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Because your watching American media.. Strangely enough if you watch non-ameracan media you will find the US are quite evil.
I want a WWII game in the perspective of an honourable German soldier that later becomes an officer, that's simply fighting for his country. If done right could show people what really happened.dkjestrup
i actually like this idea. of course fox news will probably bash the game to oblivion.
Because we are just that cool.
And in most games that have a bad guy, there is a bad American in their somewhere...
As a nation we are portrayed good because, overall, we are... There may be some shady backroom CIA crazyness and/or politics from time to time... But its not like our nation is a bunch of evil doers hellbent on world domination...?
Because we are just that cool.
And in most games that have a bad guy, there is a bad American in their somewhere...
As a nation we are portrayed good because, overall, we are... There may be some shady backroom CIA crazyness and/or politics from time to time... But its not like our nation is a bunch of evil doers hellbent on world domination...?
No nation in the world consists mainly of a bunch of "evil-doers". Of course there are lots of questionable goverments out there (including the US) but that doesn't mean that the inhabitants of those countries are "evil".
:lol:Oh look... America Bashing. Neat. How Trendy.
What's the matter, Bobby Kotex not saying anything to harp on about Activision or CoD this week?
@clickety: I'm trying to give you THEIR view on it. sorry for not making it clearer.Laser_HunterThe Taliban doesn't view themselves as defending villages when they're attacking them. They view themselves as defending their religion and their right to practice and force others to practice their religion in their own country. And they'll kill as many people as necessary in the course of 'defending' their religion, regardless of whether they are foreigners or Afghanis: foreigners for threatening their ability to enforce their religion, Afghanis for not following their religion. If foreign troops weren't in Afghanistan, they would still be killing their own people. [QUOTE="dkjestrup"]I want a WWII game in the perspective of an honourable German soldier that later becomes an officer, that's simply fighting for his country. If done right could show people what really happened. wait... what do you mean "what really happened"... :-/
@clickety: I'm trying to give you THEIR view on it. sorry for not making it clearer.Laser_HunterThe Taliban doesn't view themselves as defending villages when they're attacking them. They view themselves as defending their religion and their right to practice and force others to practice their religion in their own country. And they'll kill as many people as necessary in the course of 'defending' their religion, regardless of whether they are foreigners or Afghanis: foreigners for threatening their ability to enforce their religion, Afghanis for not following their religion. If foreign troops weren't in Afghanistan, they would still be killing their own people. [QUOTE="dkjestrup"]I want a WWII game in the perspective of an honourable German soldier that later becomes an officer, that's simply fighting for his country. If done right could show people what really happened. wait... what do you mean "what really happened"... :-/ your view on the taliban proves you have been sucked into the american media, just like peoples views on hezbullah. wake up, the western world commit atrocities just like any other country in the world.
It did happen. It's called Iraq. It also happened in Nicaragua. They're not puppet governments anymore, but the US have done it. This is why I plan on joing the Marine Core in a year.I love the Idea of blowing **** up in other countries, thats the republican parties main philosophy, Next we need to Invade Iran, I would love to be the one to personally kill President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.[QUOTE="supa_badman"][QUOTE="Raid3nsnake"]they are also war junkies and really do make the perfect bad guy if you think of it. make a game where the US invade another country claiming to find weapons cause said country is a threat when in reality they just want to slowly take over the country and turn it into a puppet state by instilling their own politics and terrorizing the people. The good guys would then be a rebel group trying to end the tyranny........Warship_19
We are the bad guys and were good at being them.
And lol at a person who would want to join the army without spelling the branch right. :lol:
Personally I couldn't care less just as long as I'm enjoying the game and it has interesting characters I think that's all that matters.
And really, I think this is the only valid perspective on this issue. Having a problem with the nationality of the main char just reeks of xenophobic, parochial patriotism. I don't care if the main char is male, female, black, white, asian, hispanic, american, russian, mexican, japanese, whatever. As long as they're not dressed like douches. :PPersonally I couldn't care less just as long as I'm enjoying the game and it has interesting characters I think that's all that matters.
It did happen. It's called Iraq. It also happened in Nicaragua. They're not puppet governments anymore, but the US have done it. This is why I plan on joing the Marine Core in a year.I love the Idea of blowing **** up in other countries, thats the republican parties main philosophy, Next we need to Invade Iran, I would love to be the one to personally kill President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.[QUOTE="supa_badman"][QUOTE="Raid3nsnake"]they are also war junkies and really do make the perfect bad guy if you think of it. make a game where the US invade another country claiming to find weapons cause said country is a threat when in reality they just want to slowly take over the country and turn it into a puppet state by instilling their own politics and terrorizing the people. The good guys would then be a rebel group trying to end the tyranny........Warship_19
We are the bad guys and were good at being them.
