@zaryia said:
Never said it wasn't. You're changing the quote chain's topic. This was not about the merit of proof it was how meaningful the consensus is.
Yahhhhh.... I was hoping you meant that the way i responded to you but i should have known better. But im not changing anything, im simply minimizing the amount in the post by isolating what im specifically responding to. But, consensus =/= proof. This is day 1 stuff and quite frankly i dont know why you or the other guy have such a hard time understanding that. If consensus was proof than every abrahamic religion would have been fact at different times throughout the worlds history, flat earth would have been a real thing, shit would heal wounds, etc.
@zaryia said:
And facts show it has been tremendously meaningful - unless you think the actions of every Intelligence agency and most politicians is meaningless (lol)..
I like how you call me a conspiracy theorist on one hand, then ponder if i think these agencies are doing something meaningless.
No man, that's the point, that they are not meaningless. They are very intentional and rationalized through a government that spends most of our money on military and oil in some form or another.
You know that other thread where you asked someone to cite operation mockingbird? And they simply said that its been declassified by our CIA? Well, that was one of the more known operations, along with the one i mentioned "Northwoods". And I feel as if you would take a bit and find all the stuff our CIA has declassified (there are plenty of reliable sites that compile them), you'd have a better understanding of why myself and others are demanding actual evidence and not saying that their word is good enough.
@zaryia said:
Apparently whatever classified info they have (which described by NSA leaks is pure evidence) was enough for them to stop this debate which now only persists on blatantly partisan discussion on lololol internet forums (not the most meaningful).
If they had "pure evidence", they would not use terms like "maybe" and "possibly" in the summary. They would be talking about what they can factually demonstrate. As for the NSA leak, im proud of her, i like leaks, we should know what our government is doing and she should be a free woman. But lets face facts... shes kind of stupid. She thought a summary of evidence was evidence itself. Of course anyone who has passed a fifth grade science class or even a debate or economics class, knows this is not true.
And stop calling people partisan. At least myself and Maro (64DD, go for it, he seems pretty far right) as we have made it as clear as day that we are not at all represented politically in the USA. Marxism, or at the very least, socialist democracy and giving the means of production to the people, is not at all represented in America. That is my political partisanship.
@zaryia said:
I did not address the rest of your post due to its conspiratorial nature, with no citation.
A page or two ago i provided you a peer reviewed Stanford study that has also been done by Princeton and i believe Cambridge, that demonstrated everything i spoke of in that previous post and the second part of this post you simply want to call conspiratorial. Don't blame me because you failed at clicking and reading.
Cambridge study = https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/perspectives-on-politics/article/testing-theories-of-american-politics-elites-interest-groups-and-average-citizens/62327F513959D0A304D4893B382B992B
Princeton study = https://scholar.princeton.edu/sites/default/files/mgilens/files/gilens_and_page_2014_-testing_theories_of_american_politics.doc.pdf
So either political science as a whole is now one big conspiracy or you don't know what you're talking about... huuummmm....
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