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The PS3 pawns the 360 and you're a disappointment!patriots7672Im not talking about the Xbox360 mate....maybe i didnt make myself clear....what they made us believe was that the ps3 was outstanding..and all I see from games of these generation is that yes the graphycs are awesome but gameplay wise there is nothing new...they made us believe that they could make huge worlds and tons of new improvements in gameplay...I didnt see all of these improvements....the only game till now..which made the ps3 worth buyng IMO is MGS4...all of the other titles are great but not outstanding....and I just said that I feel a little disappointed.........No need to flame me I was just asking didnt know people could get worked up on an opinion...jeesh...sry mate if I offended you...just calm a bit down;)
[QUOTE="patriots7672"]The PS3 pawns the 360 and you're a disappointment!lazzy102Im not talking about the Xbox360 mate....maybe i didnt make myself clear....what they made us believe was that the ps3 was outstanding..and all I see from games of these generation is that yes the graphycs are awesome but gameplay wise there is nothing new...they made us believe that they could make huge worlds and tons of new improvements in gameplay...I didnt see all of these improvements....the only game till now..which made the ps3 worth buyng IMO is MGS4...all of the other titles are great but not outstanding....and I just said that I feel a little disappointed.........No need to flame me I was just asking didnt know people could get worked up on an opinion...jeesh...sry mate if I offended you...just calm a bit down;)
As far as dissapointment goes....I don't think I'm quite at that extreme. You have to realize that before a new game or system comes on the market they hype it up to such un-godly levels that the finished product never lives up to the expectations set for it, but this is so common anymore I personally try to keep this in mind whenever I see anything that seems to amazing to be true. The only system that did anything new with gameplay was the Wii, but playing it gets old fast, and the graphics are putrid. PS3 did a lot of things right, and with typically better graphics than the 360 and the addition of the blu ray as well as free online, you still end up with a far superior system.
Im not talking about the Xbox360 mate....maybe i didnt make myself clear....what they made us believe was that the ps3 was outstanding..and all I see from games of these generation is that yes the graphycs are awesome but gameplay wise there is nothing new...they made us believe that they could make huge worlds and tons of new improvements in gameplay...I didnt see all of these improvements....the only game till now..which made the ps3 worth buyng IMO is MGS4...all of the other titles are great but not outstanding....and I just said that I feel a little disappointed.........No need to flame me I was just asking didnt know people could get worked up on an opinion...jeesh...sry mate if I offended you...just calm a bit down;)[QUOTE="lazzy102"][QUOTE="patriots7672"]The PS3 pawns the 360 and you're a disappointment!Nichols-old-boy
As far as dissapointment goes....I don't think I'm quite at that extreme. You have to realize that before a new game or system comes on the market they hype it up to such un-godly levels that the finished product never lives up to the expectations set for it, but this is so common anymore I personally try to keep this in mind whenever I see anything that seems to amazing to be true. The only system that did anything new with gameplay was the Wii, but playing it gets old fast, and the graphics are putrid. PS3 did a lot of things right, and with typically better graphics than the 360 and the addition of the blu ray as well as free online, you still end up with a far superior system.
well that the ps3 is far superior to the xbox360 I know that and I believe that...and also yeah maybe your right that the finished product never lives up to the excpectations set for used the right words....they hyped the sistem to un-godly levels.......and that is what I was actually expecting from it...eheh guess I fell for the hype....never gonna happen again..anyway the ps3 is still a great console....though I still find that they over hyped it.....but this over hype thing is happening alot lately....anyway can't w8 to get GoW3...that's gotta set things up a notch...[QUOTE="patriots7672"]The PS3 pawns the 360 and you're a disappointment!lazzy102Im not talking about the Xbox360 mate....maybe i didnt make myself clear....what they made us believe was that the ps3 was outstanding..and all I see from games of these generation is that yes the graphycs are awesome but gameplay wise there is nothing new...they made us believe that they could make huge worlds and tons of new improvements in gameplay...I didnt see all of these improvements....the only game till now..which made the ps3 worth buyng IMO is MGS4...all of the other titles are great but not outstanding....and I just said that I feel a little disappointed.........No need to flame me I was just asking didnt know people could get worked up on an opinion...jeesh...sry mate if I offended you...just calm a bit down;) there can never really be next generation gameplay is there even a thing called that. next generation consoles are to get next generation features and graphics. no way is ps3 a dissapontment. if you think gameplay will start to have new major things then you will be dissapointed all your life. maybe untill virtual reality then maybe you be pleased but otherwise.
