[QUOTE="2beers_in_hand"][QUOTE="bdhoff"][QUOTE="2beers_in_hand"]Wow you got to be joking or are you really thet clueless. Resistance and Motorstorm are must have game's so keep your biased opinions to yourself. And your line about beinga informed consumer, well lets see all of us early adopters were right. We chose the right format for movies so don't feel to bad you will get a great add on in about a year and a half. So please take you opinions some where else.GTA_Vice_CitySo just because I don't agree with you I have to take my opinions somewhere else? If you think about it, what did you early adopters get that someone that buys one for $100 less this week won't get? I mean, other than a copy of Talladega Nights and shafted? Well it's simple us early adopters bought what we knew was a fantastic system. So I have now regrets on purchasing one early. And good for anybody who was waiting for a price drop before buying one you won't be disapointed in you desisision. Nowe let me ask you a question do you own a PS3. I don't believe you do for the simple fact that Resistance and Motorstorm are great games, while you say what their not worth it what because they didn't get AAA here give me a break. Oh and last time I checked that cheaper system can't even give their cunsomers a machine that works correctly. So here's a tissue dry your eye's its okay if it still to expensive you can always wait for the next price drop.
dude, you're such a dick. first off, this is a forum, where gamers (i assume) come to congregate and discuss and rationalize the article. congratulations on being an early adopter. congratulations on blu-ray becoming the HD standard (most likely.) that's no reason to get pompous or overtly self-important, or to try to shove this guy off the message board because you THINK that he's an xbox fanboy.i havent seen anything that indicates he's an xbox fanboy.so how about you "keep your biased opinions to yourself."
GTA_Vice_City, If you were to read what has been said to him you would understand why he wrote what he did. You don't need to butt in. This thread belongs in system wars. People need to stop bringing their biased opinions to this forum. We already have enough PS3 biased people here. We don't need any Xbox fanboys butting heads.
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