Peace on Earth, Good Will Towards Men, Go **** Yourself Bethesda. Ahmen.
Seemed seasonally appropriate...
My problem with Bethesda is best envisioned thusly:
If you could make changes to an exam or homework assignment well after turning it into the teacher, how hard would YOU work to get anything correct, or to learn the information in the first place? Patching has become the norm instead of the exception when it comes to games on this generation, which is so much crap and honestly, disrespect of the audience it aims to entertain.
Doesn't work at scheduled time of release? No problem. Just fix it "later", or in the case of "Skyrim" for the PS3, perhaps not at all ever... And that's BS. I have all the sympathy in the world for the grunts working it out in the trenches of a development studio, because ultimately, it rests on their shoulders (read the story of Team Bondi and "LA Noire") to then fix or take blame for a game's functionality upon release, all because some idiot exec makes the deadline and watches the profit margins as law. I like studios like Blizzard, who say "The Game Will Release When It's FINISHED". So what if they take ten years between releases? At least you know when you buy a Blizzard game, that it's gonna WORK.
If I ran my company like Bethesda, turning out (basically) broken product, I would have been out of clientele 25 years ago, destitute, and living on the street. I feel the same way about airlines, by the way, and often say as much when confronted by a rude or ignorant employee/ steward. Consumers in general are way too forgiving when it comes to product reliability or service representation, in my opinion, nowadays. Gamers, doubly-so. Some gamers will line up for a golden shower from certain devs... And that's not doing the dev or the hobby any service.
I say all of this as an old-school original D&D player (back in the early 1980s) RPG fan who would LOVE a game like "Skyrim" (or "Morrowind" back on my OG xbox) to follow through on the promise of it's creation. I WANT a game like this (or "Fallout 3") to work, but the fact is, it simply doesn't.
And that's a shame.
I could look past things like Wooley Mammoths falling from the sky if there weren't the game-breaking other glitches going on...
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