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I'm so buying this game, ASSASINS CREEDthat got :
9.0at Gamespot (;title;1)
9.1 at GT (
9.5 at Game Informer (
when trusting review sites.. gamespot is usually dead on with their reviews.. but even then.. its all about a personal experience with the game.. like with anime games.. always get bad reviews.. yet the fans love them.. gamespot gave Naruto Ultimate Ninja something like a 7 or a 6.5... and gave DBZ Budokai Tenkaichi 2 a 6.5.. yet.. i loved the games and thought they were great.. so that just goes to show you with these review sites.. it just depends on who is actually reviewing the game because its all about the personal experience.... i only trust myself on that.. with that said.. ill be picking up the game.. since i already have it pre-ordered.. and i'll probably enjoy it.. and thats what its all about.. hope everyone who gets it enjoys it as well.. but untill then.. will be playing Call of Duty 4..
What do u guys thnk i should get assasins creed or COD4. I heard that assasin's creed's controls are hard. Is that true?
What do u guys thnk i should get assasins creed or COD4. I heard that assasin's creed's controls are hard. Is that true?
Two very credible sites have said this game was disappointing ( and 1up). Gamespot's reviews mean absolutely nothing in the gaming community. So I'll pass and save my money for Uncharted, and Mass Effect.
it is disappointing.
but the graphics are amazing, and the gameplay is fun (although mind numbingly repetitive)
IGN's review says the end of the game is almost unplayable because of framerate issues on the PS3. Yet GS says the PS3 has a great frame rate. What's the deal?:?-Sniper99-
THe only thing I noticed is some AA stuff and Pop in Objects. Occasional Screen tearing too.
This game is awesome, absolutely no frame rate issues here. I'm running on a 1080P samsung. Those having frame rate issues, what is your resolution set on. Ever since the last update, I have to manually change my setting otherwise everything defaults to 720. I unchecked 720 and it plays in 1080. Keep in mind the game supports 1080i not p, my TV will run it in p, but it is simulated. Check your settings, only check 1080p and 1080i and see how frame rates are. I'm guessing they didn't do it 1080p because the framerates would of been worse and the game would of been larger file wise, and may not firt on one disk.
I just logged on GS to see what they gave it after playing it for a few hours last night, and i have to say that i am shocked. Yesterday before playin the game i saw that GI gave it a 9.5 and i thought that seemed about right. A 9.0 isnt high enough in my opinion. Now im hearing some sources only gave it a 7.7. WOW. I mean this game is truly great.
I will start with the few bad things i noticed. First while running, especially trying to escape guards after an assassination, you can often grab on to a ledge or start climbing when you dont want to. But if anything it just makes the escape much more intense. Second i will say that the information missions will seem to get a little repetitive, but they are still fun and i dont hate doing them. and the last thing that kind of bugged me about this game is how when your riding your horse from city to cit just because your going fast the guards start attacking you. i dont seem to understand that, but i may have not payed attention when they were explaining the horse sequences.
The many goods. First i feel that the visuals in this game are truly remarkable as well as the animations. The combat (yet not that difficult once you get counter kill) is very fun and rewarding with each kill. The brutality of the kills is very nice to watch, I love how the camera will go into a cinematic view when u do an instant kill. The voice acting and sound was just fine in my opinion, although i will agree with the GS review and sy that Altair could have better voice over. His voice and personality seem a little too modernized for the crusades. But his personality does go along with the storyline, Altair is cocky and arrogant but very skilled. And may not always follow the rules of the Brotherhood. I liked how you lose most of your skills and have to earn them back, because it makes you appreciate counter kill.
This is a very good game that everyone should at least give a chance. I feel anything lower than a 9 is just flat wrong. if i could give it any score id give it a 9.7 or 9.8.
Just like to add i played this on 360 and noticed no framerate issues. My friend has it for ps3 and he didnt notice anything bad either.
I found his voice a little odd, but I wonder if that is on purpose since he's really being controlled through memories of a modern day decendent.
anyone know the difficulty level of this game?
PS3 ID: Rokashi13 ADD MEEE
Difficulty is in the mind of the beholder. Or something. HMM! I'd say it's fairly balanced - not too easy, not too difficult. For example, if you don't keep your wits about you (in particular trying to escape from the guards when you get caught out) then chances are they'll eventually hack you to death or you'll accidentally fall into a canal :D However, it never reaches the point where you're constantly having to re-start because it's too difficult or your stuck. You may occasionally die, but that's about it.
It makes sense why his voice would sound like that since it's Altair's decendent! I didn't play too much of the game only because I wanted to slay some folks in COD4, which was working much better last night. The amount of time I did put into AC, I have to say that I was pleased with my purchase so far. The visuals were very nice. The story is rather interesting. The gameplay is fresh in which you use the face buttons to emulate Altair's actions of his head, hands and legs. The combat is not that great but it's not too bad either. This game is nicely paced; it's notrun and gunning and not too slow to put you to sleep. This is the kind of game that you need a weekend or two (well for me since I do work) to enjoy it's greatness. Too early to tell of any framerate issues, but I have not experienced any hitch or slowdown yet. I can't wait to play it tonight and this weekend!
