My EB/GameStop rant

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#1 xtree
Member since 2003 • 167 Posts

I know its been talked to death on the forum but I'm going to rant.

You see when I go to a store to buy a game for my PS3/PS3/PSP and I pay the new price that all other stores have i.e AC $59.99 at most any retail stores I expect when I get home to open a box that is wrapped in plastic. I don't care if you have a "new" sticker on the box, if the game does not have the original plastic wrap on it, it is not new to me.

I bought a game for my PSP the other day and when I got home it was one of those "new" yet opened games. While it plays just fine I would rather open my own games. The thing is when I tell the clerk that I only want the game if its sealed they roll their eyes or give me that "what an ass" look. They will even try and give you 5% off if you take the opened game.

Here is a suggestion for EB/GS. Setup a system where the publishers send you out copies of the game covers and you can add those covers to the "comming soon" section. Stop opening new games and letting your employees take then home and use the store as their personal Blockbuster. I don't care about the used games, as long as they work they contain the manual I'm happy.


Feel free to add your EB/GS story if you have.

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#2 Babylon_
Member since 2005 • 205 Posts

I know what you mean, I hate that crap as well. Especially when they put those price tags directly on the boxes. Ughh! It pisses me off. I remember I bought Metroid Prime many years ago, when it had a large red $20 price tag on it. I ruined my box trying to take it and the glue spot it left off.

But anyway, just go to another store, don't buy opened "new" games.

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#3 korn666666
Member since 2004 • 206 Posts

I know what you mean, I hate that crap as well. Especially when they put those price tags directly on the boxes. Ughh! It pisses me off. I remember I bought Metroid Prime many years ago, when it had a large red $20 price tag on it. I ruined my box trying to take it and the glue spot it left off.

But anyway, just go to another store, don't buy opened "new" games.

yeah!!! i got ut3 like that!!!
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#4 americahellyeah
Member since 2006 • 16548 Posts
i know, i won't buy the game unless its wrapped, i like just going in and bringing a game up to the till and then he goes and gets the disc, and a say "can i get a "new" copy" and the EB employee says "it is new" and i say "new stuff is stuff that hasn't been opened, this game has been opened, that means its not new" *dazed look on EB employees face*, i walk out of the store with nothing.
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#5 X360PS3AMD05
Member since 2005 • 36320 Posts
Those ugly yellow stickers that ruin the box art :evil: Really there is no reason to shop there anymore.
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#6 T-Machine99
Member since 2007 • 1848 Posts
Yeah I hate EB Games, but I still go there because it's the closest game retailer that has every game. :P
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#7 strayzilla
Member since 2004 • 560 Posts
I just buy games out of the case, not the rack. The only time I ever look at the rack are for 10 dollar deals.
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#8 PS3videos
Member since 2007 • 834 Posts

Here is one for you. I went to buy UT3 from Gamestop and the guy said an employees had checked out the store's last copy. What the hell is that? I had to go to stupid BestBuy.

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#9 CJL182
Member since 2003 • 9233 Posts
I understand completely, but I also understand why EB/GS has the system the way it is. I have a large collection of games from 18+ years of gaming, and I like my games in mint condition. Thus, I never buy used or the display copy from EB/GS. If you really want a sealed copy, just wait for a new shipment, go to another store, or buy online; there's nothing else you can do. I always thought that it would be nice if publishers just simply sent some covers of the game with the shipment, so that the store can put them in display cases and all new copies would actually be sealed. When the game is less popular or sold out, they can just switch the covers.
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Member since 2006 • 96 Posts
My local eb game's is full of snotty "know it all clerks" and I will go there last for my gaming needs,just for the fact of they're poor costumer service.and trade in values/STUPID CLEAR AND YELLOW STICKERS THAT RUIN MY GAME CASE'S.Eb/Gamestop FTL.:(
Local kick ass game store's FTW. :D
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#11 gagit811
Member since 2005 • 3632 Posts
I have had my own issues with them, I got a new elite it was busted out of the box. To make a long story short they would not give me a refund and they didn't have any more elites in stock. I don't buy from them anymore. I have two walmarts a target and a Best buy, Why give them my money.
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#12 Zanthia561
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How about this for a gamestop story. I bought Lord of the rings online for computer from a gamestop 40 miles away from my house. When i got home and opened it up they replaced it with Lord of the rings RTS game i never even thought about playing. When i called them the manager said he was sorry and would give me 5$ off when it costs me 30$ in gas alone to get back to the damn store. I refuse to buy anything from them a-holes again.
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#13 pro_gamer12345
Member since 2006 • 1801 Posts
Wow... why would they put stickers on the actaul cover of the game? I find that really retarted... it makes your box look really ugly.
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#14 AnFangs_Endes
Member since 2007 • 3785 Posts

