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[QUOTE="ADG_"]what defines the "setting", then? the Orcs and Elves? or the actual setting of the game?Ehmmm... seems like you missed something there. By setting I'm talking about the fantasy setting. The fantasy setting is just as interesting as watching paint dry
What defines the fantasy setting? You might want to read this:
Well, lets see, there is:
Starcraft : I played the demo for this game. The only vibe I got was that it was built using all the rejected ideas from Warcarft.
Quake III Arena : I played the demo for this and Unreal Tournament at the same time. The only things Q3A had were deathmatch, team deathmatch, and a whole lotta gothic and demonic settings. There really isn't anything there to enjoy.
Morrowind : Drab graphics, drab sounds, drab voice work, drab combat, drab quests, drab music. Everything was just drab drab drab. Its rare that I am so bored that the only thing I can muster up the energy to do is complain about how bored I am.
Halo : The vehicles were nice and so was the limit of two weapons. But, where was the fun? It certainly wasn't in the repetitive acrhitecture or stock zombie "flood" characters.
Here are a few contenders.
Unreal Tournament 3 : Why?!?! Why did they build this game around that awful single player campaign? The reason people like playing against the computer had nothing to do with the single player sides of the earlier games. We liked it because there was no story, no save points, no exploding barrels, no hallways full of crates, and it has smart opponents, a lot of different guns, a lot of different terrains, a good selection of game types. But noooo.... you had to make a single player campaign. As a result we lose several gametypes and enviromental themes. Thanks for nothing. Ulimately the game isn't bad. Its more of the same but less of it.
World of Warcraft : Um, how is a game that feels like work, fun? Seeing that I "played" of a couple of years I should be able to answer and I can't. The repetition in this game is outragous. In about 20 min. you've seen roughly 80% of the quest types the game has to offer.
I will never ever ever ever ever enjoy Starcraft.
I know its a good game, I just dont like it. The campaign was good for the story, but every single mission was reduced to simply wiping your enemy out, with the occasional "protect object X and get it from point A to point B".
As for the multiplayer, well, I dont like RTSs online.
I guess that WoW is just ruining the lifes of the people...but I had a brain to stop myself from its evilness, so I got rid of it. Now I did understand, that a game which is very overhyped, overrated and overtalked just an average or a bad game it can be (respect for the exception)...
The game, which I think as superb just got a 7.2 rating, shame on GameSpot for underrating a good game...and it has it roots back into the years. It has a history now and way more meaning it has than the rushed games (like GTA IV for the Christmas season) these times. It was about satisfying the gamers and fans both alike and not made for the dirty money.;)
Oblivion - more like Oblivious, amirite? boring, generic and monotonous.
Fallout 3 - more like Failout 3, amirite? A clone of Oblivion and an insult to Fallout's name.
World of Warcraft - more like World of Warcrap, amirite? A game full of endless grind without any real point to it other than proving your lifelessness by raiding for 10 hours to get that fancy sword and show off your e-peen.
Mass Effect - more like Ass Defect, amirite? A science fiction B-movie disguised as a game.
Final Fantasy 7 - more like Fail Fantasy 7, amirite? Ok, it's not a PC game, but it was released on the PC so I'll include it. Gameplay is boring, story is idiotic, characters are made of fail and AIDS, graphics are fugly, writing is something I'd expect from a 12 year-old.
Crysis - the graphics are nice, but the gameplay is more or less the same as in most shooters. I don't see what's the big deal about it.
Bioshock - vastly overrated, lacks any sort of challenge due to free respawns. There are some redeeming qualities, though.
Counter-Strike - pretty fun for a few hours then it gets extremely repetitive and boring.
hrrrZZZZhrrr ZZZZ anything you like at all?H8:
Oblivion - more like Oblivious, amirite? boring, generic and monotonous.
Fallout 3 - more like Failout 3, amirite? A clone of Oblivion and an insult to Fallout's name.
World of Warcraft - more like World of Warcrap, amirite? A game full of endless grind without any real point to it other than proving your lifelessness by raiding for 10 hours to get that fancy sword and show off your e-peen.
Mass Effect - more like Ass Defect, amirite? A science fiction B-movie disguised as a game.
