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Hype thats all. Just like RE:5 and a couple other games that are over rated on PS3. Think how insane people act over FF7. And yet every FF game after that has been better in every way.
Really? RE:5 is extremely underrated imo. i dont think so resident5 its overrated mgs4 and gtaiv are perfect games Well, obviously what you have here is called an "opinion". Congratulations.There are many reasons why Metal Gear Solid 4 deserves a solid 10/10. First and foremost it's forth installation in the series (not counting the handheld), focusing on finishing Solid Snake 20 years story. Story alone, in MGS4, is worth the price to pay. It's a treat from Mr. Kojima for long time fans of the franchise. I don't expect a gamer who never played previous titles to actually give MGS4 a 10/10. He/She will not understand the passion this long time franchise established.
There are many references to previous titles and it's incredibly well presented. Speaking of which, the game looks great. Of course it's not Uncharted visuals however actual models, animation, sounds, choreography and even re-defined gameplay are all top notch.
It's easy to pick up a game today and state: "Well, why did this got a 10"... It's the same way Mario, Zelda and other franchises remain classics of its time.
Pretty much all installations in Metal Gear Solid 1-4 are classics of their own. I personally prefer MGS3 simply because of survival gameplay and "The Boss".
The way I see it, Metal Gear Solid 4, like its predecessors - is acquired taste. I'm glad some media out there appreciates what it offers.
You can tear apart the game in any intellectual way you desire the fact remains- it's a franchise like no other. ;)
I agree with the FF7 part...Hype thats all. Just like RE:5 and a couple other games that are over rated on PS3. Think how insane people act over FF7. And yet every FF game after that has been better in every way.
does anybody here pay any attention to the other gaming sites that review games also? I never look at the gamespot review I look at the average critic score and user score. everyone knows gamespot reviews are messed up.-ICON-
lol werd i mean look at their goty this year.....Uncharted 2 got basically highest greade out of all the games that came out this year pretty much...yet a game rated under won GOTY
I don't know if you're telling all this about the graphics cause you aren't using it in HD, or cause the capabilities of your tv are week but at the time MGS 4 came it was great, nothing was compared to it in terms of graphics, the gameplay did really evolved, you don't have to only rely on steath attacks like in the first game plus the story was amazingly movie-like, cool and dramatic with realistic and belivable characters not like the ones in Final Fantasy wich have a very fantasy and unbelivable charaters with spiky blond hair and lots of weird costumes and exagerations (NOT THAT I DON'T LIKE THE FINAL FANTSY SERIES). This still is one of the greatest games of all times, from charaters design, models, graphics, story and music everything is amazing; the game deserves a 9, i really don't thing theres a perfect game that deserve a 10.soulreaper-4I've got a 42" 1080P G10 television. It falls under one of the highest rated Plasma TV lines. It's so good that all the terrible textures stick out like a sore thumb. I'll certainly agree now that Metal Gear Solid 4 has pretty damn good graphics, but all of the eyecandy is truly only in the cutscenes. When it comes to gameplay, I stand by what I said earlier when I say Uncharted 1 is more impressive graphically. I agree that this game deserves a 9, but I disagree that no game deserves a 10. Keir 21, I know what you mean about the food and medical menus in Metal Gear Solid 3 not appealing to wide audiences. I found it stupid at first but it grew on me. It really made MGS3 seem like a freaking mammoth of a game with all of the cool tidbits in these menus. Sokol4ever, this game is one year old. Not 10 years old. Time has nothing to do with it considering barely any time has actually passed. I can still go back to games like Deus Ex (which actually IS 10 years old) and realize the game is truly a masterpiece. The story isn't that great. It's terribly convoluted, even considering that this is the 4th game in the series. The last half of a game consists of several "omg, is he going to die" moments, and then no matter what happens, everything turns out good in the end. And I agree, these games are acquired tastes. But that really doesn't have much to do with my sentiments at all. But you've made a respectable post, these games are definitely classics, particularly for taking constant risks. Chaos_Bladez, I'm sorry I've irked you by writing so much about the game. But I'm not shouting my opinion from the roof tops, I'm simply explaining it and asking why this game deserves the highest mark one can give. REforever101, I couldn't agree more. I constantly find myself in agreement with your posts. NTSC-U, there are a lot of very good games out there. MGS4 isn't one of few. It's one of many. hotfiree, typically when someone refers to something as "evolved", it's for the better. But you're right. Metal Gear Solid 4 did evolve. I was wrong earlier. I guess what I meant to say is that the gameplay didn't evolve for the better. Instead of saying the gameplay has evolved, it'd make more sense to say it has become "streamlined". Thanks for the replies, I appreciate it. All of this MGS talk is making me want to go back and replay 1-3 again. And since there's been directors cut versions of all these games (none of which I played), I can't wait to re-experience them again.
