by nature i'm fairly lenient on what should be allowed in movies and video games and I fully realize that games are just games.With that said, i still believe there's a line that shouldn't be crossed. The whole idea of a serial killer game is based on a very mentally ill and twisted notion of taking innocent lives because of some fetish or warped idea of justice. Understandably so, many games involve innocent casualties in some way or another, but a serial killer game is a whole other breed violence. Serial killers have existed throughout the history of our and foreign countries alike; and no one is denying their existence, if anything these individuals, when found, become instant historic figures due to their atrocious acts. But, by making a game about their beliefs and way of life is the same thing as celebrating the act of serial killing. agree or disagree, that's your choice. but this game would go into the same category of "let's slit our wrist" or "gang rape mania: after school special" (for all intents and purposes, the titles are fictitious). why does it go into that category? because it's sick.
I see your point of "well, we already have games that kill people, what's one more step into the darkness?" but my point is "yeah, we entered into some violent territory with our games, but let's take a step back."
we know games are violent, but why make them perverse?
sure, many of us are enlightened enough to play it as a game if one like it ever comes into existence, but unfortunately many are not as wise. maybe it's a romantic notion, but i still think that there's at least a hint of morality in this society not to push something like this into the gaming industry.
i'm almost torn saying all of this, becasue i don't really give a **** what people want to play and howthey enjoy themselves, but i'm saddened that there's even a need to justify something like serial killing in game or anywhere else for that matter.
creative idea? maybe. good idea? don't think so.
argument welcome, but no flamming.
Personally, I don't think having main character as serial killer going further than what gaming have so far.
I think it all depends how you present it. From my imagination, if I were to make a serial killer game, it would be similar to adventure game. Kind of like point and click adventure games.
Gameplay would revolve around mostly cleaning up after you made your kill. Kind of opposite of most adventure games where you LOOK for clues, but here instead you HIDE clues. Failure to hide clues would eventually get my character caught.
Anyway, the thing is that if you manage to tell the story right then I think serial killer as main character is not as twisted than many games that's already out there. What if you managed to show why the main character got the sick and twisted reasoning for killing? Like from tragic childhood or something. What if you give plenty of showing for the good guys (your enemies) and their perspective? What if you show plenty of the victim so you can have that sense of guilt? (stalking before you make your kill) What if the ending of the game shows justice being served by main character meeting fatal end? Would it not be a good story of how human mind can be twisted, but that does not give you rights to do as you wish? How victims of an abuse creates more victims.
Sounds like your regular good serial killer movie I'd say.
I think making a game that explains the kill, the twisted reasoning for the kill, and clearly shows why it is morally wrong is much more meaningful that running over random innocent people in GTA games.
Also I think we are not giving enough credit to human race. People can be dumb, but not that dumb. I don't think anyone would have twisted moral values because they play a game. I don't hear any news about people running over random people with their cars just because they played GTA. Fear is driving people too much these days and media is doing great job trying to inflict fear in people. We get way too easily scared of things that matters not. Games are just another method of story telling. There is almost no difference between games and movies.
Unless VR machines are created that can create realistic simulation for murder, including the feeling of touch and that can really blur the line of story and reality, until that kind of thing happens there is no boundaries when it comes to story and storytelling.
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