Because of the "new" game's thing, and those Damnable stickers made with industrial strength super-glue that never truly comes off, EB/GS are always my absolute last option.

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#15 justin_06
Member since 2006 • 782 Posts
We arn't allowed to put open software back on to the store shelves at Best Buy. But that is how I bought my Killzone: Liberation for my PSP, GS said it was their last copy, and I really wanted to play it that instant, so I sucked it up. But I do agree, if the game has been opened, it needs to be in the "Used" section and marked down 10-15%.
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#16 GamersNightmare
Member since 2006 • 621 Posts
They really suck for that and since pretty much all places have the same price, I don't bother wasting my time or money in EB/GS stores.
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Member since 2006 • 596 Posts

I used to work at Gaymestop. There system is messed up in so many ways. I only go there when I trade games in which is rarely ever, Since I ebay my games and get twice as much money as opposed to there very crappy trade in values.

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#18 Foffity
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I don't know how different it is in the US, but I work for GAME in the UK (pretty much the equivalent of your EB), and some publishers DO send out dummy covers to use, but its usually only the very big games that we get them for, this means that we have to put a few 'real' cases out there otherwise you wouldn't know we had the game in stock. Our stickers are small, and they're the ones that peel off real easy (again it might be different in the US). Anyway, it is a pain for us if people are coming in demanding a sealed copy, since there is no difference to the actual game that you'll be playing, and there is no reason for you to expect or demand a pristine sealed game. For instance, when we received our copies of PES2008 for the PS3, NONE of them were in sellofane wrapping, yet people refuse to buy them. Well, sorry but you can't get it any other way. So don't complain at us for providing you with a service that a lot of people take for granted.
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#19 jester0815
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Okay it's not like im defending EB/GameStop stores, but if you don't want the last copy of a game you don't have to take it. Go to another retail store and see if you can find a copy of the game else where. If they had display art for all the games people would complain if the box was on the wall and they didn't have it in stock. So either way, it's kind of pointless. I don't mind getting the last copy, but I do check the disk out, even if it is new, it is only fair. Buy the game else where, but sometimes gamestop/eb has games that other stores don't have new. It's your decision to buy an unsealed copy in the end :)

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#20 jester0815
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I don't know how different it is in the US, but I work for GAME in the UK (pretty much the equivalent of your EB), and some publishers DO send out dummy covers to use, but its usually only the very big games that we get them for, this means that we have to put a few 'real' cases out there otherwise you wouldn't know we had the game in stock. Our stickers are small, and they're the ones that peel off real easy (again it might be different in the US). Anyway, it is a pain for us if people are coming in demanding a sealed copy, since there is no difference to the actual game that you'll be playing, and there is no reason for you to expect or demand a pristine sealed game. For instance, when we received our copies of PES2008 for the PS3, NONE of them were in sellofane wrapping, yet people refuse to buy them. Well, sorry but you can't get it any other way. So don't complain at us for providing you with a service that a lot of people take for granted.Foffity

LOL, and aren't they going to open it anyways?

