bye grinding, I hope you die a horrible death.
I haven't been this excited about a game since... Ever actually.
I hear you man.
I suggest you look into guild wars 2. It's another huge mmo, bigger than swtor, in fact. It bringing a lot of new and fun things to the table that no mmo currently or in the forseable future offers/ will offer. And the best part is, it's free. And trust me when I say this, it will be a-m-a-z-i-n-g, best mmo of 2011, fact.
My bad, by free I meant no monthly fees, it will still have a retail price.
Source on the bigger than SWTOR?
Just compare what each game is offering and you'll find your answer. Sure, both games still have things under wraps but from what has been showed, you'll come with a definitive answer.
From SWTOR developer Daniel Erickson "each cla,ss will have 3 chapters once the game launches and that EACH chapter will have as much content as one Mass Effect game"
And that is just for the clas,s story.
Also, I know that isn't very massive for an MMO, but it is a very good sign that they will be putting a lot of content into other areas aswell.
they'll end up dropping the monthly fees to compete with lotro, wow and guild wars 2. i cant see SWTOR being very successful with a monthly fee unless it was 5 bucks a month or having a f2p system like lotro does.yellosnolvrIt will do fine... 1. its made by Bioware, big fan following 2. it is an MMO that has been worked on for a while (likely a quality one). 3. it is a KOTOR MMO. All the reasons I need.
It won't fail, but it won't 'succeed' either. A lot of people will buy it when it comes out and it will have high subs for a few months then die down to probably 500,000 and gradually go down until they add an expansion. To me an MMO doesn't need to topple WoW, just carve out a niche. Lord of the Rings Online has a niche of being almost entirely focused on PvE and story with minimal grind (surprise that I like this one?), Guild Wars 1 (yes I know its not an MMO but people always compare it to WoW so I may as well) has the buy to play model which draws people in who play it alongside their other games for the story and tactical combat it offers, Eve Online draws people in at the aspect of a player controlled economy and world (never played this one myself but I have a decent idea from what I've heard), WoW draws people in who want strong end-game content and an easygoing experience, Aion draws people in who want a grind, and so on.
4. Companions you can interact with, with their own backstory and morals you MAY be able to affect. Likely, and being able to choose their morals, which you seem to state sounds very likely, Obsidian did it with KotoR 2 afterall. Problem is, my companions should be other players, not NPC's
I'm not convinced about that point, since I can't remember Bioware ever doing that to any degree of success. Well, maybe they managed it for extremely important characters like Aribeth and Bastilla, but never for a whole party, and never as well as Obsidian has done.
I certainly don't expect them to start making the most complex party influence system they've ever done for an MMORPG, a game where you're going to spend the majority of your time partying with other players anyway.
*edit* I'm still not sure if TOR will be a solid MMO with a decent fanbase, or a spectacular failure - it really could go either way. It'll be fun to find out what happens to it, though.
The comments in this thread fail on all levels.
The game pushes the MMO genre forward:
1. Branching choices and alignments.
They aren't the first MMO to do this.
2. Alignments not depending on the faction.
Not the first MMO to do this.
3. Classes and faction you begin with determines the backstory you will play through and will decide the areas you quest in. Nothing new in itself, but this BioWare bringing COMPLEX decisions that WILL affect the backstory somehow,
Believe it when I see it.. When I see ridiculous claims like this I see one of two possibilities.. A game that is entirely too small because it tried to make a few paths so detailed that all their resources are put into it.. OR a game thats wide and varied but is like a small piece of butter spread over a big piece of toast.
4. Companions you can interact with, with their own backstory and morals you MAY be able to affect.
5. The companions WILL vary based on your faction/class.
6. Starships unique to your class.
It's the most ambitious game BioWare ever made.
If you don't think that's in the least bit interesting... RPG's are not for you.
................ I think they are fun THEORIES and ideas.. Just like the claims of SPORE did, but the game released wasn't quite what people expected no? I am far more skeptic of this seeing as I am willing to bet this game is going to suffer the Star Wars plague.. In that EVERY ONE will want to be a Sith or Jedi..