Final Fantasy 7 - more like Fail Fantasy 7, amirite? Ok, it's not a PC game, but it was released on the PC so I'll include it. Gameplay is boring, story is idiotic, characters are made of fail and AIDS, graphics are fugly, writing is something I'd expect from a 12 year-old.
Crysis - the graphics are nice, but the gameplay is more or less the same as in most shooters. I don't see what's the big deal about it.
Bioshock - vastly overrated, lacks any sort of challenge due to free respawns. There are some redeeming qualities, though.
Counter-Strike - pretty fun for a few hours then it gets extremely repetitive and boring.
[QUOTE="i_saw_a_mudcrab"]...HellboardhrrrZZZZhrrr ZZZZ anything you like at all? Remember the title? "You HATE a popular PC game ! WHY? Comment on it" Comment on it, not be questioned about it :/, so keep the zzz and hrrrzzz and stop trying to start some kind of discussion on X game that you like and somebody doesn't. I don't hate any game but I don't like the HL series, all of it, WoW, PES and CS 1.6 and Source.
HL Series - (HL) I don't like the concept, to walk from some room to another room, I like games with open spaces and more freedom.
(HL 2 series) I hate the FOV and I hate the sound that the combine ,or whatever they are called, make after they die, it's extremely annoying + I really don't like any character, and definitely the story is unbearable, I liked the puzzles though.
WoW - I played it till level 64 but after that I quit it, it gets extremely boring and I made an alliance character and the community sucks as many of you know. I like the fact that it is huge and you have a lot to see, but I just couldn't continue to play it.
PES - Except the graphics I consider it inferior to FIFA in any way possible.
CS 1.6, Source - Boring, limited, many skilled players, it makes it hard for new players to adapt, and unappealing. All I liked about source was the zombie mod.
[QUOTE="Hellboard"][QUOTE="i_saw_a_mudcrab"]...DanielDusthrrrZZZZhrrr ZZZZ anything you like at all? Remember the title? "You HATE a popular PC game ! WHY? Comment on it" Comment on it, not be questioned about it :/, so keep the zzz and hrrrzzz and stop trying to start some kind of discussion on X game that you like and somebody doesn't. I don't hate any game but I don't like the HL series, all of it, WoW and PES.
what the hell did i reply to you? i just wonder someone who dislikes all of these games what is he playing? because at some point i had that too i couldnt find a game that i like, but you seem to have a serious issue with however who got a different opinion than yours, without trying to flame you i suggest you go and see a psychologist or something or play a game to relax because there are people with different opinions that you and that should not irate you at all, i ahd that trouble too in the past, as for why i quoted him? people quote people all the time and am not trying to start a conversation on a game because...I LIKE ALL THOSE GAMES:):):):) so there is no point of analyzing all that, but what you just said shows that you wanna have the sense of control and make sure everything goes the way you want, eg "stop trying to start some kind of discussion on X game that you like and somebody doesn't." That shows you want things to be done your way.. well am sorry to say that but what i want is his personal opinion on what game he likes.... and as you see you started a conversation yourself "I don't hate any game but I don't like the HL series, all of it, WoW and PES." well i love the hl series and i believe the first half life is the bse fps ever created, and as i have to reply, i dislike plenty of games as we all defently are... but i hate and i mean hate, "Chronicles of Riddick.stealth in the butcher bay" see you just created a convesation its perfectly normal.
Remember the title? "You HATE a popular PC game ! WHY? Comment on it" Comment on it, not be questioned about it :/, so keep the zzz and hrrrzzz and stop trying to start some kind of discussion on X game that you like and somebody doesn't. I don't hate any game but I don't like the HL series, all of it, WoW and PES.[QUOTE="DanielDust"][QUOTE="Hellboard"] hrrrZZZZhrrr ZZZZ anything you like at all?Hellboard
what the hell did i reply to you? i just wonder someone who dislikes all of these games what is he playing? because at some point i had that too i couldnt find a game that i like, but you seem to have a serious issue with however who got a different opinion than yours, without trying to flame you i suggest you go and see a psychologist or something or play a game to relax because there are people with different opinions that you and that should not irate you at all, i ahd that trouble too in the past, as for why i quoted him? people quote people all the time and am not trying to start a conversation on a game because...I LIKE ALL THOSE GAMES:):):):) so there is no point of analyzing all that, but what you just said shows that you wanna have the sense of control and make sure everything goes the way you want, eg "stop trying to start some kind of discussion on X game that you like and somebody doesn't." That shows you want things to be done your way.. well am sorry to say that but what i want is his personal opinion on what game he likes.... and as you see you started a conversation yourself "I don't hate any game but I don't like the HL series, all of it, WoW and PES." well i love the hl series and i believe the first half life is the bse fps ever created, and as i have to reply, i dislike plenty of games as we all defently are... but i hate and i mean hate, "Chronicles of Riddick.stealth in the butcher bay" see you just created a convesation its perfectly normal.