I did beat it, and frankly I wasn't that wild about the game either, myself. Many things I liked, but also many things I didn't. I know how much people love this game, so I had to just take it as this game and series just wasn't for me. No big deal.
I almost dit that too, just skimmed trough the rest. The gameplay has evolved, and MGS4 has way more moves than the previous games. And the fact that TC says he breezed trought the game points to that the shot his way trough the whole game. What a pity.I stopped reading at gameplay has not evolved
[QUOTE="POPEYE1716"]I almost dit that too, just skimmed trough the rest. The gameplay has evolved, and MGS4 has way more moves than the previous games. And the fact that TC says he breezed trought the game points to that the shot his way trough the whole game. What a pity. Sorry but incorrect assumption. Not only that but a somewhat misleading one as well. Playing at harder difficulties, it's a lot easier to stealth through the game. You simply crawl, blend, and shoot the enemies in the head with the tranquilizer. If you use guns on the other hand, you will alert a seemingly infinite amount of enemies to your position.I stopped reading at gameplay has not evolved
And MGS4 has *way* more moves than the previous games? Dead wrong. MGS3 has more CQC moves. What MGS4 is lacking in comparison is a subdue attack from the front of an enemy (spins the enemy around) and is missing CQC counters. Sounds like you...
A) Didn't play MGS3
B) Breezed through it, shooting your way through the whole game.
I stopped reading at gameplay has not evolved
I almost dit that too, just skimmed trough the rest. The gameplay has evolved, and MGS4 has way more moves than the previous games. And the fact that TC says he breezed trought the game points to that the shot his way trough the whole game. What a pity. Sorry but incorrect assumption. Not only that but a somewhat misleading one as well. Playing at harder difficulties, it's a lot easier to stealth through the game. You simply crawl, blend, and shoot the enemies in the head with the tranquilizer. If you use guns on the other hand, you will alert a seemingly infinite amount of enemies to your position.And MGS4 has *way* more moves than the previous games? Dead wrong. MGS3 has more CQC moves. What MGS4 is lacking in comparison is a subdue attack from the front of an enemy (spins the enemy around) and is missing CQC counters. Sounds like you...
A) Didn't play MGS3
B) Breezed through it, shooting your way through the whole game.
So one CQC move is missing? What about the different ways of crawling in MGS4? The "awareness" ring in MGS4. Mk2 Octocamo Aiming in 3rd person mode. Customizing the weapons. etc. I have played MGS1-4 and currently own MGS2: Sons of Liberty, MGS3: Snake Eater and MGS4: Guns of the Patriots. Love the games. MGS1 was my first game on the ps1.Why do u even care if it got a 10? Its ur opinion that matters.
I personally havent played MGS1, 2 or 3 so i dont know the differences your talking about.
I didnt get the story much either but it was just the kind of game that makes me like it for some reason. I seriously loved the gameplay mechanics and how snake would throw up and get back pain. I thought they were nice touches.
All the points you brought up in your Original post were your own opinions.
I dont feel like i need to say this, but opinions differ from person to person, not everyone is going to like a single game. Yes, MGS4 is a great game, but not everyone is going to feel the same about it. Reviews are also opinion. Using Reviews as a guideline for what you should and shouldnt play, and for it to sway what you think about the game, isnt what its about.
