Tomb Raider: Underworld, Unreal Tournament III, Bioshock, Bioshock 2 & Prince of Persia are easy enough.
Bioshock notoriously easy? I'm doing a "collectibles" playthrough right now and it's a bit of a pain in the $@%.
Trophy guide says platinum in 10-15 hours but that's only if you cheat with saves and ruin your first playthrough by following a guide all the way through. For me this one will be 3 playthroughs and probably more like 30 hours if I bothered counting it all up. Getting all the research, collectibles, and weapon upgrades takes awhile even if doing on easy difficulty like i'm doing now.
-My original playthrough was months ago just to do the story of the game (on normal difficulty).
-Right now i'm doing collectibles
-My last playthrough will be for the "I choose the Impossible" difficutly, and I doubt it will be THAT easy. Even on normal difficulty the game is nowhere near the easiest game I've played.
For me easiest platinums were without a doubt, Dante's Inferno, Prince of Persia - Forgotten Sands, Terminator Salvation
You're just terrible at videogames, BioShock is easy, you can save anywhere, anytime. And you don't need to do a separate run for collectibles, you can get the Platinum in one playthrough, and definitely in two.
You have the WaW Plat and you're complaining about how hard BioShock is?
I didn't say it was "hard" and am not complaining about the game at all. I'm aware you can save anywhere. Regardless of that, I'm just saying it's not even close to one of the easiest PS3 titles to platinum. Check the thread title you are posting in, Bioshock shouldn't even be in the discussion. Just based on how many things you need to collect (Audio Diaries AND Tonics), as well as all the upgrade stations. Just the amount of collectibles makes this game more annoying to try to platinum than most every other game mentioned and probably dozens of games not mentioned. I just don't find it particulalry hard OR easy, just somewhere in the middle.
Sure you CAN beat get it all in one play through if you follow everything in a guide. But like I said that would most likely ruin the experience. That is...unless you enjoy consulting a guide every 10 minutes, as well as saving your game constantly. I just don't play like that on my first run through.
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