In this thread you made 6 post in which you question the opinions of others, that can't be right? oh wait.
Did I question any of your opinions? I don't think so, in fact that is what I said to you, stop questioning opinions that other have :/.
And no, I don't want things to be done my way, but read the title again and then analyze your posts, there is a thing called off topic, remember that, could also be considered as spam and I also didn't say anything about the games that he hates, all that I said was addressed to you.
We can start a conversation, but not to question opinions, that will only result in flaming, and you had 6 posts that did just that, and you were ignored in most of those case, but anything can happen if you continue like that. I don't have anything with you but if somebody doesn't like a game for various reasons that's it, not that you didn't have any problems so how can he explain that, etc.
Wouldn't you call such answers like zzz, hrrrzzz in a way hostile? maybe that isn't what you intended to do, but that is how I see it, deffinitely didn't sound like a qwestion to find out some games that you might like, as you said.
Talking about something is one thing, but questioning in such a thread is another, usually all it takes for a flame war in such threads is one person that starts to question things.
Also, I am quite relaxed :) just played some TF 2.
Again I don't have anything with you, but the post I quoted really wasn't needed, or at least in that way.
Fallout 3 - more like Failout 3, amirite? A clone of Oblivion and an insult to Fallout's name.
I beg your pardon.... if you had any brains you would have known Fallout 3 would have played somewhat like Oblivion. I agree oblivion was meh... but Fallout 3 was a big improvement and enjoyed it thoroughly (and YES Fallout 2 is one of my top 5 favorite games). It also has a lot of modding potential, which was on one of Oblivion's greatest strenghts.
World of Warcraft - more like World of Warcrap, amirite? A game full of endless grind without any real point to it other than proving your lifelessness by raiding for 10 hours to get that fancy sword and show off your e-peen.
DAoC was still my favorite mmo, and I don't play that many, but WoW certainly had some appeal (I quit before BC came out). I loved raids, and the effort and acomplishment that went with some of the content. The endless tread-mill really turned me off, as did the abysmal PvP.
Mass Effect - more like Ass Defect, amirite? A science fiction B-movie disguised as a game.
It was a good game (well for PC anyways) and certainly one of the best rpgs in the last few years, up there with the Witcher.
Bioshock - vastly overrated, lacks any sort of challenge due to free respawns. There are some redeeming qualities, though.
Are you sure you even played this game? If you played it and actually had some brains you'd realize you could TURN VITA-CHAMBERS OFF! I bought it off steam for $10 a few months ago not expecting much, and I was pleasantly surprised. Plot + characters were pretty good, Art Direction was awesome, and on hard with no vita-chambers it was plenty challenging. Sure I wish there was a little less linearity, a few more customization options and more unique enemies, but I really did enjoy it.
In closing, you're really a contradition. Using childish internet slang with very little content in your words, yet praising a game like fallout 2 while complaining about graphics? Are you SURE you played fallout 2 or are you simply pretending you did to sound like you have some PC gaming cred?
ok then but the only reason people quote is in order to reply, usually because they disagree no matter the posts, but the thing is that in that way i can report almost anything and get absolutely nothing since the mods will confirm that the only give you score points if the want to, or some reason they decide to do so.. all those things are not always right or followed by the rules that always apply, eg i got a "no violation was found" when i reported someone for using the" *****ing "in his statement, that means that he did not violate the rule that says "not fully obscuring forbidden words" that means that everything is a perspective... and the zzz hrrzzz were not offendin in my point of view.. but there is no smiley like this :) thats displays "zzzzz" but its kinda ironic how someone like you that is usually offensive talks about offensive posts :roll:.....HellboardI was offensive? where? show me a single post were I offended clearly with bad language or something, not sarcasm, like the post I made a while ago that you reported (well if it was you, but I'm pretty sure it was you) and in that post too, I said stop with the Vista bashing, we get it, you don't like it that's too bad or good. If I offended you I'm sorry, I tend to use sarcasm much, but a direct offense, I don't remember making one. PS: Talk about questioning opinions :/ (the post above you). He is/can be right, but still, if he didn't like those games, he didn't that's it, even tho ME is flawed to the core I like it's story a lot, Bioshock was really easy and it had an awesome atmosphere, and Fallout 3, I consider it to be the best RPG in the last 4 years and yes i hated Oblivion but still.
