I know its been talked to death on the forum but I'm going to rant.
You see when I go to a store to buy a game for my PS3/PS3/PSP and I pay the new price that all other stores have i.e AC $59.99 at most any retail stores I expect when I get home to open a box that is wrapped in plastic. I don't care if you have a "new" sticker on the box, if the game does not have the original plastic wrap on it, it is not new to me.
I bought a game for my PSP the other day and when I got home it was one of those "new" yet opened games. While it plays just fine I would rather open my own games. The thing is when I tell the clerk that I only want the game if its sealed they roll their eyes or give me that "what an ass" look. They will even try and give you 5% off if you take the opened game.
Here is a suggestion for EB/GS. Setup a system where the publishers send you out copies of the game covers and you can add those covers to the "comming soon" section. Stop opening new games and letting your employees take then home and use the store as their personal Blockbuster. I don't care about the used games, as long as they work they contain the manual I'm happy.
Feel free to add your EB/GS story if you have.
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