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We should hit up some classics like GTA4, Soul Calibur IV, maybe the new Saw game when it comes out.
I'm a christian gamer. That's when you consider christians as game right?
I'm Catholic if that counts. Up for some GTA4 online? I get angry often though, so I hope you don't have any young ones listening. Resistance 2 is fine too, although I have a tendency of screaming out swears randomly and sending erotic pictures to people I play with.hazelnutman
well im a buddhist and i dont swear to offen...are you not allowed to play with me?:(
sweet me too! feel free to add me "z4twenny"
as for christian gamers TS, do you play any games that dont require a headset or dealing with other people directly? i would like to get a headset and play some squad based fps and such but i've heard mixed reviews about 11 year olds swearing on the psn (i dont mind when adults do it as we don't generally spit out 45 expletives in a row, we throw one out for effect and leave it at that) i tend to stick to fighting games as i dont have to listen to the other person to play them
I'm just tired of kids that swear all the time. Looking for Christian PSN gamers.jacobyruleschristians can swear too, ya know...
What is the difference?
If I declare I am christian to you how does this change the fun we have playing the game?
Not everyone non-christian swears alot. :?
It's just you. lolBack when I was "a christian" (around age 12), my favorite thing to do on church mornings was to go across the street and smoke a $#%@# (not risking gettin modded by GS's seemingly "christian" language policies), then go down with my friends to the church basement, where we listened to slayer albums. No joke, Im not making this up. Now, I think religion is ridiculous, and I swear, smoke and listen to Slayer waaaay less. Go figure.
These kids youre talking about are probably just acting out b/c their religious parents disapprove.....
Whats just me, and why is that funny?
Some of the most awful things Ive seen done on this planet were by one (insert religious identityl here) to another (insert religious identity here)........
And catholic-school kids were, far and above, the absolute worst (in terms of violence, drug use, sex and swearing) of the bunch. Including alot of the ghetto kids on the other side of town from them.....I always assumed it was because of repressed behaviors, and lying parents.
I'm Christian, and I don't cuss while I play any games online, I even leave when I start playing with constant "potty-mouthers" :P. I'd be happy to add you on PSN, but I won't accept your request anytime soon because my PS3 is getting sent in for repair (the disc drive broke). Also all my game saves got deleted, lucky me, so all my online accounts will be noobs again, lol. However, I think I'll be back into playing online constantly once MW2 comes out so I don't have to go back through hours of gaming in KZ2, CoD5 & 4, and Red Faction: Guerilla just to re-establish my account. I hope to see you online soon!
I'm an axe murdering psychopath, but I'm a Christian.HIT ME UP!! "You ever been on an airplane before Johnny?"
There's nothing more Cult-ish than only surrounding yourself with with like-minded people.
The way we grow together and understand eachother is to live (and game) together as a society.
And I'll assume that you're not worried about swearing as a whole, but more about blasphemy. When you people say "Oh FLIP" or "AW DANG"... we all know what your REALLY saying.
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