If you plan on joining with these ideas you will find a completely different world. When you see things you have a completely different perspective. Of course when you find out what is actually going on you have a different perspective from what most people here are thinking.[QUOTE="wwefanforlife"]And really, I think this is the only valid perspective on this issue. Having a problem with the nationality of the main char just reeks of xenophobic, parochial patriotism. I don't care if the main char is male, female, black, white, asian, hispanic, american, russian, mexican, japanese, whatever. As long as they're not dressed like douches. :PPersonally I couldn't care less just as long as I'm enjoying the game and it has interesting characters I think that's all that matters.
I kinda liked that Wayne in Lost Planet was Asian.
Lets be honest,in reality there is no good guys or bad guys,you pick who you think is the enemy and vice versa.For some reason,prob due to some Hollywood influence,game developers seem to be following the route of 'America' good guys which is kinda getting boring for character dev dept.
For the sake of diversity,i think they shud try steer away from the america hero thingy and try make more japanesse,african,brazillain etc good guys
Because we can be.A country relates best to its own citizens. A game where Country A is the enemy will not sell well in Country A, because it'll just make them feel bad about themselves. Just smart business, catering to the majority of your audience.
However, keep in mind as diverse as the US is, i do believe we need to shy away from the main hero typically being a handsome, physically fit, white male. While i usually don't care much, it is a disturbing trend. Then again, white males also make up the majority of the US gaming consumer, so it's almost the same argument.
Personally I couldn't care less just as long as I'm enjoying the game and it has interesting characters I think that's all that matters.
The smartest post of this thread. The OP made such a xenophibic thread and triggered other anti american people in this thred, coming into an american website to show their views of their anti americanism (if thats how you people say it).
Speaking as a nearly 40 year old Amercian....We "come off" as the good guys to some people. BUT honesly to most of the world we are ignorant,pushy,bullies,and run every other country over any chance we can. We are very good at "playing" the part. Am I proud to be American? Not really...I would much rather live in Canada, or somewhere over seas..someplace where you arent known as ignorant , redneck, yanks..
1. A huge amount of video gamers live in America.
2. Just about every country hates America right now so it's easy for them to get into a believable conflict.
cuz in essence, we ARE the good guys.
think about it. whenever a country (haiti, japan, iran, somalia, etc) gets hit by war or a natural disaster, who does everybody expect to come running with a open checkbook and a helicopter full of supplies? the US. like it or not, we are the worlds knight in shining armor. i personally think we need to step out and clean up the mess in our own backyared, but hey its what we do. ya know, reputations and all.
i agree though, it would be nice to see some cultural diversity as far as protagonists go in gaming. but even the gaming world falls prey to the stereotypesthat justseem to keep being perpetuated.
This is why I plan on joing the Marine Core in a year.I love the Idea of blowing **** up in other countries, thats the republican parties main philosophy, Next we need to Invade Iran, I would love to be the one to personally kill President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.[QUOTE="Warship_19"]
[QUOTE="supa_badman"] It did happen. It's called Iraq. It also happened in Nicaragua. They're not puppet governments anymore, but the US have done it.supa_badman
We are the bad guys and were good at being them.
And lol at a person who would want to join the army without spelling the branch right. :lol:
more importantly its marine corps... not marine coreSpeaking as a nearly 40 year old Amercian....We "come off" as the good guys to some people. BUT honesly to most of the world we are ignorant,pushy,bullies,and run every other country over any chance we can. We are very good at "playing" the part. Am I proud to be American? Not really...I would much rather live in Canada, or somewhere over seas..someplace where you arent known as ignorant , redneck, yanks..
Then leave. Go anywhere. But get out of this country. Soon.
I'm a 43 year-old American who's proud to be what I am, and more than happy to live as an example to the rest of the world that we are NOT all knuckle-dragging war mongers. Stand up, and take your country back from the miscreants, chase the money-changers from the temple. A lot of people gave their lives and more so that you CAN. That's why it's called a Democracy. Your self-loathing is embarrassing, and hardly does anything to change the situation. So go on up north, and poison their air with your misguided spineless BS. And oh, those poor Canadians, if you do.
There's nothing wrong with America, or Americans... there are PLENTY of problems with the government we have elected, but it's our duty to see that they get run out of town on a rail, not to run away and hide in someone else's house and wish it were different.
