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its funny to see so many poeple put so much into people's reviews. DO you need someone to review the food you eat before you eat it or the bed you sleep in before you sleep in it? Give me a break. If you want it then get it, but if you don't want it because someone said its not worth it then I don't know what to tell you.
Gamers game...Fanboys let others decide wheter or not to get a game.......
Two very credible sites have said this game was disappointing ( and 1up). Gamespot's reviews mean absolutely nothing in the gaming community. So I'll pass and save my money for Uncharted, and Mass Effect.
While a whole bunch of other credible sites have said that the game is Triple A, ie. Gametrailers and Gamespot, as well as pretty much every other site.
despite all the "faults" that many people say that this game has i still think it looks very good...
Not sure if i'm going to buy it but its in the first places for the next ps3 games buy list
I already reserved mine so i cant back out now, but i think i will enjoy it, reviews dont mean a lot to me.
For anyone who wouldknow, I have a queastion. In the game, does the day ever changes into the night?
Like I always say, who cares about reviews...
I got lair because i Wanted to fly a dragon and rip people apart...
I'll get assassins creed so I can run up buildings and kill people stealthily.
See, simple fun. Not going to deny myself of that because ZOMG the LIGHTING is Not Great! and the frames only go at 30 FPS
well i got it tonight at 6p.m. from gamestop. Acutally there were way more people then they had copies of games for but i got mine so im ok.
I guess you would say im 1/9 through the game having made of assassination so far.I made sure i stayed away from all of the trailers or anything else that would give away the story and im glad i did. But i am dissapointed at what the game really is ( how and why it takes place). While you are playing its great.... i have this stupid grin on my face while i climb and jump around. I am either really bad at combat with the sword or its slightly awkward.
This is a great game to me. while everyones taste differs if a stealth action game interests u with some great visuals go pcik this up!
just my .02
[QUOTE="Thomas-Crown"]For anyone who wouldknow, I have a queastion. In the game, does the day ever changes into the night?
I was wondering about that too but I dont think so. They could have made some cool shadow-play mechanics ala Thief!
I am kinda hoping it does but you're right, if the day does chnage into the night, Jade would probably show it by now. :P
I still don't know whether to get it or not...jtdawg23
I seriously think you should go for it if you wanted it before, all the review say its atleast good, maybe not as awsome forsome people as might have expected, but there are a lot ofpossitive things in it, I am sure you will love something.
[QUOTE="Jbul"]Two very credible sites have said this game was disappointing ( and 1up). Gamespot's reviews mean absolutely nothing in the gaming community. So I'll pass and save my money for Uncharted, and Mass Effect.
While a whole bunch of other credible sites have said that the game is Triple A, ie. Gametrailers and Gamespot, as well as pretty much every other site.
True that is has gotten good reviews from many sites. But the sites I personally trust and generally share the same views with, did not think the game was anything extroidinary.
has anyone noticed that the ads on TV are for the 360 version of AC only?
nonetheless i'm am sooooo freaking pumped about getting this game tomorrow (Canada) i don't think i've been this excited about a game since Oblivion on PS3!!!
I'll be interested to see what my fellow gamers that play this game have to say...analog10Jackpot!! The best thing to do after seeing mixed fellings is reviews is what this gentleman/madame said.
From what I have seen from AC the game looked AA+ or AAA. IMO GS score was the one that was stop on.
I've loved what I've been hearing in reviews but unfortunately, I probably have to wait another day for my preorder to arrive
I just logged on GS to see what they gave it after playing it for a few hours last night, and i have to say that i am shocked. Yesterday before playin the game i saw that GI gave it a 9.5 and i thought that seemed about right. A 9.0 isnt high enough in my opinion. Now im hearing some sources only gave it a 7.7. WOW. I mean this game is truly great.
I will start with the few bad things i noticed. First while running, especially trying to escape guards after an assassination, you can often grab on to a ledge or start climbing when you dont want to. But if anything it just makes the escape much more intense. Second i will say that the information missions will seem to get a little repetitive, but they are still fun and i dont hate doing them. and the last thing that kind of bugged me about this game is how when your riding your horse from city to cit just because your going fast the guards start attacking you. i dont seem to understand that, but i may have not payed attention when they were explaining the horse sequences.
The many goods. First i feel that the visuals in this game are truly remarkable as well as the animations. The combat (yet not that difficult once you get counter kill) is very fun and rewarding with each kill. The brutality of the kills is very nice to watch, I love how the camera will go into a cinematic view when u do an instant kill. The voice acting and sound was just fine in my opinion, although i will agree with the GS review and sy that Altair could have better voice over. His voice and personality seem a little too modernized for the crusades. But his personality does go along with the storyline, Altair is cocky and arrogant but very skilled. And may not always follow the rules of the Brotherhood. I liked how you lose most of your skills and have to earn them back, because it makes you appreciate counter kill.
This is a very good game that everyone should at least give a chance. I feel anything lower than a 9 is just flat wrong. if i could give it any score id give it a 9.7 or 9.8.
Just like to add i played this on 360 and noticed no framerate issues. My friend has it for ps3 and he didnt notice anything bad either.
It's great to hear professional and well written review. There are few of those, but my hat is down to Kevin Van Ord.
This is an example of a professional review, other should take close note of it, you state the facts of a game, pros and con, discuss what the game has to offer in polite and intelligent way and let the gamers make a choice.
As for Assassin's Creed. It has been the game I was waiting for this year, even though I have decided a awhile ago this title is coming home, it's good to hear positive comments.
A 20 hours gameplay + longer hours with side quests (for once) is worth my money. I love stealth game and Crusader Era.
Well done Ubisoft Montreal.
I already pre-ordered it.. But I think its best that once you already know you're going to enjoy the game, read the reviews to see the pro's and con's and see if the con's bother you enough... The con's posted by GS really don't bother me at all, and the pro's just make the game seem more awesome. Can't wait till i get it!
I got a question about a promotion wallpaper fot the Assassin's Creed. Below the centre of the wallpaper there's a chemical structure of some kind. It contains the elements H (Hydrogen), C (Carbon), N (Nitrogen) and O (Oxygen). Does anyone know what the substance is? It looks pretty complicated. I bet it's some kind of poison.The wallpaper can also be seen on:
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