I mean yeah the ps3 is an awesome console, with great potential and great Titles...but I can't help but feel a bit disappointed.....I mean from what sony showed us the Ps3 was to be a machine so powerful that Xbox360 looked like it was from an older generation of gaming.....though I have to admit that MGS4(probably the best game of this generation yet and maybe one of the greatest of all time) actually blew me away with its graphycs and also the story and gameplay all fused so well together making this game an awesome experience.. and also Killzone2 graphycally looks amazing and also the gameplay looks really there are many other great titles on the ps3 already out and also that are coming out....though i still can't seem to feel that this generation of gaming just puts too much atention on graphycs and not on gameplay and longevity......I kind of miss the good old days when games like Castelvania:sotn, Res1,2,3 abe's odessy, MGS and many other games like those came out and the graphycs weren't as important as the gameplay....anyway after going a little off topic I'm still wondering if anybody actually feels disappointed on what sony and the ps3 have brought us in this first phase...just to remind all I still love the ps3 though I just feel that weird after taste that something is missing...anyway it still is just the beginning prob a year from now I won't feel like this, I mean who knows right?? what do you players think??lazzy102Nope. Not disappointed. I think it is a very power machine and it has enough improvements over the PS2 that it makes me happy to own it. I don't think we are going to see extremes in graphics change or power like what happened in the past with say the change from the Atari to the nintendo or from the super nintendo to the 64. I would love to see games like Symphony of the Night; Abes series; Twisted Metal; or a good Final Fantasy game again (last good one was 7 in my opinion),
No dissapointment here.
I loved gaming back when there was NES and super nintendo..................then I got tired of it, bought a PS1 and a PS2, and honestly didnt play much.
PS3 got me back into gaming, not to mention im a tech guy and the ps3 is my whole entertainment system. Its perfect for ME.
The graphics and gameplay have met all my expectations so far. And you can bet that in the next 2-4 years, the graphics on the ps3 will be considerably better than the 360. Look at killzone 2 and Uncharted 2...........and realize, there will be better looking games than this in the future on the ps3. And of all my years gaming, Uncharted was one of the best GAMEPLAY experiences I have had on a console in any generation.
Im pumped about the future of the ps3
[QUOTE="lazzy102"][QUOTE="patriots7672"]The PS3 pawns the 360 and you're a disappointment!shadowkiller11Im not talking about the Xbox360 mate....maybe i didnt make myself clear....what they made us believe was that the ps3 was outstanding..and all I see from games of these generation is that yes the graphycs are awesome but gameplay wise there is nothing new...they made us believe that they could make huge worlds and tons of new improvements in gameplay...I didnt see all of these improvements....the only game till now..which made the ps3 worth buyng IMO is MGS4...all of the other titles are great but not outstanding....and I just said that I feel a little disappointed.........No need to flame me I was just asking didnt know people could get worked up on an opinion...jeesh...sry mate if I offended you...just calm a bit down;) there can never really be next generation gameplay is there even a thing called that. next generation consoles are to get next generation features and graphics. no way is ps3 a dissapontment. if you think gameplay will start to have new major things then you will be dissapointed all your life. maybe untill virtual reality then maybe you be pleased but otherwise. You have a point, but he makes a good point too. I think his disappointment is with the developers though. Sony didn't fail to deliver with the PS3, but only a few developers have actually embraced this advanced technology. I'm not disappointed because I use the PS3 to the fullest and think it was a good value, but if you only use it for games, I could see how you might be disappointed.
All Sony exclusive's are rated above average except maybe one game....This generation sony has given us great exclusive's & it will continue to do so.MFDABADKIDTrue. Exclusive titles for x360 and ps3 have gone above the bar compared to their predecessors on last gen consoles. But, I agree with TC, the games that are multiplat are either very bland gameplay wise, but then again, just because it's a new gen, doesn't mean you can force the entire industry to suddenly be geniuses and amazing story-tellers and make every game grade A. There will always be some flops, some amazing accomplishments (mgs4, fallout3, gears 2 (bear with me lol)), and some mediocre games to kill time (that's whatever is in your opinion lol)
I'm disappointed gameplay wise. Most games this gen (yes, not just PS3) are just graphics IMO. Most games this gen could be played on PS2, just tune down the graphics.
