I love my PS3 and cant really afford a new machine but if this is true some more publishers may follow suit.
I never had a Dreamcast but without any fanboyism could the PS3 be heading that way?
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I love my PS3 and cant really afford a new machine but if this is true some more publishers may follow suit.
I never had a Dreamcast but without any fanboyism could the PS3 be heading that way?
If that happened it would be huge. Activision does have the clout to pull a move like that and if that did happen I would expect Sony to react accordingly rather than be pig-headed and stand still. But at this point it's an empty threat.
Pretty much this...They're bluffing. It'll never happen, they're just trying to pressure Sony into a price cut so they can sell more games.
Oh man, this is not good. This reminds me of when the FALL of HD-DVD happened. Warner Bros. left them, then everyone else followed. If Activision leaves Sony...we could a see a dominoe effect. This really does scare me a little. But hey, maybe now Sony will actually be FORCED to lower the price. If these gaming companies threaten Sony like that, we will see a price cut in no time. Its just a matter of Sony actually doing it.
What a horrible article. I guess cutting support for 22 million gamers is a good idea...I suppose since they would have the nerve to threaten to cut PS3 development, they will also choose to cut PS2 and PSP development too? Cause that makes lots of business sense. Get a clue people...
Have they published anything decent in the last 10 years?Big_Bad_SadUmm..a lil sumthing called Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and the World of Warcraft expansions....?
I love my PS3, but I think sony really droped the ball this generation. They lost most of the momentum they had from the PS2 because they undersetimated the xbox. Even with all the hardware problems, MS is still looking better than sony. Thats not a good sign.
Have they published anything decent in the last 10 years?Big_Bad_Sad
COD 4, The Gutar Hero series, Prototype, WoW, Warcraft 3, (thats just 5 of the best out of 50+ games)
Living in 2007 or did you miss E3? >.> do not make this a system wars type thread anyway...I love my PS3, but I think sony really droped the ball this generation. They lost most of the momentum they had from the PS2 because they undersetimated the xbox. Even with all the hardware problems, MS is still looking better than sony. Thats not a good sign.
outside of the COD series and what blizzard made before the buyout i didn't know anyone baught their games.
activision wont do it i think thereis also a board of ivestors and i dont think they would be happy about losing money
I could care less becase I don't play or haven't played any activision games this gen. Not a big deal for me personally, but I guess it would bother many others and Sony.
[QUOTE="Big_Bad_Sad"]Have they published anything decent in the last 10 years?mushi799
COD 4, The Gutar Hero series, Prototype, WoW, Warcraft 3, (thats just 5 of the best out of 50+ games)
WOW and warcraft 3 are still published under the blizzard brand.
The company that is threatening to stop developing PS3 games is Activision-Blizzard. As you can see by the Blizzard at the end of the company name, Blizzard and all of it's intellectual properties (including the Warcraft series) were combined with Activison and all of it's intellectual properties.
first brutal legends and then this have you no shame activision have you no shame lol. whats funny is after this the gap between the sales of their games on the two platforms are gonna widden even more and they'll see it as a decline in the ps3 and not people boycotting their games. also anyone see the irony of brutal legends escaping the evil cluthes of activision and seeking safe haven with EA. how stupid are activision seriously the guys at EA are laughing their butts off right now cause they totaly see it coming activision going down as the number one publisher for sure.
It's a powerplay nothing more. Activision want to pay less royalties and need PS3 price drop to increase units sold of their games. I am all for the pricedrop but this is not good for PS3's already weak market share.
I doubt they will give up a 23 million, 50 million and 140 million unit platforms
They are just trying to get Sony to cut the price
only a handful of Activision-published games end up selling millions. What they SHOULD do is stop supporting newby developers making half-arsed games that never sell pass the 150k mark. Its not the PS3's problem that activision games arent selling. Solid-CELLQFT. Activision is fails on their own terms. Blaming PS3 for their problems is pathetic. If it wasn't for COD they probably wouldn't even exist anymore.
I don't really care, to be honest. All Activision is good for is milking franchises until they're dry.TikicobraI agree.