Fallout 3 - more like Failout 3, amirite? A clone of Oblivion and an insult to Fallout's name.
I beg your pardon.... if you had any brains you would have known Fallout 3 would have played somewhat like Oblivion. I agree oblivion was meh... but Fallout 3 was a big improvement and enjoyed it thoroughly (and YES Fallout 2 is one of my top 5 favorite games). It also has a lot of modding potential, which was on one of Oblivion's greatest strenghts.Rotinaj32
If you liked it, good for you, doesn't mean everyone shares your opinion, though. I agree that FO3 is a great improvement over Oblivion but that just makes it a less putrid pile of dung.
Mass Effect - more like Ass Defect, amirite? A science fiction B-movie disguised as a game.It was a good game (well for PC anyways) and certainly one of the best rpgs in the last few years, up there with the Witcher.Rotinaj32
Again, your opinion. Personally, I dislike stories about ancient evils, chosen ones, artifact of great power and other generic stuff.
Bioshock - vastly overrated, lacks any sort of challenge due to free respawns. There are some redeeming qualities, though.Are you sure you even played this game? If you played it and actually had some brains you'd realize you could TURN VITA-CHAMBERS OFF! I bought it off steam for $10 a few months ago not expecting much, and I was pleasantly surprised. Plot + characters were pretty good, Art Direction was awesome, and on hard with no vita-chambers it was plenty challenging. Sure I wish there was a little less linearity, a few more customization options and more unique enemies, but I really did enjoy it.Rotinaj32
If you had some brains you'd look the word opinion in the dictionary. Also I didn't say it was bad, I said it was overrated, what are you nerdraging for?
In closing, you're really a contradition. Using childish internet slang with very little content in your words, yet praising a game like fallout 2 while complaining about graphics? Are you SURE you played fallout 2 or are you simply pretending you did to sound like you have some PC gaming cred?Rotinaj32
Dude, I haven't even mentioned Fallout 2 in my post. Also, the only time I mentioned graphics is when I commented on Crysis and pointed out they were good. I don't see where I complained about them.
[QUOTE="i_saw_a_mudcrab"]hrrrZZZZhrrr ZZZZ anything you like at all?H8:
Oblivion - more like Oblivious, amirite? boring, generic and monotonous.
Fallout 3 - more like Failout 3, amirite? A clone of Oblivion and an insult to Fallout's name.
World of Warcraft - more like World of Warcrap, amirite? A game full of endless grind without any real point to it other than proving your lifelessness by raiding for 10 hours to get that fancy sword and show off your e-peen.
Mass Effect - more like Ass Defect, amirite? A science fiction B-movie disguised as a game.
Final Fantasy 7 - more like Fail Fantasy 7, amirite? Ok, it's not a PC game, but it was released on the PC so I'll include it. Gameplay is boring, story is idiotic, characters are made of fail and AIDS, graphics are fugly, writing is something I'd expect from a 12 year-old.
Crysis - the graphics are nice, but the gameplay is more or less the same as in most shooters. I don't see what's the big deal about it.
Bioshock - vastly overrated, lacks any sort of challenge due to free respawns. There are some redeeming qualities, though.
Counter-Strike - pretty fun for a few hours then it gets extremely repetitive and boring.
Yes, I do. As a matter of fact, I like lots of games. I just don't like these.
