@comp_atkins said:
@silentchief said:
@comp_atkins said:
@silentchief said:
BUt iTS JuSt a coLleGe CoUrSe!
so 1 slide from a wealthy PRIVATE school in NYC and 2 links about COORPORATIONS AND ADULTS is
"OMfG tHeY'Re TeACHinG TeH KidZ RAcISmS!!!
jesus, do better man.
Lol because corporate America teaching it and school age children learning it still doesn't matter? Thats not teaching about racism its teaching people how to be racist. Good news is some lefty in an irrelevant forum doesn't matter. Glad to see the voters are seeing the issue.
the narrative peddled by the tuckers and other fear-mongers on the right to scare the gullible clickers into a froth has been "they're using publicly funded schools to teach little tommy and emma that they're racist because they're white"
yet the evidence you provide is nowhere near that. adults can make up their own minds and private schools have ALWAYS had their own curriculum. what's next? screaming that a catholic school is teaching about jesus? OMG!
When your place of work tells you to be less white that isn't a problem to you because adults make up their own mind? And private schools are generally less likely to teach these things.
So for you Its only a problem if its widespread in public education? So like this?
Let me guess it doesn't matter because its California?
How about this ?
Not a big deal because its given to the teachers?
Doesn't count either?
Lol seriously get your head out of your ass.
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