Activision is acting like they are the ONLY third party that is supporting Sony..... besides MW2 I could care less about them and I bet MW2 will be continuing its release on the PS3. Too much bluffing......
Although it may be a bluff, I remember when 3rd parties starting pulling their support from Nintendo back in the N64 days. This generation, Sony is going to have a hard time selling the PS3. They really don't have any exclusives except for 1st party titles. Arkk_Angel
*cough* Valkyria Chronicles *cough* Atlus *cough, cough*
Although it may be a bluff, I remember when 3rd parties starting pulling their support from Nintendo back in the N64 days. This generation, Sony is going to have a hard time selling the PS3. They really don't have any exclusives except for 1st party titles. Arkk_Angel1st party exclusives are the best :P but anyways they are not going to do that, this is not the 64 era :) and the price is coming down before 2011 when they said they were going to stop publishing for ps3 if the price didnt come down
Ya they wont do that, its one of thsoe boring talks from the CEO and come on really ps3 is not expensive its now way cheaper than when i first bought it
Ya they wont do that, its one of thsoe boring talks from the CEO and come on really ps3 is not expensive its now way cheaper than when i first bought it
All talk and no walk is very typical from CEOs ....and the PS3 came all the way from $699 to $399 and maybe Actvivion is demanding another $200 price cut so a new PS3 will be $199.....
Ya they wont do that, its one of thsoe boring talks from the CEO and come on really ps3 is not expensive its now way cheaper than when i first bought it
All talk and no walk is very typical from CEOs ....and the PS3 came all the way from $699 to $399 and maybe Actvivion is demanding another $200 price cut so a new PS3 will be $199.....
OMG $199 is crazy.. ps3 is worth even more than $700 and its now $399.. come on thats VERY cheap.. *sigh*.. well anyways they wont do it.. the only game i like from them would be the CoD games
I do not think many PS3 owners get how serious this could turn out to be,this isnt some small no name publisher, you can say what you want about them as a publisher and their games but the fact still remains that they are one of the biggest publishers in the world. They do have some influence in the world of gaming, therefore this could have a number of negative effects if true.For one it can have a domino effect where in other publishers follow suit, or two, new up and coming developers could turn away from supporting the PS3 due to fear of lack of returns on initial investments. I am not saying that this would definately happen but its a scary possibilty, as while i dont own one now i do plan to get a ps3, hopefully soon.
But this is a CEO who has been saying the same thing for years...and Activision as a whole would never do this especially not for another year or more...I do not think many PS3 owners get how serious this could turn out to be,this isnt some small no name publisher, you can say what you want about them as a publisher and their games but the fact still remains that they are one of the biggest publishers in the world. They do have some influence in the world of gaming, therefore this could have a number of negative effects if true.For one it can have a domino effect where in other publishers follow suit, or two, new up and coming developers could turn away from supporting the PS3 due to fear of lack of returns on initial investments. I am not saying that this would definately happen but its a scary possibilty, as while i dont own one now i do plan to get a ps3, hopefully soon.
[QUOTE="Arkk_Angel"]Although it may be a bluff, I remember when 3rd parties starting pulling their support from Nintendo back in the N64 days. This generation, Sony is going to have a hard time selling the PS3. They really don't have any exclusives except for 1st party titles. psyum1st party exclusives are the best :P but anyways they are not going to do that, this is not the 64 era :) and the price is coming down before 2011 when they said they were going to stop publishing for ps3 if the price didnt come down Yeah, Sony has the best 1st party support of any console. The best exclusives. And there are 3rd party exclusives! MGS4 and Valkyria Chronicles are two of the best games on the console and its been made abundently clear that they'll only be enjoyed on the PS3. ;) Anyway, just because Activision stops support won't make that much of a difference. Most of the guys who own both consoles probably play it on 360 anyway cause of the "better" online service. It may not affect them as much as you think, and it surely won't affect Sony. Sony will just have one of their masterful studios whip up something to make the COD franchise look a civil war reinactment. :P
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