Fallout 3 : over 120 hours.
Nearly 75 hours in BF:BC2 online only, which means about 85 hours overall.
Fallout New Vegas : 35 hours.
Other than that, a few other games somewhere between 20 and 30 hours.
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Is that even possible O.o .... can Oblivion actaully last that long? The most hours I've EVER put into a game is Uncharted 2 at 100-150 hours max....00Killaz00
This is multiple playthroughs across almost every race for different expereinces. Oblivion lasted because I've done almost everything you can do on the console version. If I had the PC version I'm sure I'd be enjoying the mods right now.
How many hurs did you average per playthrough... and I can imagine that getting boring after.... like 50 hours lol.
I averaged over 200+ hours a playthough on different characters. My longest one was just around 500 hours, but was also my first character.
Oblivion - around 200 hours on 360 and PS3
Fallout 3 - around 90 hours
Just Cause 2 - around 70 hours
Demon's Soul's - a little over 100 hours.
Bad Company 2 gave me at least 70 (and still going strong)
GTAIV gave me at least 50 (have barely touched mp or either of the DLC's)
infamous (3 playthroughs for the plat, about 40 hours or so)
I'm not sure how many hours I have wrapped up in it but I think the winner goes to Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, after my gf got into the game it became the only thing we really played for many weeks. After that I would probably say either GT5 or maybeDemon's Souls now (currently addicted to DS).
I get the most out of the Fifa games. It's the only game I'll play constantly between releases. Every match is different, and if you play Manager Mode then there's a good deal of replay value. Sadly I was dissapointed with the number of bugs in this year's offering.
Definately Borderlands GOTY...I have to be close to 100 hrs by now and still pouring my time into it. One of my favorite games ever
Definately Borderlands GOTY...I have to be close to 100 hrs by now and still pouring my time into it. One of my favorite games ever
I spent a good 25 hours or so getting the Platinum, but I didn't really enjoy the DLCs. The zombie island was pretty fun, and I loved fighting Crawmerax on General Knoxx, but they weren't very time-consuming.
Demon Soul's for sure! About 170 hours and I can't stand to even look at it anymore:P I usually don't have that kind of time, but I was laid off work for almost a year collecting unemployment (good times). I'm worried that when Dark Souls comes out I'm not gonna have the time like I did with Demon's Souls, but I'm gonna try:D
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