And don't say age of conan.
I didn't exactly say they were the first to do ALL THIS, but they're going to bring those ideas to the next level.
And your theory that most will want to be jedi/sith is like claiming that after every WoW expansion, people will only want to be Blood Elf/Draenei or Worgen/Goblin.
There's simply no evidence to support it.
SWTOR will probably have a monthly fee. Around 10-15 USD, dont worry if you enjoy the game it should be worth it hell, most cinema tickets cost around that price.
1. Branching choices and alignments. Has been done before
2. Alignments not depending on the faction. While I cant think of any MMO that had factions and alignments at the same time, I know plenty that have an alignment system.
3. Classes and faction you begin with determines the backstory you will play through and will decide the areas you quest in. Nothing new in itself, but this BioWare bringing COMPLEX decisions that WILL affect the backstory somehow, DO NOT WANT, I would rather have my backstory determined by none other than myself as opposed to having the exact same backround as everyone else sharing my class. Individuality is important imo for mmos, and this hurts individuality. Being a different version of the same guy can break immersion, or at least for me.
4. Companions you can interact with, with their own backstory and morals you MAY be able to affect. Likely, and being able to choose their morals, which you seem to state sounds very likely, Obsidian did it with KotoR 2 afterall. Problem is, my companions should be other players, not NPC's
5. The companions WILL vary based on your faction/class. Having companions being based on your class does not sound good to me, chances are they will make it so you are guaranteed to have at least 1 healer, 1 tank and 1 dps.
6. Starships unique to your class. Yup, instead of choosing ourselves what Starships we want, we have the game choose it for us. Once again, way to hurt individuality.
Some of those are good ideas, but not all of them are good for an MMO. And RPGs are very much my favorite genre despite the fact that I am against a lot of those ideas.
1.You don't understand. How is this better than being the SAME hero who saved Westfall/Elwynn forest. ALL MMO's give you a background, whether you like it or not. Now, I think it's a little better if you have a say in the matter than just be given a quest and be done with it. You can have your own backstory well and fine before you begin playing the game... I don't see how this detracts from the experience.2.Player characters will never reach the depth in story that writers are trying to create for an RPG. You can party with others well enough, but I'd never choose a real player over a great NPC if what I'm looking for is story and roleplaying. Imagine writing a story in 5 minutes with your friend. What do you get? Besides, again you are claiming that one cancels the other out, when that is NOT the case. You will have enough opportunities to interact with REAL players. WHY shouldn't there be NPC party members in an MMO?
3. Pretty sure you'll have more to choose from than that.
Sounds like you're trying to WANT the game to have LESS content because it interferes with YOUR roleplaying. No thanks. I'd rather have a finely crafted story and roleplaying opportunities rather than trying my chance at a 14 year old's writing skills, which YOU seem to favour.
Oh and the game WILL include a lot of fighting and probably enough grinding. If you're expecting a game like Fallout 1 or Bloodlines where you rarely have to engage in a fight and can solve most disputes through dialogue... then this is not the game for you.
1.You don't understand. How is this better than being the SAME hero who saved Westfall/Elwynn forest. ALL MMO's give you a background, whether you like it or not. Now, I think it's a little better if you have a say in the matter than just be given a quest and be done with it. You can have your own backstory well and fine before you begin playing the game... I don't see how this detracts from the experience.
2.Player characters will never reach the depth in story that writers are trying to create for an RPG. You can party with others well enough, but I'd never choose a real player over a great NPC if what I'm looking for is story and roleplaying. Imagine writing a story in 5 minutes with your friend. What do you get? Besides, again you are claiming that one cancels the other out, when that is NOT the case. You will have enough opportunities to interact with REAL players. WHY shouldn't there be NPC party members in an MMO?