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#21 Kuruption84
Member since 2003 • 5356 Posts
Here's an idea. Don't buy it. While I do think EB needs to start using display boxes. The fact of the matter is that their not. So if you need some satisfaction in ripping the plastic off of the case, take you ass to Bestbuy/CC/Wal Mart, and get you game from there. This is a tired complaint, shoe stores use display shoes all the time, you buy clothes off the rack as well. I don't work for EB, Gamestop, or any other retailer for that matter, this is just a dead issue that is nothing more than thread pollution at this point.
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Im coming close to,,,,,,,,, one of the gametop employees.

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#23 FFF4N4T1C
Member since 2005 • 925 Posts

Here is one for you. I went to buy UT3 from Gamestop and the guy said an employees had checked out the store's last copy. What the hell is that? I had to go to stupid BestBuy.


I laughed out loud when I read this.

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#24 Liquid-Prince
Member since 2007 • 2277 Posts
Here's an idea. Don't buy it. While I do think EB needs to start using display boxes. The fact of the matter is that their not. So if you need some satisfaction in ripping the plastic off of the case, take you ass to Bestbuy/CC/Wal Mart, and get you game from there. This is a tired complaint, shoe stores use display shoes all the time, you buy clothes off the rack as well. I don't work for EB, Gamestop, or any other retailer for that matter, this is just a dead issue that is nothing more than thread pollution at this point.Kuruption84

You people are not understanding what this means. It's not for satisfaction of opening the plastic. It's because when EB games employees open the game and put them in little ziploc bags it sometimes bends the manual and or scratches the disc, if it's a PS2 disc, and yet it still sells for "new". I got a PSP game the other day that was "new" but in a ziploc bag and when I got the disc there was scratches on the UMD casing because they had removed it from the original boxing.

Also, you people have no right to tell people whether they should shop there or not. You have no idea what the situation of that person is. What if they only have a EB around them and they can't buy things online.
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#25 Foffity
Member since 2004 • 622 Posts

[QUOTE="Foffity"]I don't know how different it is in the US, but I work for GAME in the UK (pretty much the equivalent of your EB), and some publishers DO send out dummy covers to use, but its usually only the very big games that we get them for, this means that we have to put a few 'real' cases out there otherwise you wouldn't know we had the game in stock. Our stickers are small, and they're the ones that peel off real easy (again it might be different in the US). Anyway, it is a pain for us if people are coming in demanding a sealed copy, since there is no difference to the actual game that you'll be playing, and there is no reason for you to expect or demand a pristine sealed game. For instance, when we received our copies of PES2008 for the PS3, NONE of them were in sellofane wrapping, yet people refuse to buy them. Well, sorry but you can't get it any other way. So don't complain at us for providing you with a service that a lot of people take for granted.jester0815

LOL, and aren't they going to open it anyways?

Exactly, all this fuss for a piece of plastic that's worth about $0.0000000000000001 and gets thrown out before you even open the box...

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#26 Liquid-Prince
Member since 2007 • 2277 Posts

[QUOTE="Foffity"]I don't know how different it is in the US, but I work for GAME in the UK (pretty much the equivalent of your EB), and some publishers DO send out dummy covers to use, but its usually only the very big games that we get them for, this means that we have to put a few 'real' cases out there otherwise you wouldn't know we had the game in stock. Our stickers are small, and they're the ones that peel off real easy (again it might be different in the US). Anyway, it is a pain for us if people are coming in demanding a sealed copy, since there is no difference to the actual game that you'll be playing, and there is no reason for you to expect or demand a pristine sealed game. For instance, when we received our copies of PES2008 for the PS3, NONE of them were in sellofane wrapping, yet people refuse to buy them. Well, sorry but you can't get it any other way. So don't complain at us for providing you with a service that a lot of people take for granted.Foffity

LOL, and aren't they going to open it anyways?

Exactly, all this fuss for a piece of plastic that's worth about $0.0000000000000001 and gets thrown out before you even open the box...

You people are not understanding what this means. It's not for satisfaction of opening the plastic. It's because when EB games employees open the game and put them in little ziploc bags it sometimes bends the manual and or scratches the disc, if it's a PS2 disc, and yet it still sells for "new". I got a PSP game the other day that was "new" but in a ziploc bag and when I got the disc there was scratches on the UMD casing because they had removed it from the original boxing.

