I honestly only have one blu-ray, which is Prince of Persia. Being a high budget disney movie I am sure it was filmed with actual hi-def cameras. It also came with the standard definiton disc. Honestly, they were very similar in quality. I find blu-ray is better for games and extra features for movies only because it is able to hold more data. A lot of movies that are on blu-ray weren't filmed in hi-def so you're basically paying more money for a movie that may or may not be restored properly. Granted, I'm not against blu-ray, I just think for the price of each disc it isn't really worth it yet. Plus, it came in at a time when a lot of people were switching from CRT TV's to either plasmas, lcds, or the dreaded dlp tv and if they didn't do proper research they would just go for the blu-ray instead of a dvd player with an up converter (which can actually be really nice and are still being sold) and praise the blu-ray for looking so much better than anything on a CRT (which I hope it would look better).
So, to answer the question without reading any other posts, no, unless I can get them for the same price as a standard DVD I don't find the need to spend more money for the same movie, but that's just me.
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