@n64dd said:
Go tell your boss you're trump supporter and see what happens.
My boss is a Trump supporter...
...In California...
...In the SF Bay Area.
This is still America folks, you don't lose your job for saying most things; and while we might think the court of public opinion is condemning people left and right, it's usually only if you're famous and/or have a significant online following or something.
My best friend is a hillbilly dirt-farming pope-loving Trump voter and I am a filthy pagan hippie-spawn leftie. Stop thinking that what you see on TV is the norm and realize that on a person-to-person basis none of this shit matters.
@Sevenizz said:
I think he meant illegal as in the media reporting fake news. Like when CNN and the WP just settled cases by the Covington kid who won both settlements due to fake news.
I'm really glad that kid won those lawsuits (or rather the settlement). He got a bad deal in that whole situation, can't imagine the stress and threats he got.
CNN is garbage, took me a long time to realize that.
@JimB said:
@MirkoS77 said:
@firedrakes: his supporters love him for it even more and admire him. Never seen anything like it.
Maybe because it is the first time in history a President is for the people and not themselves or the Washington establishment. When was the last time a president stood up for the United States?
I don't know, when was the last time a president was partially responsible for millions of infected Americans who won't make a full recovery, 150k American deaths, and double-digit unemployment?
I know Trump didn't bring COVID to this country, but he utterly fucked up how the US handled it.
Trump doesn't love you, and he certainly does not love America or Americans. To Trump, we all exist to serve him.
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