3. Pretty sure you'll have more to choose from than that.
Sounds like you're trying to WANT the game to have LESS content because it interferes with YOUR roleplaying. No thanks. I'd rather have a finely crafted story and roleplaying opportunities rather than trying my chance at a 14 year old's writing skills, which YOU seem to favour.
I dont want the game to have less content but rather that the game gives me more freedom and individuality compared to what we have seen so far, a single player rpg with mmo elements. By roleplaying I hope you dont mean being able to choose between good evil and neutral. Because that is what most Bioware games have been to me was to me (not to mention it uses the same awful conversation wheel as seen in ME).
To Planeforger, yes I have to agree with you. I do not expect a lot, we may have some influence over our party members, but not a very successful degree.
I'm going to have to see it to believe. Sounds like Bioware intends to give us an mmo with singlelayer depth as a cherry on top. Considering how their current development strategy is "streamlining" features, I'm not really that confident in their ability to achieve what is pretty much an impossible goal in the first place.
1.You don't understand. How is this better than being the SAME hero who saved Westfall/Elwynn forest. ALL MMO's give you a background, whether you like it or not. Now, I think it's a little better if you have a say in the matter than just be given a quest and be done with it. You can have your own backstory well and fine before you begin playing the game... I don't see how this detracts from the experience.
2.Player characters will never reach the depth in story that writers are trying to create for an RPG. You can party with others well enough, but I'd never choose a real player over a great NPC if what I'm looking for is story and roleplaying. Imagine writing a story in 5 minutes with your friend. What do you get? Besides, again you are claiming that one cancels the other out, when that is NOT the case. You will have enough opportunities to interact with REAL players. WHY shouldn't there be NPC party members in an MMO?
3. Pretty sure you'll have more to choose from than that.
Sounds like you're trying to WANT the game to have LESS content because it interferes with YOUR roleplaying. No thanks. I'd rather have a finely crafted story and roleplaying opportunities rather than trying my chance at a 14 year old's writing skills, which YOU seem to favour.
I dont want the game to have less content but rather that the game gives me more freedom and individuality compared to what we have seen so far, a single player rpg with mmo elements. By roleplaying I hope you dont mean being able to choose between good evil and neutral. Because that is what most Bioware games have been to me was to me (not to mention it uses the same awful conversation wheel as seen in ME).
To Planeforger, yes I have to agree with you. I do not expect a lot, we may have some influence over our party members, but not a very successful degree.
OK, so you think you're the only one who quested in the dwarven area as a human? We each get the same story in EVERY MMO without being able to change it. I can't believe I'm having this argument... You get the same quests as any other person. It doesn't make a difference. You're still that 'one' hero in pretty much any MMORPG.Not to mention this would create a lot of complications in TOR because the story will focus on your class somewhat, whereas in WoW you only get == class == at the end of a sentence.
damn glitchspot.
I was skeptical at first, too. But I can see it shaping up now. Complexity is no depth, and old BioWare games have too much of the former. That's why old gamers ( or kids trying to pretend to be old gamers/cool ) like the Witcher, even if it sucks.I'm going to have to see it to believe. Sounds like Bioware intends to give us an mmo with singlelayer depth as a cherry on top. Considering how their current development strategy is "streamlining" features, I'm not really that confident in their ability to achieve what is pretty much an impossible goal in the first place.
You have played neither. You are merely speculating. fact.[QUOTE="bonafidetk"][QUOTE="wootasifwoot"]
What makes you think I have no idea of what I'm speaking? You trying to challenge me or something? How about YOU get your facts straight. All I did was compare the what each game is offering and judged each game off of that. Take it how you will but the fact remains, gw2 is a much more larger and ambitious game. game
And if what I'm saying doesn't hold any weight then perhaps the awards that gw2 has one won it's DEBUT, trumping all the big name MMOs, will hold weight.
Lols... speculating on FACTUAL data released on each games FROM the devs themselves. I don't don't think we need to discuss this any further 'cause I know what I speak, er... type.
of course companies are going to hype their game up before release, are you really that stupid. You cant know how a game is for sure before you play it.Please Log In to post.
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