I'd love to play a game with Americans being the bad guys. Another good idea is, America committing false flag attacks, and using them to invade other nations.
they are also war junkies and really do make the perfect bad guy if you think of it. make a game where the US invade another country claiming to find weapons cause said country is a threat when in reality they just want to slowly take over the country and turn it into a puppet state by instilling their own politics and terrorizing the people. The good guys would then be a rebel group trying to end the tyranny........Raid3nsnake
I guess video games can be a form of propaganda too. QUOTE="pc-ps360"]
long long ago i read in kotaku or somewhere else about an iranian game where u r a persian soldier defending people from isreali bombers. it got banned. also there was a chinese or japanese war game that in the early days of the ps2 where they show that the enemies are the american and u fight them too defend ur freedom, that game got banned too. can remember the names of those games never played them and dont think they where any good since they where VERY low budget.
Mossad is up there with them.
[QUOTE="dante5395"][QUOTE="Laser_Hunter"] The Taliban is comparable to the Vietcong. They are villagers defending they're land from foreigners. (Albeit with a more religious drive) They do not have the resource to do that. I think you have Al-Qaeda and the Taliban mixed up.MethodManFTW
i can't remember what terrorist group it was but there was one that was more powerful than al-qaeda anybody know?
the cia[QUOTE="Warship_19"]So are you going to say a killing civilians is right just because it has happened in every war? That doesn't make sense. You are apparently a follower. No its not right but its going to happen on purpose or by accident.I never said we were going to kill civilians. But it happens in every war in Mans history Civilians have died. Name one where they havint.
A follower? really...:roll:
[QUOTE="clicketyclick"]anti-America sentiments and now also anti-Israel! Wooo boy it's a party now. Are 9/11 conspiracy theories gonna emerge next in this thread?Warship_19Atleast the canadians are on our side. Or are they? well, i am at least. yay america :P
You wanna know a conspiracy? A bunch of amateurs hijack 4 planes at the same with box cutters in the strongest country in the world. They manage to make a complete u turn around the country without anyone knowing. And than fly them into the most secure buildings in the world. And than to finish it off, they find thehijackers passport in the rubble completely intact. Now my friend THAT IS A CONSPIRACY!
anti-America sentiments and now also anti-Israel! Wooo boy it's a party now. Are 9/11 conspiracy theories gonna emerge next in this thread?clicketyclick
more importantly its marine corps... not marine core[QUOTE="supa_badman"]
And lol at a person who would want to join the army without spelling the branch right. :lol:
Really....:roll: Does it really matter that much
Another good idea would be a operative for a country that sales weapons and supplies to a rogue dictator, all the while shaking hands with a allie that freed his country in a earlier time. Knowing that his weapons and supplies would be used against the country that helped free his. This operative wouldn't see alot of action, since his leadership and him much rather sit in the back seat and take sweet deals from this dictator than doing the right thing and that would help a country/ allie that was once there for his country. Or better yet play as a dictator that arrests civialians for wanting freedom and then getting to chose how you execute them without any court of law. For every ten you execute then you unlock death squads. After 5 death squads unlocked then you get to unlock the magic that makes others think you are in the right, and the ones calling your evil doings evil as being wrong and war mungers. Or you can play as an individual that gets to make up reasons why a family member did something wrong and you get to kill them for dishonoring you. But anyway it is amazing what happen to the French. They fought like gods against russia for what 11 or 12 years and held them off. To only be taught in schools about the horrors of war and that there is no such thing as being a hero to fall to Germany years later in less than 30 days. Guys there is true evil in this world, and there is the ones that stand against it. Learn the truth, and stand for truth, and hopefully you will learn what is right and what is wrong, what is evil and what is'nt evil. I hope people stand up for what is right and stand along side of those that fight for what is right. There is a right and there is a wrong, now what side are you standing on?I'd love to play a game with Americans being the bad guys. Another good idea is, America committing false flag attacks, and using them to invade other nations. [QUOTE="Raid3nsnake"]they are also war junkies and really do make the perfect bad guy if you think of it. make a game where the US invade another country claiming to find weapons cause said country is a threat when in reality they just want to slowly take over the country and turn it into a puppet state by instilling their own politics and terrorizing the people. The good guys would then be a rebel group trying to end the tyranny........redskins2156
Uh... Warship? You are incorrect. "Marine Core" does not mean the branch of armed service, the closest thing Google came up with is "Core Values of Marine Corps".
"Marine Corps" is indeed the correct name for that branch of service. "Marine Core" has no direct search results, only related entries like "Marine Corps core values"... so they're correct in saying that "Marine Core" is wrong. It's ok to admit to a typo, dude. They won't make you do extra push ups.
And GreyFox, party on. Good to see ya! And a nice, valid, well-couched post... good stuff.
