Ok, I'll tell my story.
Day- 11/14/06
Place- Circuit City. 14th Street Union Square Manhattan NYC.
Well, Me and my girl were waiting in the park across the street from the curcuit city and noticed people starting to crowd around the store. (I'm skipping some of the non important stuff) We ran across the street to find out Jack Black was signing autographs at the virgin mega store, so the PS3 line hadn't formed yet. As it started to get dark people started coming and asking me and my girl is the line for the PS3 over here and since I "Thought" I was the first one there I said yea. Low and behold about 7 people formed up and we found out that the true line was around the corner. Lol..thank god it was only about 10 people there, so we were good. The messed up thing was that whole night we were being told that all the raffle tickets were given out sunday and there were no more, so we should go home. We paid no attention to the people claiming that nonsense and stayed online that whole night. Eventually we were given chairs, so we were good.
11/15/06- Nothing major happened. I almost got into a fight but nothing MAJOR happened. Well, except for the fact that when I called my job so I could pick up my check..they told me to come in and when I came in they said I had to wait until tommorow. Yea, that sucked.
11/16/07(The day that nearly destroyed me)
So, it was pay day and I had quit my previous job and was expecting to get my check today. I had my friend hold my spot down while I went to pick up my check and once I got my check I went to commerce bank on 34th street. I went there and gave them my check and they told me I couldn't cash it. They said I owed them money...Oh yea I forgot to mention my last job sucked big time! They had our checks bouncing..they were giving us bad checks to cash. So, anyways I only had like $300 & change on me, so the check was suppose to help!!! What did I do? Well, I walked back to 14th street to meet up with my boy to find out they were going to start starting the offical line in 20mins, so we went all around the village looking for a check cashing spot. We finally found one and the Smuck told he I couldn't cash it because I didn't live in the area. WHAT?! So, now we were running out of time to get back to the line and I thought we wouldn't find any place to cash my check. Oh, I almost forgot that the girl in commerce put my account number on the back of the check so no bank or check cashing spot would cash it. THAT *****!!! So, we finally came across a Western Union and they cashed my check even thought the account number was on the back. Lol...I actually changed some of the numbers anyways so even if they did look it up it would've came up with no answer because of the fake account number. Lol, so anyways we came back and got on the line and since now I had a total of $560 something I had planned on getting the 20gb PS3. The store manager then came out and told us that there were no 20gb PS3's. My heart was crushed and I was hurt, but I still stayed online.
I was online with my girl and towards the night time it started poring. We were all on tv and stuff, but it was still nasty outside. Ummmmm, so yea, a guy wanted to get ahead online and was willing do dish out $300 to get online. Heh he heh heh heh...What did I do? Well, I told my girl to get off the line and I was going to let the kid on, but some kids started complaining to the police officers, so the kid had to get offline. Sooooooooooo.....I did this...I told him that my girl would go in and get it for him, so he could still get it. SO WHAT HAPPENED?! HE GAVE ME $300 for letting my girl get it for him and now I had more than enough to get the 60gb!!!! Well all in all I got my 60gb PS3 and he got his system and I prayed my a** off that night I tell ya. God was with me because so many things could've went wrong.
That's my story. Had you on the edge of your seat, huh?
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