I'm terribly sorry for making another thread about this in particular but just an attempt of sorting things out as i'm paranoid about this phenomena present, not only on my device but amidst many other.
So yeah, in essence my Ps3 starts off deadsilent which is deemed to be called as "level1", however as time progresses it increasingly adds up to the 2 remaining levels where as the latter of which auraly discernable "level3", however level2 is fairly quiet. Is this a flaw?
In addition i'm owning a PAL version of the 60GB SKU. Another thing I would like to say is that level3 is not as high as some posted on youtube for instance, I wouldn't assume it exceeds the sound of my TV when i'm playing but it's auraly discernable.
To suffice it, It doesn't go back to level2 when it's on level3 even if it's idle in the XMB.
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