[QUOTE="rDBONe"]I just logged on GS to see what they gave it after playing it for a few hours last night, and i have to say that i am shocked. Yesterday before playin the game i saw that GI gave it a 9.5 and i thought that seemed about right. A 9.0 isnt high enough in my opinion. Now im hearing some sources only gave it a 7.7. WOW. I mean this game is truly great.
I will start with the few bad things i noticed. First while running, especially trying to escape guards after an assassination, you can often grab on to a ledge or start climbing when you dont want to. But if anything it just makes the escape much more intense. Second i will say that the information missions will seem to get a little repetitive, but they are still fun and i dont hate doing them. and the last thing that kind of bugged me about this game is how when your riding your horse from city to cit just because your going fast the guards start attacking you. i dont seem to understand that, but i may have not payed attention when they were explaining the horse sequences.
The many goods. First i feel that the visuals in this game are truly remarkable as well as the animations. The combat (yet not that difficult once you get counter kill) is very fun and rewarding with each kill. The brutality of the kills is very nice to watch, I love how the camera will go into a cinematic view when u do an instant kill. The voice acting and sound was just fine in my opinion, although i will agree with the GS review and sy that Altair could have better voice over. His voice and personality seem a little too modernized for the crusades. But his personality does go along with the storyline, Altair is cocky and arrogant but very skilled. And may not always follow the rules of the Brotherhood. I liked how you lose most of your skills and have to earn them back, because it makes you appreciate counter kill.
This is a very good game that everyone should at least give a chance. I feel anything lower than a 9 is just flat wrong. if i could give it any score id give it a 9.7 or 9.8.
Just like to add i played this on 360 and noticed no framerate issues. My friend has it for ps3 and he didnt notice anything bad either.
I found his voice a little odd, but I wonder if that is on purpose since he's really being controlled through memories of a modern day decendent.
1UP very credible? I'm sorry but that was the funniest post I've read today. Thanks for the laugh.
Two very credible sites have said this game was disappointing ( and 1up). Gamespot's reviews mean absolutely nothing in the gaming community. So I'll pass and save my money for Uncharted, and Mass Effect.
My expectations were very low since E3. The demo they showed made me feel like they had a solid idea but the execution of it wasn't so good. On top of that ubisoft hadn't shown me much that's really impressed me this year save Rainbow Six, and even that had some issues. So up untill yesterday AC was a rental for me. I was doing a little shopping at Wal-mart and of course had to go check out the video games. I said screw it and bought it.
I'm glad I did. I only had a chance to play for a couple of hours and the very beginning of the game was a little tedious but overall it's really fun. I'm looking forward to this weekend when I'll really get a chance to get into it.
Col.Swamp's AC experience:
1.Saw some vids and pics thought the game looked cool
2. Checked out the game later on down the road and thought Altair's voice was crappy and the combat was lame.....Col. Swamp is waiting on the reviews.
3. The Nov. lineup comes out and a plethora of great games are flooding the ps3, AC now takes a backseat because Col. Swamp is getting COD4 and Uncharted (AC is now not a game Col. Swamp wants to buy).
4. The reviews come out for AC and Col. Swamp checks outsome more pics and vids and is awstruck!
5. Col. Swamp buys AC and thinks the game is now AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!
(yes i reffered to myself in the 3rd person alot in this post, I guess I'm a modern day Mr. T. without the mohawk and gold chains. Basically the moral of the story is you can't judge a book by a few screenshots and videos? Ah, something like that.....oh great now Col. Swamp is rambling.............)
Blah, (figured I might as well post this up again).
This bundle cost me $69.99 + tax, which ended up to be $75.94
(WOW!! It is so small, but very cute!)
the bonus disk is inside the white thing on the left, while the comic book is on the right.
WOW, what a waste of money. i mean next gen games were already a rip off at $60.
Can i know what's inside specifically, i know the action figure, but what's inside the white book and the comic book? is the something else there. please let me know!
Does anyone have any problems with this game freezing?wmattm
I hear some people saying they have problems, but I havent noticed any so far (played for about 4 hours)
gotta say first that i'm so lookin' forwrd to get this gamebut the rewiew here at gamespot was such a spoiler! other rewiews was like keeping the "modern time" in the storyline a secret but when i saw this one i were a little disappointed..locoghost
gamespot is biased and their reviews suck. Gametrailers ftw!
Oh, and I had no problem at all with the game freezing.
would you guys rather play assassin's creed for the ps3 or the 360, i am told that there are more glitches and crap like that in the ps3 version but i havent noticed any yet. my friend says that there are little to no glitches in the 360 version...i would like your oppnion does it or does it not matter if there are glitches even if there not noticeable?
After few hours last night I haven't noticed any freezes, there were a few frame rates here and there for few seconds, but nothing really that was taking away the enjoyment of a game.
After few hours last night I haven't noticed any freezes, there were a few frame rates here and there for few seconds, but nothing really that was taking away the enjoyment of a game.
I have had a similar experience...I am currently in Acre, and I have noticed some slowdown, nothing drastic, but certainly not silky smooth. Does it take away from the game no.
I had the game freeze up on me once this morning, restarted the console and was fine for the next hour, so I doubt thats really and issue...
The only problem I have currently is the fact that the rumble support for this game is severly limited...I have a Dual Shock 3, and yes I would assume there is a patch coming, but if there isnt, and the only time my controller rumbles is when I am attacked I dont know why UBISoft would even bother adding that code into the game....
Other than that its a very interesting game.
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