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Red Alert 3.. and all C&C games that EAhave done..
The perception of the Red Alert universe is one of a cartoony playground where they make up units for "fun". Doesn't anyone remember the original RA had a more dark and serious tone? The latest in the series just goes to show how downhill the C&C games have gone. Not impressed at all..
*goes back to playing the original RA*
Final Fantasy 12
The game got rave reviews from Xplay (5/5), but I played halfway through and quit. You can have all the best story in the world, but if you're going to make a crappy puppet system, and a horrible non-linear leveling grind... then you shoulda just made it into a movie.
Edit: Oops, not a PC game (at least i don't think it made it on to PC). Oh well, my opinion still stands lol
[QUOTE="Macutchi"][QUOTE="CellAnimation"]I don't "hate" it but Far Cry 2 isn't worthy of the Far Cry name. ;)Hellboard
^ this. HUGE disappointment after years of waiting.
didnt really like STALKER either.
i agree but i like the fact that they made a fps view gta style clone.. that actually HAS a big map and many sidequests and its not as limited as stalker... THAT was a huge disappointment...not far cry 2.. far cry 2 wasnt in development for 5 years, but stalker.....ha ha! you wont hear a bad word said about far cry 2 will you mate :)
WoW. it takes people i would normally hang out wiht into the basement for hours on end. it draws attention away from overlooked games. it's a waste of time and money better spent playing other games or living like a normal human being.rpaullywogSame here, except I don't have a basement. My brother does nothing, and I mean nothing, all day except play WoW. (Well, he does occasionally play the Xbox 360 and Fallout once in a while)
WoW,I see my friends playing it all the time at his house, and it's just so lame. He does the SAME things over n over again and I get sooo bored watching. I don't see how anyone could spend $15/month for that borefest.adv_tr00persums up my feelings on WoW. I just don't see why people like it do much.
far cry 2 would have been far better had it not been for the still unfixed bug that ends the game at 88% for me where I go to find rueben and he isn't there!
What else would you expect from ubisoft anyway?
Dumbed down Daggerfall? Don't make blatant statements like that, as Morrowind is way better than Daggerfall......unless you like miles and miles of randomly generated crap and the most bugs you'll ever see.lettuceman44
They cut off half of the skills! Well not half, but some.. Also Daggerfall was way more impressive in 1996 than Morrowind in 2002, just the sheer scale of it. But hey, I love them both. Morrowind is still one of my favorite games of all time. Now Oblivion on the other hand...
[QUOTE="lettuceman44"]Dumbed down Daggerfall? Don't make blatant statements like that, as Morrowind is way better than Daggerfall......unless you like miles and miles of randomly generated crap and the most bugs you'll ever see.HenriH-42
They cut off half of the skills! Well not half, but some.. Also Daggerfall was way more impressive in 1996 than Morrowind in 2002, just the sheer scale of it. But hey, I love them both. Morrowind is still one of my favorite games of all time. Now Oblivion on the other hand...
totally true. Oblivion was pretty bad....[QUOTE="Hellboard"] [QUOTE="Macutchi"]i agree but i like the fact that they made a fps view gta style clone.. that actually HAS a big map and many sidequests and its not as limited as stalker... THAT was a huge disappointment...not far cry 2.. far cry 2 wasnt in development for 5 years, but stalker.....^ this. HUGE disappointment after years of waiting.
didnt really like STALKER either.
ha ha! you wont hear a bad word said about far cry 2 will you mate :)
Is it bad that i am one of those few people who rate it high? the point is to like the game and i do, but quite honestly i like everything in it apart from the enemy respawn that iv seen in may other games... only stalker does it better...[QUOTE="HenriH-42"][QUOTE="lettuceman44"]Dumbed down Daggerfall? Don't make blatant statements like that, as Morrowind is way better than Daggerfall......unless you like miles and miles of randomly generated crap and the most bugs you'll ever see.IMaBIOHAZARD
They cut off half of the skills! Well not half, but some.. Also Daggerfall was way more impressive in 1996 than Morrowind in 2002, just the sheer scale of it. But hey, I love them both. Morrowind is still one of my favorite games of all time. Now Oblivion on the other hand...
