@tryit: Exactly concretely and specifically HOW does the following happen exactly HOW...be more concrete then you are being, its still abstract. save all the poltical insights for a differnt post, I still havent seen an example explained, maybe I should watch the movie game in order to get an idea but it really should not be required. you should be able to provide an example in concrete
Perhaps that would be a very good idea. Get back to me when you do, otherwise stop wasting my time.
@vfighter: If you knew she was a lesbian from the first games dlc and ok with it, why is it all of a sudden bad that she kisses a girl in the sequels trailer?!?
The intimacy is not in and of itself. Please re-read my posts, I've gone over this already.
@Pedro: You are being disingenuous. There are so many references of sexuality in games and movies that don't add any value besides portraying sex. When standard straight sexuality is portrayed it does not fester any notable attention so I find it odd when gay characters engage in the same acts it is seen as pushing an agenda or suspicious. The reality is more simple. Gay relationships are not the norm and because of that it garners more attention thus the media is going to eat it up. Then people like yourself who are not pleased by the coverage lean towards the idea of the developer pushing an agenda or force feeding liberal views.
Yes there are many references of sexuality in games that only are there to serve itself, but (by your own admittance) there are few that involve homosexuality which is why Left Behind got so much attention. I loved the spotlight it got despite what you believe, it deserved it. But the Last of Us and its DLC aren't experiences that makes reference to sexuality for sexuality's sake, are they? They are very well-written games, with realistic characterization and relational development. We're not talking about whores in the Witcher III or Dead or Alive breast physics here. TLoU is not a superficial fleeting experience, but instead a continual in-depth character study that evolves and reveals itself gradually. So you'll have to excuse me for being a bit skeptical and suspect regarding motive of an agenda when such a juxtaposition suddenly comes into a game so previously well-executed in its characters and narrative that suddenly delves into valueless sexual notation as that trailer did.
I believe what is truly disingenuous here is to view TLoU's addressment of sexuality as synonymous with the rest of the industry's superficial and callous treatment of it. It's not, it has never has been about that, and that's why it is so beloved. It is also precisely the reason this trailer has brought about this sentiment among so many. Had TLoU and Left Behind not taken such great lengths to build such multi-dimensional characters where sexual orientation was not a factor solely focused on its own merits, nobody would be taking issue with something that relegates it to precisely that.
Its always interesting when people argue that gender, race and sexuality has to be justified/not forced/make sense with the story etc. when its not straight white male. :)
This is curious, because I do seem to recall stating: "I would feel the exact same way had TLoU 2's trailer opened with a straight couple". I believe Joel (who I used) is a straight, white male. Did you miss that, or conveniently ignore it? Explain to me how I'm inconsistent in my argument when I'd decry a portrayal involving a straight white guy doing exactly what's been done with Ellie in that trailer? You guys are the ones that are making a huge deal out of sexual orientation to suit your arguments to be able to lay accusations of bigotry at my feet. My concern with sexual orientation only goes so far as to believe it's being used for something that doesn't serve itself, and that's wrong.
So I'd appreciate an answer: let's imagine that it were a scene of a straight couple, Joel (the evil white man and bane of all existence and testament to all injustices in the world), being the focus. Explain to me what is the relevance of that scene in the context of that trailer please? The portrayal of valueless sex in a game that had previously not given any indication of it prior but instead had done the exact opposite? You'd have to be severely disingenuous to not be able to recognize this disparity and question it.
@blackballs: It isn't. Again, it's bigotry. Ellie is gay, games are becoming a huge form of art. It's natural to show her love story. Also, the bigot up top said "It has nothing to do with story."
How do we know it doesn't? For all we know, Ellies sexuality and loves might play a huge rule in the story, even if it makes bigots unconformable.
You need to focus on your reading comprehension and slow down. How many times must I repeat that the kiss was NOT the problem, homosexuality is NOT the problem, it is its exploitation of it leveraged for nothing but the sake of equal representation that is. It's about being opposed to forced equality for equality's sake, not bigotry against one's sexual preference. I wish to see better representation in games just as much as you do, but what I don't want to see is an instance of proper and respectful representation (as was seen in Left Behind) gutted and exploited solely to serve that end.
Take some time and ponder what I'm arguing, because you're being incredibly obtuse. I don't care if you consider me a bigot or not, I know I'm not, but if you continue mindlessly throwing labels at me without actually comprehending what I'm writing, I do know for a fact you're an idiot who has no interest in listening to others' positions but to only hear your own voice in false proclamations of the so-called bigotry of others.
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