So today Apple announced that they will be lowering the price of the iPhone from $599 to $399 - a $200 drop. And the iPhone has only been out for 2 months and was selling reasonably well. They also discontinued their lower 4GB model because it wasn't selling as well (can someone say 20 GB PS3?).
Meanwhile, Sony dropped the price on the 60 GB8 months after launch and showno signs of dropping it again anytime soon.
My point? Even though the iPhone was selling well, Apple still dropped the price because they heard the complaints from many that 599 was too much for a phone. They listened. Sony on the otherhand continues to try to justify why 599 is a good price for a gaming system. They are not listening.
I love my PS3 and Warhawk but they would do themselves a ton of good by just lowering the price to 399 and biting the bullet now. Remember, not only are they trying to sell game systems but they are also trying to win a format war. More PS3's on the market mean more Blu-ray movies sold and a higherpossible install base for blu-ray movies, which would kill HD-DVD.
It's simple - Lower-Priced PS3=no profit on PS3 near-term but a win for blu-ray and a higher install base for 3rd party game programmers. A Blu-ray win=more profit from royalties and a monopoly on HD movie market. It's a lose now win later philosophy.
Apple knows they will make their money back off of ringtones and song downloads. They are willing to bite the bullet now for more profit growth later.
Sony should learn from Apple.
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