Where is the GTA series going to go next, they have done all there old cities allready and if you want to take this to London Just go play the Getaway. I want an all new location. So cast your vote and well see if we can make enough noise for Rockstar to here us.
Washington DC---------What can be more fun than running a mission for a rogue Secret Service agent or Mr. P himself.
St. Louis-----------------Running missions down the Mighty Mississippi and running into crazed hillbillies that cook there own rum
Atlantic City--------------All you Jersey residents are going to love controlling your own block in your own neighborhood.
San Antonio, Texas-----If you want to fulfuill your lifelong dream of being a coyote and run missions across the border.
Chicago------------------Do i really need to say more.
Baltimore----------------Baltimore actually has a higher crime rate than Chicago, Los Angels, San Antonio and New York.
Clevland OH-------------Run missions around clevland and across Lake Erie to Toronto.
New Orleans-------------Try having a gun fight with the cops throgh hordes of drunken teens on Mardi Gras.
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