Also, you people have no right to tell people whether they should shop there or not. You have no idea what the situation of that person is. What if they only have a EB around them and they can't buy things online.

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#27 Foffity
Member since 2004 • 622 Posts

If you worked at a games store of any kind, would you not expect some kind of staff privilege allowing you to reserve best selling items?? Besides, if a store employee doesnt take the last copy, then someone else most certainly will.

Sorry for the double-post by the way.

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#28 tommcruise
Member since 2007 • 719 Posts

Here is one for you. I went to buy UT3 from Gamestop and the guy said an employees had checked out the store's last copy. What the hell is that? I had to go to stupid BestBuy.


Dude... bestbuy pwns... right now they got Assassins Creed for $38 new for PS3 and COD4 for X360 for $38. Last year, I bought Rainbow Vegas for $39 new, played it for 10 months then sold it for $35.

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#29 Foffity
Member since 2004 • 622 Posts

You people are not understanding what this means. It's not for satisfaction of opening the plastic. It's because when EB games employees open the game and put them in little ziploc bags it sometimes bends the manual and or scratches the disc, if it's a PS2 disc, and yet it still sells for "new". I got a PSP game the other day that was "new" but in a ziploc bag and when I got the disc there was scratches on the UMD casing because they had removed it from the original boxing.

Also, you people have no right to tell people whether they should shop there or not. You have no idea what the situation of that person is. What if they only have a EB around them and they can't buy things online.


As a gamer of over 15 years, and an employee of a games retailer, let me tell you that when the situation comes where we absolutely MUST open a game to display it, we treat the discs and the manuals with the greatest care. We don't use zip-lok bags here, we just place the disc carefully inside the manual, and store them in a draw. Now, if you think that this is going to fold/tear the manual, or scratch a disc anymore than a console/PC would, then you are sadly mistaken.

Also, considering the amount of games I have seen traded in where the owners have taken little or no care of bothe the disc and the manual (I had someone offer me a game with a gouge vertically down the disc, and with a manual missing several pages), I think we do a very good job, and considering the alternatives, you get an exceptional service.

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#30 Kuruption84
Member since 2003 • 5356 Posts
[QUOTE="Kuruption84"]Here's an idea. Don't buy it. While I do think EB needs to start using display boxes. The fact of the matter is that their not. So if you need some satisfaction in ripping the plastic off of the case, take you ass to Bestbuy/CC/Wal Mart, and get you game from there. This is a tired complaint, shoe stores use display shoes all the time, you buy clothes off the rack as well. I don't work for EB, Gamestop, or any other retailer for that matter, this is just a dead issue that is nothing more than thread pollution at this point.Liquid-Prince

You people are not understanding what this means. It's not for satisfaction of opening the plastic. It's because when EB games employees open the game and put them in little ziploc bags it sometimes bends the manual and or scratches the disc, if it's a PS2 disc, and yet it still sells for "new". I got a PSP game the other day that was "new" but in a ziploc bag and when I got the disc there was scratches on the UMD casing because they had removed it from the original boxing.

Also, you people have no right to tell people whether they should shop there or not. You have no idea what the situation of that person is. What if they only have a EB around them and they can't buy things online.