[QUOTE="Hellboard"]ok then but the only reason people quote is in order to reply, usually because they disagree no matter the posts, but the thing is that in that way i can report almost anything and get absolutely nothing since the mods will confirm that the only give you score points if the want to, or some reason they decide to do so.. all those things are not always right or followed by the rules that always apply, eg i got a "no violation was found" when i reported someone for using the" *****ing "in his statement, that means that he did not violate the rule that says "not fully obscuring forbidden words" that means that everything is a perspective... and the zzz hrrzzz were not offendin in my point of view.. but there is no smiley like this :) thats displays "zzzzz" but its kinda ironic how someone like you that is usually offensive talks about offensive posts :roll:.....DanielDustI was offensive? where? show me a single post were I offended clearly with bad language or something, not sarcasm, like the post I made a while ago that you reported (well if it was you, but I'm pretty sure it was you) and in that post too, I said stop with the Vista bashing, we get it, you don't like it that's too bad or good. If I offended you I'm sorry, I tend to use sarcasm much, but a direct offense, I don't remember making one. PS: Talk about questioning opinions :/ (the post above you). He is/can be right, but still, if he didn't like those games, he didn't that's it, even tho ME is flawed to the core I like it's story a lot, Bioshock was really easy and it had an awesome atmosphere, and Fallout 3, I consider it to be the best RPG in the last 4 years and yes i hated Oblivion but still. i put it this way see all those posts? they beg to be quoted.. will anyone pay so much attention to read a post, eg the one above yours? who cares? they need to start an argument or someone to says that they agree with em, but that rarely happens, as for vista? i used vista i get bad performance and hundreds of install errors or bugs in games, i cant run old games either, i also tried dx10 and dx 9 comparisons... well no difference at least on crysis and bioshock,, but thats me, i never patched vista and as hitler said in gta iv parody this **** should be working properly when released, i understand products are buggy nowadays but its an os i will use it and i ll use it with what is available not what is yet to come, so i dropped vista since i got nothing good out of them, but thats just me, as for the vista thread? what is the point if every single one agrees? but i guess this is how things are on gamespot, whoever disagrees or say the truth behind the hype is a bad bad evil basher, just because most of you guys form opinions together and outsiders with different way of thinking are bashers, in other forums we find a way thru good and the bad points, people here are offensive no way that anyone will make a friend by the forums.. but well i suggest that you look some posts above my post, see people dissagree quote and star and argument and thats my point at the first place i didnt do anything wrong, or something that no one else does.
[QUOTE="Hellboard"][QUOTE="i_saw_a_mudcrab"]hrrrZZZZhrrr ZZZZ anything you like at all?H8:
Oblivion - more like Oblivious, amirite? boring, generic and monotonous.
Fallout 3 - more like Failout 3, amirite? A clone of Oblivion and an insult to Fallout's name.
World of Warcraft - more like World of Warcrap, amirite? A game full of endless grind without any real point to it other than proving your lifelessness by raiding for 10 hours to get that fancy sword and show off your e-peen.
Mass Effect - more like Ass Defect, amirite? A science fiction B-movie disguised as a game.
Final Fantasy 7 - more like Fail Fantasy 7, amirite? Ok, it's not a PC game, but it was released on the PC so I'll include it. Gameplay is boring, story is idiotic, characters are made of fail and AIDS, graphics are fugly, writing is something I'd expect from a 12 year-old.
Crysis - the graphics are nice, but the gameplay is more or less the same as in most shooters. I don't see what's the big deal about it.
Bioshock - vastly overrated, lacks any sort of challenge due to free respawns. There are some redeeming qualities, though.
Counter-Strike - pretty fun for a few hours then it gets extremely repetitive and boring.
Yes, I do. As a matter of fact, I like lots of games. I just don't like these.
yeah i want to know your favorite games am trying to confirm something, can you post em please?[QUOTE="Rotinaj32"]Fallout 3 - more like Failout 3, amirite? A clone of Oblivion and an insult to Fallout's name.
I beg your pardon.... if you had any brains you would have known Fallout 3 would have played somewhat like Oblivion. I agree oblivion was meh... but Fallout 3 was a big improvement and enjoyed it thoroughly (and YES Fallout 2 is one of my top 5 favorite games). It also has a lot of modding potential, which was on one of Oblivion's greatest strenghts.i_saw_a_mudcrab
If you liked it, good for you, doesn't mean everyone shares your opinion, though. I agree that FO3 is a great improvement over Oblivion but that just makes it a less putrid pile of dung.
Mass Effect - more like Ass Defect, amirite? A science fiction B-movie disguised as a game.It was a good game (well for PC anyways) and certainly one of the best rpgs in the last few years, up there with the Witcher.Rotinaj32
Again, your opinion. Personally, I dislike stories about ancient evils, chosen ones, artifact of great power and other generic stuff.
