don't start the bashing too fast
OKAY MGS4 will the the game to sell ps3 consoles
OKAY everybody wants to know the end of the story and you hype this game so much that you don't even want to see the work that left to be done on the game
in this gameplay demo i think everybody who watched it became even more hyped for this game
but there are some major flaws and aspects that need to be taken care of by Konami
- Snake's animations aren't realistic at all
i mean, you can't walk crouched like that all the time, nobody in real life can do it, your back will hurt so bad
the way he moves and does actions, you clearly see the lack of animations in it, it doesn't look natural and it's specifictly one animation, when that one ends he goes back to normal position, an other animation, and so on (like in the old days) (all that is what could have been one full action sequence)
it's not fluid ... *uncharted will just be revolutionary for the character animations*
the animations for the dead people suddenly falling from the top of the building (after being shot) was all done wrong too ...
- THE SOUND, a sniper shot makes some extremely loud sound, and the ennemies just behind the window doesn't wonder what is going on
- this brings us to the AI ... where the ennemie see a friend's body and don't wonder what is going on
- plus ... i guess those persons have something to do in the area they are in to, they should have a job to do for the terrorist unit can't just be standing there waiting to get killed (if it's to transport boxes of w/e ...)
now don't tell me their job was to do the security, because you can not provide security when you are hidding in a building, they should have been placed in strategic positions
one last thing
first person view controled with the sixaxis (uhhh ... disaster ?!)
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