I'm also disappointed in the length of games right now. I don't know why PS3 games are shorter than PS2 games despite the space PS3 has.
Sorry for the double post, but don't forget. Majority of people don't care about graphics and special accomplishments in games. Most people want something just to play around with for an hour or two to kill time or to just to spark a bit of amusement. That's why there's something called the Wii. That's why it's destroying x360 and ps3 in console sales, sadly.PureDanteI'm one of those. Hehehe.
mmmmm here's the thing... at first when i got my Ps3 i was a bit disappointed, mainly because i had an SDTV and i didn't play online and didn't have much games... and then when i got my HDTV and connected the Ps3 to the internet, i was like :OMG, THIS IS WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT!! and after that when my library of games started expending a bit, and with Uncharted blowing me away with it's awesome graphic engine, and the Ps3 running for hours and not heating up even a bit, and the AMAZING blu-ray bundle with high definition settings for movies, and the free online thingy, and the titles that started out to be revealed : uncharted 2, gow 3, ffvs13, kz2, resistance 2 ... man, i gotta tell you that made me like the happiest gamer on earth :) the Ps3 still have a short way to go before overwhelming the market and all other consoles/bundles...
Last but not least, i though that : when you're buying a PS3 you're not just buying a gaming console, you're buying "the future" of multimedia :)
[QUOTE="Floppy_Jim"]Can't say I'm disappointed, no.BaraChatSame here. Hey Floppy_Jim, congrats on 10k posts. Thanks. But it just means I've been spending way too much time on here :P
im disappointed in threads like this after all the exclusives and wat sony is tryin to do, theres still a bunch of ppl coming here sayin they are disappointed? lol im happy if anythin im more excited wat they will do next? ps3 is gettin her act together and slowly but surely we are noticing BIG things, such as bigger maps or levels, more things on the screen at once, better A.I, good graphics, so wat are u worried about? are u worried that the other system will be dominated lol? JoKeR_421No I'm more worried about the lack of sales. With the lack of systems being sold in the US the developers have less incentive to make games for ps3 when there are more 360s in homes that are easier to develop for. Most game makers are not like Kojima, they look at what is more profitable and right now the 360 is a better investment.
I am disappointed there's not enough time in the day for me to play my PS3 as much as I want.emitsu97
Same here, responsibilities suck :P
im not disapointed at all...some poeple are just so MGS4 admire the power of the PS3...Play Uncharted Admire the power of the PS3...Play Killzone 2 Demo!! admire the power of the Restance 1 & 2 admire the power of the heavenly sword admire the power of the ps3...hell even Play Motorstorm PR ADMIRE THE POWER of the PS3....look at what they are trying to do with GOW3, Uncharted 2...White Knight chronicles... but you still want to come on here and say your dissapointed "GTFO here please!" (i know you all were thinking it) =P
im sorry but if you have played all those games or even seen them and your still disapointed with what sony are doing you are obviously ungrateful.
i dont think sony should worry about Sales for the PS3 right now, because as more and more of our exclusive games start to get advertised...Santa is gonna have a very full bag of PS3's lol.
and yeah i know its your opinion well..this is my opinion on your opinion lol.
I own both systems and I have to say being a PS3 supporter is like being a red headed step child. Anything third party is most likely going to lead with the 360, probably run better on the 360 and probably get any exclusive content (simply because the install base to sell it to is greater). I kind of prefer my PS3 over my 360 but its very difficult to do so with the lack of respect the PS3 is shown....and now I have to get Resident Evil 5 on 360 because the game's textures look better on the 360 and the PS3 version has more slowdown. This is of course based off the demo comparisons and could change but this would be nothing new and I would not be at all surprised if this still holds true in the final releases...I'm not shocked that the 360 gets exclusive content when the vast majority of games run better on the thing anyway...and obviously its easier/more fun to work with. Oh well I'm hopin in the very near future both consoles get equal time, devotion, resources and content...thats all not to much to ask forUSAGoalieUM
Bold section #1, Microsoft pays $ for this to happen period.
