I care
In my perfect world, Activision stops supporting PS3, so PS3 owners actually buy exclusives, and we get a load of kickass games. Also EA begins to like us and the Wii, where Activision gets swallowed by Microsoft because they're both VERY greedy. And ****s.
On the other side, the bad world, Activision leaves and so everyone buys a 360 for the milkfest, game quality drops, Sony goes bankrupt, etc.
Ever noticed this? Microsoftsends out their big guns always in the holidays. Only inthe holidays. That's because games sell better near the end of the year, obviously. So while Microsoft counts its money year round, 360 gamers are taping their exclusive thumbs in August. Whereas Sony sends games out year-round, even during slow months, but keeping their gamers happy. Look at Killzone 2, inFamous. Great games, would have sold a whole lot more in November.
Don't say "Halo Wars", because... well,it kind of is bad :D
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