hey what's up i wanted to make this since it's become a big problem for some gamers. the problem is that children have become a big issue for online play as they can become immature. me as a 15 year old really does dissagree. some peapole say that kids cant play the mature rated games but what i dont get is that the these same peapole that say this played grand theft auto 3 when they were about the age of 12( which some of you know was the face of violent games at the time). i don't see the reasoning to be so causious and mad about this that you would have to complain instantly once you hear a childs voice online. yes i agree parents should be cautios about what they buy for there kids but it's like watching a rated r movie the permision is needed but the entertanment is very compiling. my first game was conker's bad fur day for the n64 i think i was about 6 at the time i really never took violent video games like if it were the real world it was just a hobby and will live with it as long as i live. you were a kid once playing your metal gear solid, golden eye etc.. or your pacman but now these same gamers are giving some harsh words to children? just don't get it. i remeber playing halo 2 and having a puny 10 year old voice but once i have grown my voice changes (of course) then gamers change there minds and respect me cmon thats the stupidist thing i've heard don't like it mute it.
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