I cant believe it was actually on this early...but I managed to catch sonys E3 presentation. It was awesome. I laughed. I cried. I shared life stories.
I mean really, did you dudes see that motion controller thing coming out? Besides the fact that it looked like a certain sex toy at first glance, it looks freakin awesome! Thats always been my childhood dream....to actually swing a sword, shoot a bow, or use a shield.....awesome.
And MAG looks pretty good I have to admit. Uncharted 2 is gonna be an instant hit, and that racing game that they showed didnt look bad at all. I could see that being a fun onlline game. And God of War 3.....The Last Guardian, man last years E3 didnt really get me hyped for anything at all, but this year, I couldnt stop watching it! It was great....thanks Sony for a great time.....but come on, GOW3 in march 2010? didnt they say 2009 like three years ago?
What did you think about e3?
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