[QUOTE="freham2001"][QUOTE="Devils_Joker_22"][QUOTE="freham2001"][QUOTE="lextexrex"][QUOTE="warbmxjohn"][QUOTE="freham2001"][QUOTE="Devils_Joker_22"][QUOTE="Perception1"][QUOTE="SikKwuN"][QUOTE="Perception1"][QUOTE="SikKwuN"][QUOTE="Perception1"] [QUOTE="tidus9000"]Im a homosexual gamer and i dislike the the smack talk used by alot of gamers these days indicating the oponent is G@y i find the concept of homosexuality being used as an insult very offensive-and can only indicate a juvinile and moronic minnd.
i say down with this kind of smack talk and just have fun
is a little respect to much to ask!
BTW i love the PS3Devils_Joker_22
Meh, I call people gay queer and all those things all the time. Being gay isn't a good thing, like why would you like your own sex..anyways probably the wrong forum.
being gay isnt a good thing? i laughed hard when i read that part.
Lol no, it isnt.
lmao... i dont get how its a bad thing? tell me how..
Lol God created Adam and Eve (Clearly a woman) not Adam and John. (In simplest terms)
Uh oh, we have a christian in out midsts. Although Kudos to being able to make me laugh on two levels, both the joke you made and the joke of taking the bible litterally
Whoa, you say "uh oh" like its bad. Im proud to tell you i am a Christian also. And what is this joke of taking the Bible literally? It is all LITERAL. And factual. and historic, and true. I'm not going to argue with you though, but please dont say you beleive in science...
Why can't he say he believes in science? Why attack someone elses viewpoint? What if someone asked you "Please don't say you believe everything just magically appeared?"
First off, science is the very thing that says everything magically appeared. The big bang? Ok good job science, now tell me where all that stuff for the big bang came from? According to scientists, it just "magically appeared." I dont know about you, but that sounds like an answer someone gives when they don't know what the heck the real answer is. Because they are too blind to open their eyes and realize God is real, and we all walk and live in His very creations. So science has claimed to figure out how things began (hah!), but what do they have on death? "Oh yea you come back as a tree!" Hah yea congrats for you. Apparently you have bought into satan's lies.
Okay, you know alot about science. Your obviously one of the people who payed attention in science lessons because it interested you when you found out how wrong it was. Let me say this. The big band is a theory that the universe expands and contracts after a HUGE amount of time, and our existance isnt just a lucky combination of crap (Particles, not magic or juju) exploding. And opening your eyes is seeing god is real. Thats exactly right. And science belives when you die, your dead. And yea, thats why science sucks....your just a corpse rotting away for other things to digest. Like worms. In Other religions is it belived you come back as a tree. Also satan sucks, i believe his lies.
Okay, and you don't know a lot about me. FYI this past semester i was assigned a research paper on the very subject, which i read many different articles talking about expantion and conctraction of the universe. I do not blow off science, thank you very much. And, if you believe in satan, you have to believe in God, because if you had read any part of the bible you would know that satan was an angel cast down out of heaven for thinking he was greater than God. Oh yea, and have fun rotting away and being other peoples fertilizer.
Everyone Loves the Underdog ;)
And yea, being fertilizer is DA BOMB! Ill fertilize your plants like i did you when you were asleep that night at band camp
Ok, but in this case, the Underdog (satan), doesnt give a crap about you, and wants to destroy you, because he hates God, and everything that is of God. God is the best father you will ever know, and im sorry i have not meant to offend or impose my beliefs on you, please forgive me. If i continue arguing like this, it would hurt my witness of Jesus Christ, which is not what he wants me to do. So i back down, and i hope that you dont completely hate me. But coming to know Jesus is the best thing that can ever happen to you. Ask anyone who is TRULY following God. God never gives up on you. And always loves you. Dont turn your head to God. Give him a chance, as he's given you many already. The only thing we truly deserve is hell... but by his grace he chose to save us with His son.
ps: amazing this thread has not been locked yet :D
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