@leonkennedy97 said:
@zaryia: They are on a whitch hunt that will go nowhere. And yes multiple people on the senate committee are liberals.
Whats funny is people like you who are so focused on every conspiracy theory. You have 3.5 years of it left deal with it and move on already.
1. It's not a witch hunt. The FBI doesn't think so. The special prosecutor doesn't think so. The house/senate committee's don't think. The future FBI director doesn't think so. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/jul/12/fbi-christopher-wray-senate-confirmation-hearing-trump-russia. There is too much factual evidence to further investigate to call this a witch hunt. Common sense implies that multi bi-partisan organizations investigating factual events =/= witch hunts.
Sorry if I trust the word of those parties over Breitbart, Fox, and Infowars blogs/opinion-pieces.
2. The senate and house committee's also have multiple Republicans. These are bipartisan efforts. http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-russia-idUSKBN1702UI
3. The FBI is not a liberal organization.
4. Conspiracy theory? What conspiracy theory am I focused on? I never said Trump colluded for certain, but I fully support this proper investigation to find out all there is to know, who wouldn't?. Why does everything have to be red vs blue to you wingnuts? It IS an on going investigation by major parties. When new information gets released, such as Don Jr's e-mails, expect it to make headlines and become a major point of investigation to the above agencies. It's as simple as that. REPUBLICAN senator asks Don Jr. to testify at the senate panel: http://thehill.com/blogs/floor-action/senate/341857-senate-panel-asking-trump-jr-to-testify-report
You are spewing fake news and/or opinions that can not be backed up by links or facts. I think it's time for you to deal with reality, and move on from these information dump threads - instead of stinking them up.
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