Tell me about it TC. I got the 3 DVD/blurays and streaming. Suddenly they are now charging me more for the same service.$27.98 vs the original$23.99. Its funny how some people say its not a big deal. LOL you guys must love getting charged more for less or this case the same. I wouldn't mind it if they said "hey we'll give you a fourth DVD" or "you get to stream new movies ahead of everyone else because you are part of our premium subscribers". Give me something....hell. I'm paying more and I'm getting the same things? Why would I want to pay more when I already pay less for something you guys CAN provide me for less. Just like the TC I'm pretty much ending netflix September. Thanks netflix, thanks for treating your loyal customers the right way.
This ^ To say that Netflix can change their prices if they want is crazy to me. It would be different if we were getting more out of the service, or operating costs were increasing. But we are getting the same service we always have and with so much of Netflix attention focused on streaming these days over physical DVD's, operation costs should be going down.
It's nice to know that so many of you have no problem throwing away your money. Sure it's only a few extra bucks a month; just like its only an extra $5 for that map pack on the FPS you play, or just $1.99 for that cool skin for your character, and only $.99 each for those 2 exclusive unreleased tracks that go with that CD you just bought. Before you know it, it all adds up. Its nothing more then nickel and diming of consumers to get extra money for the same stuff we already got for less. And the reason why this stuff happens, because so many people say "well its only a few extra dollars, who cares".
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