[QUOTE="Steel_Rain777"][QUOTE="SHADOX22"] Its just a game. Im Christian to and I would love to play that game and if youre interested in it so do you i think... Get alive. Dont think for God, think for yourself. Maybe He is playng that game right now and we are here discussing this...lol:P
Wow, that's probably the dumbest thing I've heard on this entire board. The word of God is written into our hearts when we are born. Atheists and people who believe in Evolution needso much more faith to believe that the earth was just magically formed and that there was no creator. They try to shut out the truth. Me, I avoid games like this(as well as Movies, music, media, etc.), everything has wither a good or bad spirit behind it(Yes even video games). The world will make you believe this ok to do, when in fact it is not. Archangel pointed it out great.
you moron, an atheist is someone who doesnt beleave in god, thats it nothing more, literaly just doesnt beleave in a god any god, realize that evolution happens does not depend on being an athiest the last pope said that evolution is true he just decided to throw in that god started it all since he pretty much has too
oh and since you are soooo misguided in your ideas on evolution and the origins of the earth I will have to inform you, evolution and the origin of the earth have strong support in science and did not happen over night it took millions of years
here is a link to info on it if you decide to actualy find out how things happened and the time frame involved http://www.moorlandschool.co.uk/earth/earthorigin.htm
the reason science is so strong is because its based around disproving things, the way it works is you formulate a hypothosis then test it to see if it can stand up to scruteny, then you submit the results to be tried by your peers and if they still cant disprove it then your hypothosis gets stronger till it has withstood being disproved enough to be accepted as fact IE is known as a theory, thats why evolution is still around, because its withstood the test of time and no other scientific theory has been as challanged as it has, evolution is fact, there is no argument
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