I understand all of your points, but like I said, they don't care. Someone will buy it. It's 2007, there are plenty of other ways to get your gaming fix outside of EB/Gamestop. So again, don't like it, don't shop there. On the rare occasion that I did cop a game from EB I never had that problem.
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#31 legofan712
Member since 2005 • 664 Posts
Yeah I hate EB Games, but I still go there because it's the closest game retailer that has every game. :PT-Machine99
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#32 Simba_Dude
Member since 2005 • 662 Posts
I hate those bloody stickers myself and I have wasted countless hours removing them and coming up with ways to get rid of them. Everytime I buy a game there I tell them "do not put that sticker on there or else I will not buy it and they still do" so I just leave and they wonder why I get angry with them. I would rather go buy a game brand new from some other store then them if they insist on putting that sticker on there :/ And yes buying a new game and taking the wrapping off for the first time is what completes the experience of spending all that cash to experience everything from getting from the store to opening it to completing the game itself and putting it back on your collection shelf of completed games.
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#33 rendai
Member since 2004 • 557 Posts
I agree with all of and thats why I go to play and trade, they have empty boxes on their shelfs in case someone tries to switch cases but if you buy a new game they always give you a wrapped one
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#34 motherboop
Member since 2007 • 2382 Posts
These "new but used" games we are referring to here are called "gut copies". I don't buy them. Back in the Fall, I went to get a game from Gamestop. Upon going to the register, I asked for it, and the employee asked me to grab the box off of the shelf. I told him I'd prefer a sealed copy, since there were some behind the counter in the glass case. He went on to tell me they are the same thing, that they were both new. I had to insist that I wanted a sealed copy for him to turn around and get one out of the case, and the whole time he acted as if I wasn't being logical.
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#35 TaintedEon
Member since 2007 • 942 Posts
I actually work for EB/GameStop, and I can officialy say a lot of you are blowing it out of proportion. For one, when we "check out games and use the store as our personal blockbuster" we can only do it for three days, never take that game back out again, and we use the VERY LAST COPY. Now, if we have less than 3 copies of the game, we can't take it out. Another thing is that we check the "rented" copy for any scratches, and if there are some, we put them to used. I don't know what type of stores you guys go to, but if you are telling the truth, they aren't the best workers.

Another thing, I buy used games all the time and I find it easy to tear off the yellow sticker without ruining the's not hard.
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#36 hardcore_nate
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Okay, so a couple days ago I went to go buy Sims 2 Pets (for my sister). So, I said I want to buy this game, and they pull the disk out of this little package open up the cae and put it in and said you owe this and this. I honestly gave him a puzzled look and said, I thought I bought this new!? He then proceeded to tell me, oh its new we just take out the game, to save space! I was like wtf this isnt new now! Anyways, I did buy it, but from now on Iam buying from Wal-Mart! ;)
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#37 Quadrifoglio
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I love the EB's in Denmark. Wrapped and sealed! :)
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#38 rendai
Member since 2004 • 557 Posts

Another thing, I buy used games all the time and I find it easy to tear off the yellow sticker without ruining the's not hard.

not true it is very hard to get those stickers off without ruining the box

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#39 TaintedEon
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Just use your nail, peel a corner off a little, and then slowly pull it off... >.>; Not hard, I just did it for CoD 4 infact.
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#40 rendai
Member since 2004 • 557 Posts

Just use your nail, peel a corner off a little, and then slowly pull it off... >.>; Not hard, I just did it for CoD 4 infact.TaintedEon

I'm not saying its not possible I'm just saying is a pain and could be easily avoided

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#41 TaintedEon
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Avoided how? If we didn't sticker them, we wouldn't know what's new and used. If we put the new games on the shelf, they would be stolen. What's your solution then, instead of stickering?
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#42 rendai
Member since 2004 • 557 Posts
ebgamestop could do what play and trade does like i said in my first post, and im only talking about new games because if i buy a game used i expect it to have that sticker on it, or they could just use a less sticky sticker
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#43 TaintedEon
Member since 2007 • 942 Posts
You're referring to a gut copy, it's our very last copy of a game, and if it's a new game, one of the last two copies...we have to put those out on the shelves and stickered, so we know where they go. If we had all the new games out there unstickered, it'd be hard to track if somebody tried to trade that in, or if somebody moved it, etc. It's for inventory and organization.