Bold section #2 same as above and the whole theory of games running better on the 360 is a matter of opinion not fact. Now in the begining PS3 users were given poor ports like F.E.A.R. 1, Orange box so people assume what your stating as fact when games like CoD, Bioshock run just fine.
For future reference, you should be aware of the red headed step child because you never know what a red head like me is capable of.
I'm am kind of disappointed by the fact that the 360 is doing better than the PS3, yet the PS3 in my honest opinion is far superior. McMJ3you could say that but when 360 came out a year earlier with no competition think of all the sales they could of had but look at it now the gap is not so big. not saying 360 doing bad but with the year head start i thought they would sell more.
[QUOTE="patriots7672"]The PS3 pawns the 360 and you're a disappointment!lazzy102Im not talking about the Xbox360 mate....maybe i didnt make myself clear....what they made us believe was that the ps3 was outstanding..and all I see from games of these generation is that yes the graphycs are awesome but gameplay wise there is nothing new...they made us believe that they could make huge worlds and tons of new improvements in gameplay...I didnt see all of these improvements....the only game till now..which made the ps3 worth buyng IMO is MGS4...all of the other titles are great but not outstanding....and I just said that I feel a little disappointed.........No need to flame me I was just asking didnt know people could get worked up on an opinion...jeesh...sry mate if I offended you...just calm a bit down;) I totally agree with the TC. I bought a PS3 about a year ago (mostly for MGS4), and I have to say I love it. Problem is, I never play it. I played MGS4 compulsively for a while, then I got into Ratchet and Clank, and then I played through Uncharted, but after that...nothing. The system is well-designed, has a lot of great features, and runs fantastically. It is obviously powerful (just look at Killzone 2). The problem is, there are just no games worth playing on it anymore. I own a 360, and unlike the TC I am going to just come right out and say it - the 360 is a better system. Better support for online, better community features, and no annoying installs to sit through (unless you choose to install) mean that I choose the 360 for all my multiplatform games. Plus it has more exclusive games and content than you can shake a stick at. I'm sure I will get flamed for saying that, but it's the truth. If the PS3 was better supported, had more than three great exclusives, and consistently produced games on a level with Killzone 2 it would be the winner for me, bar-none. It could do with much better online community support as well. All in all, I love my PS3 and I don't regret buying it one bit, but do I have to admit that I am at least a little disappointed with it overall. Flame away!
[QUOTE="lazzy102"][QUOTE="patriots7672"]The PS3 pawns the 360 and you're a disappointment!sixgears2Im not talking about the Xbox360 mate....maybe i didnt make myself clear....what they made us believe was that the ps3 was outstanding..and all I see from games of these generation is that yes the graphycs are awesome but gameplay wise there is nothing new...they made us believe that they could make huge worlds and tons of new improvements in gameplay...I didnt see all of these improvements....the only game till now..which made the ps3 worth buyng IMO is MGS4...all of the other titles are great but not outstanding....and I just said that I feel a little disappointed.........No need to flame me I was just asking didnt know people could get worked up on an opinion...jeesh...sry mate if I offended you...just calm a bit down;) I totally agree with the TC. I bought a PS3 about a year ago (mostly for MGS4), and I have to say I love it. Problem is, I never play it. I played MGS4 compulsively for a while, then I got into Ratchet and Clank, and then I played through Uncharted, but after that...nothing. The system is well-designed, has a lot of great features, and runs fantastically. It is obviously powerful (just look at Killzone 2). The problem is, there are just no games worth playing on it anymore. I own a 360, and unlike the TC I am going to just come right out and say it - the 360 is a better system. Better support for online, better community features, and no annoying installs to sit through (unless you choose to install) mean that I choose the 360 for all my multiplatform games. Plus it has more exclusive games and content than you can shake a stick at. I'm sure I will get flamed for saying that, but it's the truth. If the PS3 was better supported, had more than three great exclusives, and consistently produced games on a level with Killzone 2 it would be the winner for me, bar-none. It could do with much better online community support as well. All in all, I love my PS3 and I don't regret buying it one bit, but do I have to admit that I am at least a little disappointed with it overall. Flame away!EPIC Flameing U WIF bad Gramer. nah just messing. i also have a 360 i like both consoles. however i love my ps3 though i'm not been playing 360 much sadly.
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