totally true. Oblivion was pretty bad.... yeah but "try" to play morrowind for long... you get bored faster....[QUOTE="HenriH-42"]
yeah but "try" to play morrowind for long... you get bored faster....Cdscottie
You know, I own Oblivion and Morrowind and I found Morrowind to be the better of the bunch. I've pumped god knows how many hours into Morrowind without getting "bored fast"
ask me i get some levels here and there and after that i realized that a game got a huge map and requires to experience too much to survive... so i open the journal and looked what i did every day to find my quests and read the nps directions on how to get more as i like to focus on sidequests than the main story... the story mode on that game a mod, not even npcs have sounds when they talk.. but again Gothic 3 has no main story quest.. cant find what to do i ditch that crap... play that game and then tell me about far cry 2 being borring..Counter Strike - the most repetitive game ever made, headshot, terrorists win, headshot, counter terrorists win, headshot, headshot, headshot
/QUOTE] I like counter-strike but i agree, it is repetitive but to be honest most online shooters are to some degree and Counter-strike just does the generic repetitiveness the best also simply the number of maps and servers makes it so easy to get into a game[QUOTE="ADG_"] Wow: Same as above, except with the extra bonus that you have to pay a monthly fee to play a game with the most boring setting the world has ever seenHewkii...what? you have every type of setting from deserts to forests to tundra to savannas and glaciers. setting is one thing that WoW does not lack.
Ehmmm... seems like you missed something there. By setting I'm talking about the fantasy setting. The fantasy setting is just as interesting as watching paint dry
rainbow six vegas was crap, heard it was good, but it wasn't tactical, and action based it was generic, graphics were overbloom vomit inducing, Audio quality was substandard, story was weak, ending was terrible, terrible checkpoint system, poor AI. Just overall a very very overrated game.nutcrackr
yeah but "try" to play morrowind for long... you get bored faster....Hellboard
Not really. Oblivion is boring as hell and Morrowind keeps me interested for a long time. You know why? The whole world of Oblivion consits of generic medieval forest. Morrowind at least has some variety in it's environments, everything is more detailed and every area has it's own style.
gta 4. How it got a 9 on here is beyond me.
terrible and i mean really really bad fight system.
poor performances
slow and odd controls
driving is somewhat anoying and the cars seem to drift at the tip of a hat
niko controls horribly
I payed 50 for it and i will beat it to get my moneys worth but boy is it painful.
I hate WoW for stealing my friends...Baselerddo what I did I deleted wow from my friends HD and snapped his disk. He thanks me everyday.
spore stole my lunch money.
don't really need to say it but its like 1/3 of a game with no replay ability it feels like at the end they just said to hell with it never gonna work ship it.
Wow but not for normal reasons i like grinding but the classes bore me not enuff variety between them.
Rule of thumb. Everyone have their preference on anything. 1000 people might like game X but 1000 more might hate it. GTA IV got a perfect score by Gamespot, that doesnt mean everyone single person who will play it will end up liking it. I think the only popular game I didnt really care for was Doom 3.Your friend or someone must have told you that a game is great and you go and get it. You didn't find anything much interesting about it.
Why didn't you like it. From your point of view "What is the weak feature about the game".
Discuss about all the POPULAR games in the market and their 'CONS' here
I'll only stick to genres that I generally like
Bioshock: wasn't scary and it didn't have good gunplay. The story didn't interest me at all.
Fallout 3: I like WRPGs especially open world ones like the Elder Scrolls Series but where these games had swords Fallour has guns and this game has some of the worst gunplay ever. I know that the game isn't a shooter but Doom plays better. I jumped right into the main quest and the game became one big scrounge for ammo. I then put the game on easy where I still had little ammo but now I gained so little experience that I couldn't get skills such as lock picking and hacking up high enough to open many chests and get into computers.
Farcry 2: Oniscient AI that halted the process of the game to a crawl. The story and characters are pretty bad 2.
[QUOTE="Hellboard"] yeah but "try" to play morrowind for long... you get bored faster....HenriH-42
Not really. Oblivion is boring as hell and Morrowind keeps me interested for a long time. You know why? The whole world of Oblivion consits of generic medieval forest. Morrowind at least has some variety in it's environments, everything is more detailed and every area has it's own style.
try telling that to someone who will actually play the main quest and not screw around in an mmo or gothic 3Please Log In to post.
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