[QUOTE="Ultra-Alue"][QUOTE="Sambo234"][QUOTE="Ultra-Alue"][QUOTE="PowerFiend"]KZ uses heavy post process effects to hide alot of it's flaws, such as depth of field, blurring constantly, a dark world with a 2 tone color pallete, the list goes on. The textures aren't the best either, and the shadows aren't amazing.Sambo234
Too true. Right now Killzone 2's biggest strengths are the amount of polygons it uses in it's character models. Which is impressive. And another nice touch is that the enviroments are filled with obstacles and things to take cover behind, so you shouldn't be running around giant empty rooms. Which can be considered a good or bad thing, depending on how good the friendly AI is because you may find yourself being trapped by your friends just because they don't know when to move or get out of your way.
Another thing to consider is the scope of Killzone 2, while we only saw one level it's fairly easy to tell what the game will be like. Games like Halo 3 are less detailed then Killzone 2 because it deals with large immersive areas with tons of space. Killzone 2 looks like you will mostly be dealing with the Helghast in tight industrial style areas and more claustrophobic enviroments. Something like Chronicles of Riddick, Doom 3, or FEAR. Hopefully they offer more variety. But it'd be nothing we haven't seen before most likely.
come on man, you've seen one level and you're already making huge generalizations and accusations of the game. wait till you actually the the levels till you become so critical.
Well considering how you are doing the exact same thing, I think it's only fair.
I mean you've only seen a minute of footage. ZOMG BEST GAME EVER!
well I can tell you from what I've seen I like, but you also can't just assume what the rest of the game is going to have or where it's going to take place. I can tell you, from the plot, gameplay, and graphical impressions so far, I am very excited about this game.
by the way, why is no one mentioning Fracture, the game looks like its going to be really fun. (zomg multiplat)
Lol I love these fanboys. "KZ2 sux it won't even reach the trailer quality, it's going to be flopzone2 you guys haven't even seen the game and your hyping it." E3 Sony shows it blows eveyrone out and the fanboys get KILLZOWNED! ZIING! "I mean you've only seen a minute of footage. ZOMG BEST GAME EVER!"
Well now that we've seen footage I guess it's fair for us to hype it. You guys contradict yourselves so hard it's not even funny.
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