My advice to you, is to not buy the last copy of the game if you don't like the sticker.
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#44 Liquid-Prince
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Avoided how? If we didn't sticker them, we wouldn't know what's new and used. If we put the new games on the shelf, they would be stolen. What's your solution then, instead of stickering?TaintedEon

When I got Kingdom Hearts II, It was supposedly a used copy but it was in MINT condition. Not even one scratch and the manual had no bends, so the guys that worked at EB felt it a shame to sticker the box. So what they did was seal it with that vacuum sealing machine and then put the sticker on top of that. So I just tore the plastic off and the game was like brand new with no crappy residue.
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I wanted to trade in Kane and Lynch: Dead Men *I liked it, pretty good game, except some minor errors*

I asked how much would I get *Keep in mind price of the game is like 64 dollars (with tax)*, Well they said I would only get 20 bucks. I nearly drop my jaw and took my game, left the store, and found out that I could get better money on ebay.


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#47 Foffity
Member since 2004 • 622 Posts

I wanted to trade in Kane and Lynch: Dead Men *I liked it, pretty good game, except some minor errors*

I asked how much would I get *Keep in mind price of the game is like 64 dollars (with tax)*, Well they said I would only get 20 bucks. I nearly drop my jaw and took my game, left the store, and found out that I could get better money on ebay.



You have to bear in mind that stores like this have to make a profit, if they gave you say 50% of what you paid back, then had to sell it on at a price that is less than the price of a new copy, they wouldnt make much money, and you wouldnt have anywhere to buy games from.

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#48 ryank285
Member since 2007 • 1152 Posts

I wanted to trade in Kane and Lynch: Dead Men *I liked it, pretty good game, except some minor errors*

I asked how much would I get *Keep in mind price of the game is like 64 dollars (with tax)*, Well they said I would only get 20 bucks. I nearly drop my jaw and took my game, left the store, and found out that I could get better money on ebay.



You have to bear in mind that stores like this have to make a profit, if they gave you say 50% of what you paid back, then had to sell it on at a price that is less than the price of a new copy, they wouldnt make much money, and you wouldnt have anywhere to buy games from.

Yes, they have to make a profit, but they are making a KILLING. They are definetely taking advantage of people that probably don't know any better and think that is the only place to sell/trade games. I mean come on... they buy your game for like 5-20 bucks but sell it for 50.

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#49 PinoyRoy
Member since 2005 • 114 Posts
People have their different views on this, especially thee employees of EB/Gamestop and the customers. But styll, someone here said they don't put the real sealed games on the shevles or else they would get stolen. Why don't they justt put security on them like other stores, like Best Buy or something + Best Buy also has theirs on shelves, why can't EB/Gamestop do the same, maybe theres a reason, I don't know, I don't work their, and if someone on this forum does and knows why, pleasee explain. And also, I live heree in Canada where our Wal-Mart keeps their sealed games in glass shelves, so you can only take them out if you askk an employee. They should justt call EB/Gamestop 'Blockbuster' or whatever game/movie rental store you have near you, because they're almost identical. Both have opened cases as display cases, and both have 'all' used games, only difference, block buster charges $10 rent for a used game, where as EB/Gamespot charges new retail price for used games. I really don't wantt to hate on EB or their employees, but styll someone please explain. Becuase there could bee a good reason as to why they do what they do.
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#50 ryank285
Member since 2007 • 1152 Posts

People have their different views on this, especially thee employees of EB/Gamestop and the customers. But styll, someone here said they don't put the real sealed games on the shevles or else they would get stolen. Why don't they justt put security on them like other stores, like Best Buy or something + Best Buy also has theirs on shelves, why can't EB/Gamestop do the same, maybe theres a reason, I don't know, I don't work their, and if someone on this forum does and knows why, pleasee explain. And also, I live heree in Canada where our Wal-Mart keeps their sealed games in glass shelves, so you can only take them out if you askk an employee. They should justt call EB/Gamestop 'Blockbuster' or whatever game/movie rental store you have near you, because they're almost identical. Both have opened cases as display cases, and both have 'all' used games, only difference, block buster charges $10 rent for a used game, where as EB/Gamespot charges new retail price for used games. I really don't wantt to hate on EB or their employees, but styll someone please explain. Becuase there could bee a good reason as to why they do what they do.PinoyRoy

They do what they do because they can.