Bioshock - vastly overrated, lacks any sort of challenge due to free respawns. There are some redeeming qualities, though.Are you sure you even played this game? If you played it and actually had some brains you'd realize you could TURN VITA-CHAMBERS OFF! I bought it off steam for $10 a few months ago not expecting much, and I was pleasantly surprised. Plot + characters were pretty good, Art Direction was awesome, and on hard with no vita-chambers it was plenty challenging. Sure I wish there was a little less linearity, a few more customization options and more unique enemies, but I really did enjoy it.Rotinaj32
If you had some brains you'd look the word opinion in the dictionary. Also I didn't say it was bad, I said it was overrated, what are you nerdraging for?
In closing, you're really a contradition. Using childish internet slang with very little content in your words, yet praising a game like fallout 2 while complaining about graphics? Are you SURE you played fallout 2 or are you simply pretending you did to sound like you have some PC gaming cred?Rotinaj32
Dude, I haven't even mentioned Fallout 2 in my post. Also, the only time I mentioned graphics is when I commented on Crysis and pointed out they were good. I don't see where I complained about them.
Bethesda bought the rights and saved a dead game, i like that they also try to make it similar to the previous game, no one else can make an rpg better than Bethesda, oblivion was not much of experiencing, but it was an rpg you could create you on character and kill as many monsters as you want to level up, in fallout 3 they fixed their flaws, and even if black isle made it it would be 3d, as for the witcher, its a great rpg, but feels kinda wrong, eg you need to kill , sleep level up, sleep wait for monsters to respawn and level up gain to pass the main story, plus no worldmap and you cant create your own character, not that masterpiece if its not open ended. Ever heard of ss2? thats why there are vita chambers because ss2 was pretty hard, bioshock is dumbed down for everyone to play, this game is not about challenge but quality its a piece of art you sit down and enjoy the ride i dont get how someone who gives such an impact to graphics cares if fallout 3 looks like oblivion and not like the previous isometric games.yeah i want to know your favorite games am trying to confirm something, can you post em please?Hellboard
I don't really have any favorite games, because it's really hard to select something you've enjoyed over something else you've enjoyed as well. Every game is in some ways better than others and in some ways worse plus there are many criterias for judging a game and most of the time one just can't be compared to the other.
Here are some of the games I like:
Age of Wonders 1&2, Starcraft, Diablo 1&2, Warcraft 2&3 (never played 1), Painkiller, Serious Sam, Doom 1&2, most Heroes of Might and magic games, Prince of Persia Sands of Time trilogy, The Witcher, Neverwinter Nights 2 Mask if the Betrayer, Arcanum, old Fallouts.
These are just some.
Bethesda bought the rights and saved a dead gameHellboard
More like, they dug up a peaceful corpse, raped it and turned it into a Frankenstein monster.
YOu guys realize there is a way to voice your opinion without being offensive?
Instead of saying "More like Failout 3, amirite?" just say "I did not like Fallout 3 because..."
And to those saying "Hey. he is just saying his opinion, back off!" shame on you for defending rude people lol.
ok that does it you got no favorite games, smae here mate, also from what i see you mostly stick with rpgs or strategies... but i really don understand how you like painkiller and not those games? i guess because you like serious sam... you like classic games, same here[QUOTE="Hellboard"]
I don't really have any favorite games, because it's really hard to select something you've enjoyed over something else you've enjoyed as well. Every game is in some ways better than others and in some ways worse plus there are many criterias for judging a game and most of the time one just can't be compared to the other.
Here are some of the games I like:
Age of Wonders 1&2, Starcraft, Diablo 1&2, Warcraft 2&3 (never played 1), Painkiller, Serious Sam, Doom 1&2, most Heroes of Might and magic games, Prince of Persia Sands of Time trilogy, The Witcher, Neverwinter Nights 2 Mask if the Betrayer, Arcanum, old Fallouts.
These are just some.
[QUOTE="Hellboard"]Bethesda bought the rights and saved a dead gamei_saw_a_mudcrab
More like, they dug up a peaceful corpse, raped it and turned it into a Frankenstein monster.
seriously now even if black isle made the game it would be full 3d, but they kept ideas from the original game:)Please Log In to post.
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