People should use reviews as a summary, and make up thier own minds about the game.
This topic is invalid.
PS. Also, MGS4 is pretty much a movie-game, the most enjoyment out of it would be fans of the original past titles.
[QUOTE="KHAndAnime"]Sorry but incorrect assumption. Not only that but a somewhat misleading one as well. Playing at harder difficulties, it's a lot easier to stealth through the game. You simply crawl, blend, and shoot the enemies in the head with the tranquilizer. If you use guns on the other hand, you will alert a seemingly infinite amount of enemies to your position.[QUOTE="lucky_star"] I almost dit that too, just skimmed trough the rest. The gameplay has evolved, and MGS4 has way more moves than the previous games. And the fact that TC says he breezed trought the game points to that the shot his way trough the whole game. What a pity.lucky_star
And MGS4 has *way* more moves than the previous games? Dead wrong. MGS3 has more CQC moves. What MGS4 is lacking in comparison is a subdue attack from the front of an enemy (spins the enemy around) and is missing CQC counters. Sounds like you...
A) Didn't play MGS3
B) Breezed through it, shooting your way through the whole game.
So one CQC move is missing? What about the different ways of crawling in MGS4? The "awareness" ring in MGS4. Mk2 Octocamo Aiming in 3rd person mode. Customizing the weapons. etc. I have played MGS1-4 and currently own MGS2: Sons of Liberty, MGS3: Snake Eater and MGS4: Guns of the Patriots. Love the games. MGS1 was my first game on the ps1.He was talking about the combat moves Snake could do, not new equipment or gameplay mechanics.
The CQC is more in depthand they did allow players to choose between stealth or full on assault which i think was fun. There aren't as many tricks in it as the first one where in the first one you were required to think a little. But Im a fan of the series because the story is just so good. So MGS4 "to me" was a great gaming experience with a great story to end the saga of solid snake. Unless he comes back in 5 to help Raiden.
Oh yeah and the whole MK2 coming out with all those weapons. You think thats unrealistic how about solid snake carrying a socom, famas, nakita launchers, sniper rifle, grenades, wp grenades, flashbangs, c4, claymores, cigarettes, etc. And whipping @$$ with it all on!
i1ll tell you how. ps3 was in last place, big underdog to even stay alive. so the reviewers gave the ps3s most hyped exclusive a perfect score to sell systems. *a jump start if you will*
alot of gaming sites do it all the time for any underdog system. not just for ps3 but on other big games on past systems. dreamcast got alot of boosted reviews. think xbox 1 got a few too
I ask that question so many times aswell.
Personally I don't think it should have got anything over 9.
It was great, but far from "perfect 10"
yup i loved the game, and was addicted. Even though i found many flaws with the gameplay.
So despite the flaws i oddly loved it. Still no 10.
I ask that question so many times aswell.
Personally I don't think it should have got anything over 9.
It was great, but far from "perfect 10"
Okay that was your opinion. Gamespot gave it a 10 and you gave it 9. Other people should be able to give their opinions too.
The Story, the Characters... 10/10.
Gameplay like 9/10 - Epic Final Boss, Epic REX-Fight ~ Fights you won't forget so easily... my Chicken Run was quite fun too lol
Graphics - 10/10 and the Soundtrack was beautiful and near perfect. This is all "imo". For me it was an easy 10/10 :)
i1ll tell you how. ps3 was in last place, big underdog to even stay alive. so the reviewers gave the ps3s most hyped exclusive a perfect score to sell systems. *a jump start if you will*
alot of gaming sites do it all the time for any underdog system. not just for ps3 but on other big games on past systems. dreamcast got alot of boosted reviews. think xbox 1 got a few too
Yeah, thats totally what happened :roll:
It recieved a 10 because 11's couldn't be handed out.JKnaperek
Well said, also, look at the time this game got out, it was one of the first next games on the markets, you can only compare MGS4 against the sucky sport games that were out by those times, still MGS4 is a relic, very beautiful and one of the best games ever, and I'm still loving the Online Multiplayer (MGO), it's just so perfect.
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