[QUOTE="stygiansanity"][QUOTE="2beers_in_hand"][QUOTE="stygiansanity"] [QUOTE="bdhoff"][QUOTE="2beers_in_hand"]Wow you got to be joking or are you really thet clueless. Resistance and Motorstorm are must have game's so keep your biased opinions to yourself. And your line about beinga informed consumer, well lets see all of us early adopters were right. We chose the right format for movies so don't feel to bad you will get a great add on in about a year and a half. So please take you opinions some where else.2beers_in_hand
So just because I don't agree with you I have to take my opinions somewhere else? If you think about it, what did you early adopters get that someone that buys one for $100 less this week won't get? I mean, other than a copy of Talladega Nights and shafted?can't wait to see his reponse to that :P
but what I find funny is how so many people have faith in a company that's only goal is to profit...like, how could you get excited about a sixaxis with rumble after sony said that it's undoable and now you'll be forced to buy new controllers, DMC4 probably going multi-plat, and the possibility of MGS4/MGS game going multi-plat.
Whats even funnier is the con called X-box live points, I bet you love getting hosed. Oh and I'm glad your warrenty got extended you will be needing it in the near future. Whats with the damage control about guys starting to get worried or what. And give the MGS4 rumor a rest its getting old.nah, points suck.
Warrenty extended doesn't matter because, I really won't be needing it, believe it or not. But hey, if I do need it, I've got it...I find it funny that you are pissed that I'm recieving free hardware repairs.
MGS4 rumor hasn't been settled yet. I doubt it's true, being that the game spans over the entire BD-ROM, but they never denied the possibility of a MGS title on the other 2 systems.
And a piece of advice, stop being a fan boy...and I'm not going ot call you a 12 year old, because if you denied that (claiming to be older), that would just be embarresing for you.
Why don't you give it up your theone trolling a PS3 boardposting asininemessages for no reason. Oh and why would I be pissed about free hardware repairs, I'm glad that Sony gives us a 1 year warrenty. I mean come on it's not like that other company who changed their warrenty 3 times now, even though they knew it had problems. Andonce again give it upuntil you have confirmation that its a multi-plat, we here have to endure that garbage day in and day out. By trolls just like you.
Oh and here's a rule of thumb for you. When you have to break out theyour a 12 year old bit. It doesn't disguise the fact that your an immature little kid trying to compansatefor his lack of any type ofdebating skills.
I'm trolling the PS3 forums, ok, but being I own a PS3 it actually means I'm speaking my opinion rather than just saying bull sh!t, but I'm sure you'll just find another label for what I am, being our opinions conflict, that is, you being a sony fanboy, or maybe just a MS hater. I've not once paid for a repair being I've never needed to, and nor any of my friends that own a 360.
I don't get why you are in denial that MGS might go to the Wii or the x360, they do have a larger userbase. I'm not saying MGS4, per say, but just another title, not one necessarily equal to that of MGS4, but just another title...so relax, ps3 still has this gem.
Good job deflecting the 12 year-old bit back on to me, which is ironic, being that you said calling someone a 12 year-old is immature and "trying to compansate for his lack of any type of debating skills "...but, hey, you caught me, I have terrible debating skills and that's why you resorting to calling me a troll rather than actually defending your position.
I guess you'll just deflect that ^ by saying that I initiated it by hinting that you might be a pathetic kid/adult, so I guess I shouldn't have been surprised to see your "troll-calling" as a response.
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