Whatever you say I've heard plenty of People refer to it as the core, lets drop it.Uh... Warship? You are incorrect. "Marine Core" does not mean the branch of armed service, the closest thing Google came up with is "Core Values of Marine Corps".
"Marine Corps" is indeed the correct name for that branch of service. "Marine Core" has no direct search results, only related entries like "Marine Corps core values"... so they're correct in saying that "Marine Core" is wrong. It's ok to admit to a typo, dude. They won't make you do extra push ups.
Whatever you say I've heard plenty of People refer to it as the core, lets drop it. Just because other people call it something does not mean it's correct. lots of people call African-Americans the n-word. Does that make it correct? no.[QUOTE="MonkeySpot"]
Uh... Warship? You are incorrect. "Marine Core" does not mean the branch of armed service, the closest thing Google came up with is "Core Values of Marine Corps".
"Marine Corps" is indeed the correct name for that branch of service. "Marine Core" has no direct search results, only related entries like "Marine Corps core values"... so they're correct in saying that "Marine Core" is wrong. It's ok to admit to a typo, dude. They won't make you do extra push ups.
Whatever you say I've heard plenty of People refer to it as the core, lets drop it.[QUOTE="MonkeySpot"]
Uh... Warship? You are incorrect. "Marine Core" does not mean the branch of armed service, the closest thing Google came up with is "Core Values of Marine Corps".
"Marine Corps" is indeed the correct name for that branch of service. "Marine Core" has no direct search results, only related entries like "Marine Corps core values"... so they're correct in saying that "Marine Core" is wrong. It's ok to admit to a typo, dude. They won't make you do extra push ups.
No you've heard them call it Marine Corps, because it's pronounced like Core.
corps Show Spelled[kawr,kohr]
1.Military. a.amilitaryorganizationconsistingofofficersandenlistedpersonnelorofofficersalone:theU.S.MarineCorps;corpsofcadets.b.amilitaryunitofgroundcombatforcesconsistingoftwoormoredivisionsandothertroops.2.agroupofpersonsassociatedoractingtogether:thediplomaticcorps;thepresscorps.Now if you admit to being wrong, then you can drop it.
Whatever you say I've heard plenty of People refer to it as the core, lets drop it.[QUOTE="MonkeySpot"]
Uh... Warship? You are incorrect. "Marine Core" does not mean the branch of armed service, the closest thing Google came up with is "Core Values of Marine Corps".
"Marine Corps" is indeed the correct name for that branch of service. "Marine Core" has no direct search results, only related entries like "Marine Corps core values"... so they're correct in saying that "Marine Core" is wrong. It's ok to admit to a typo, dude. They won't make you do extra push ups.
When you hear someone say the word "Corps" it SOUNDS like it's spelled "Core", true... but if you mess that up it's not only considered poor spelling, the Marines will take a dislike to it as well. Proper spelling and other grammatical stuff is a sign of respect, and that you are paying attention. Marines are no fools, they have to be twice as proficient as the rest of us, twice as smart, three times as tough. You might as well start trying to be perfect now, because in boot camp, they'll **** you up for mistakes. ANY mistakes. It's what they do there, and "Whatever" won't get you very far as an answer - In The Corps, it's "Yes Sir", "No Sir", and "No Excuse Sir".
Good luck when you join, and thank you for defending our country, and freedoms around the world. It's a very selfless and commendible act you are about to enter into given the world's climate. Not many people would knowingly lay their life on the line for folks they don't know from Adam. You have my respect.
:| You have got to be kidding me. The so called "****" is peoples homes and lively hoods.[QUOTE="Laser_Hunter"]
[QUOTE="Warship_19"] This is why I plan on joing the Marine Core in a year.I love the Idea of blowing **** up in other countries, thats the republican parties main philosophy, Next we need to Invade Iran, I would love to be the one to personally kill President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
We are the bad guys and were good at being them.
Even if you dislike the Iranian President the fact that you want to murder him is crazy. He is a human being who has done nothing to you.
This 'president 'promises Death to Isreal and America, Its all over the former US embassy and is most likely making Nuclear weapons to do the job. We are infidels and they believe it is their destiny to rule the world and America is the biggest barrier to that.Don't side with him unless you know what your talking about. Brush up on American Politics.
Go google US embassy in Iran and look at some of the images you get. Shocking stuff.
Let's make a martyr out of the president so a revolution gets set back another 30 year, yes? And let's find those WMDs in Iraq before we go looking for them in other countries. I can guarantee you that you know nothing of Iran or the Iranian government. I swear, do people just act off of emotion now and totally ignore facts & logic?Please Log In to post.
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