like i said. Double standard. i know as much about SC1.5 as you do ( battle report and all that, yep ). For a sequel that has been in development for over half a decade, it looks to be an incredibly underwhelming, conservative and inoriginal title. in short, it's REHASHED. now i have no problem with people worshipping it - hey, it's a free country - but what amuses the hell out of me is how these people have the cheek to trample on sequels from other devs. Do franchises like CoD, Red Alert, Resident Evil, Final Fantasy, etc etc etc, feature subtle changes with each sequel released. most definitely yes, especially if you compare them to something that's spent 5 years to strap a handful of new units and, lol, destructible rocks on and masquerades as a AAA title.
but to the bliz fan(boy)s, ie the vast majority of pc gamers - no sir, nuh uh. if it ain't made by bliz it ain't deserve no common sense. lol.... what a major face palm. :D
Ever heard of the phrase "If it ain't broke, don't fix it?"
Well whats been broken with COD? Some will say "respawning AI, linear etc" - but I bet they'd still rubbish Activision even if MW2 fixes those niggles. Jinroh_basic (or big Jin as I like to call him) is right. There's a lot of hypocrisy going around. I suspect there's more under the surface of people denouncing the likes of COD and RA since they are now on console. I haven't seen anyone in this thread saying anything negative about any games other than Starcraft II actually. It's a little odd to make some generalization that the people who are praising Starcraft II are also the people knocking those other games. Yes, I'm sure that happens, but where is it in this thread that you are calling people hypocrites? (Unless they are making games themselves, that's not "hypocrisy" anyway.)
Anyway, regardless, there's been a whole entire ONE Starcraft game (and an expansion of course). All of those other games used as examples have sequel after sequel after sequel. There thus far has not been a new Starcraft every year (Call of Duty) or over a dozen of them (Final Fantasy.) Yeah, if someone is going to put out game after game after game after game in a series, people are going to start getting tired of the same old, same old more than if there if there was only one game and it was ten years ago.
Bottom line, a lot of people think of Starcraft as the best multiplayer PC game ever made. It wouldn't exactly make sense for them to say, "Okay, we have a good thing here. People love this game. Some people revere this game. A few people practically eat, sleep, and breathe this game, even though it's a decade old. Let's piss them all off by making some other game entirely and calling it a sequel."
I honestly do not know what people expect. It's a sequel. It's not like they said, "Oh, hey, look at this brand new game idea we came up with." People keep saying it's too much like the old one, but then they never really specify what it is they would like to see done differently.
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