They are literally in charge of your children for almost as much of the waking day as anyone, 9 months of the year. In many cases education is compulsory, so they're also legally responsible. Kind of a stupid statement.
In any case this is fearmongering, schools essentially never touch this content in actual teaching, less than 1% of schools even consider this material and reported cases are isolated at best. Whether you want schools to do it or not is irrelevant, because they don't do it.
Wow... splitting split straws huh? You know what the hell I'm talking about, so save the asinine philosophical semantics and take a one way train back to reality ok?
They aren't in charge of our children's personal beliefs or ethical identity. It's pretty obvious I wasn't talking about being the adult in the room.
You say it's 'obvious' but when all you do is spew verbal diarrhea and made up shit who's to say what is and isn't meant to be taken seriously? Also, you're still wrong, schools have a responsibility to teach and that doesn't work out if children are not reared properly by the family. Insofar as it relates to education, they can and should be responsible for many ethical decisions and teachings. Or would you, for example, argue that a school shouldn't intervene if possible in cases of physical abuse, bullying, or disruptive behavior?
Had this book on the recommended reading list for one of my kids. I think the only reason why it was "recommended" is because I live in an R+10 state. Nephew in NY had to sit through a teacher reading this crap
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People really need to start asking their kids the all important question "what did you learn in school today"
Bad night for dems, that's for sure. Normally an incumbent loses house seats and possibly instills a negative factor in state races, but this was far more than expected. Just take a look at some of the demographic swings in exit polls. As expected, whites with no-college degree went hard for the GOP. But white women broke larger than expected from their 2020 votes. This should be a wake up call that democrats are in a do or die situation for passing legislation. Biden needs something on his resume that is tangible, no doubt about that.
I think there are a myriad of factors at play, majority historical cycles and what not, but also due to Biden's recent drop in approval ratings along with democrats inability to pass their agenda while holding both majorities in Congress. I can guarantee that plastering this bickering and back and forth across all news channels has had a negative affect. At this point I think Sinema and Manchin need to be grabbed at the shoulders and have some sense knocked into them. Their road blocking is inevitably going to cost dems more than they would incur, in lieu of their recent horsesh*t antics. That's my wager.
@vl4d_l3nin: Do you read with your kids and talk about it as you're reading, or just give them everything without question and just leave them to their own devices?
Former. What does that have to do with anything though?
@HoolaHoopMan: Calmdown chicken little. The turnout was lower so the exit polls mean little.
I don't believe I was saying the world was ending. I do think it's good to start dissecting the outcome and seeing why people voted the way they did. Resting on your laurels would be a bad thing to do given last night's results...for the democrats that is.
@WitIsWisdom: So your kids got pulled out of kindergarten? Interesting that you feel you need to frame things you disagree with as ridiculous and hair brained instead of relying on more objective and logic based arguments. If schools don't teach right from wrong do they consider bullying to be something that should be stopped by staff or are they afraid that might put a thumb on the scale on the side of "wrong"? Regardless of direct or indirect methods, values and behavior are communicated and encouraged/discouraged as long as the staff are not robots they will be role models and influences. It sounds like indoctrination if you mandate your kids disregard all of this and only derive thought feeling and behavior from dictation within your walls and view anything external through that lens only.
A few points pertaining your brilliant assertations:
1. Who the hell said my kids are in kindergarten?
2. I don't think you understand what objective thoughts and reasoning are.
3. Teaching right from wrong is a broad field. There is a difference between personal beliefs and physical and emotional harm through violence or inappropriate words.
4. I don't think you understand what indoctrination is and it is clear you didn't read what I wrote.
Teaching your children the morals and values you believe to be right is the best any parent can do, but it isn't the business of public school influences to force their beliefs on them, especially when they are politically driven (which should be removed from the classroom).
@WitIsWisdom: Do your kids hear this from teachers, or other kids?
It's anecdotal but if that's actually being taught as curriculum, then I would have issue with that.
On the flip side, my niece and nephew are young (7 and 4) and go to school and don't hear any of that, and that's in a Northern California college town of all places. My brother-in-law is essentially a libertarian and if he got a hint of that bullshit he'd pull those kids out of school in a heartbeat.
@WitIsWisdom said:
@girlusocrazy said:
Either way, I'm about done having my fun on this topic, so let's wrap this up..
You're done when we say you're done!
Kidding :)
They heard it from different teachers (all 3 of which we reported to the school). As far as I know it wasn't part of the curriculum so the school board itself probably wasn't in question. Like I said before though, the school they went to wasn't really a melting pot, it was just liberal teachers pushing an agenda. Either way it's getting out of hand.
I feel as though those kinds of things need to get removed from school. They removed religion, the flag, the pledge, but telling children that republicans are evil and democrats are understanding and kind is over the line. (yes that actual thing I wrote happened and is one of the three things that pissed us off and made us look for an alternative)
I would have been just as angry if it was the other way around as well. Anyone and everyone is entitled to their own thoughts and beliefs but adults need to keep it to themselves in a learning environment around school age children.
As far as keeping things light hearted and humorous. I appreciate it. It's nice to know some people out there can disagree and still stay amiable. Social media and news would have everyone believing otherwise.
@WitIsWisdom: It's like you think you can actually program your kids. You can try your best but it's not gonna work out exactly how you want.
You have no idea what I think. My kids are free to think and believe whatever they want, but having it crammed down their throat day in and day out by people influenced by power, greed, money, and personal agendas isn't where it is going to come from. It's as simple as that. All parents want what is best for their children.. which is why you will see what happened in VA and NJ aren't going to be the outliers.
The government can do what they will with me... hell I'm technically their property after signing my name on the line and retiring from the USMC, but they won't mess with my kids.
@WitIsWisdom: You will see they are outliers, no matter how hard you try to say otherwise. The kids are pissed, you will see this outrage will backfire when the right sees that kids arent robots, they dont want you acting this way.
Wow... splitting split straws huh? You know what the hell I'm talking about, so save the asinine philosophical semantics and take a one way train back to reality ok?
The words blissfully ignorant comes to mind more than that of stupidity in this case. However, I can't help but believe you are just trying to stir the pot on this one.
They aren't in charge of our children's personal beliefs or ethical identity. It's pretty obvious I wasn't talking about being the adult in the room.
My entire argument and reason for being in this thread is about public schools forcing our children to believe what they are forcing on them, not about non compliance to authority figures. That's another Democratic field of study.
As a parent, I want my child exposed to more than one world view. Education is a positive. Not a negative. Echo chambers are fools.
Ironically funny you bring up echo chambers and fools while being on the side that rejects any and all thoughts differing from those of their own...
You know why you rarely if ever see Republican news being represented positively in social media? It's simple.. it's either blocked, or put into an algorithm that only allows a very small number of people to actually see it. Don't even get me started on the "fact checkers."
It's the reason Democrats are so frightened of Trumps new social media site he will be rolling out. The stock went up nearly 1,700% in one day for a hypothetical social media company.. lol. All he does is print money for everyone and everything he touches including those who supposedly hate him. He's like a real life Voldemort in the sense you almost don't want to say his name since social media has him hyped to be the antichrist... now I wonder why that is? Gee it's a mystery I tell ya.. all he does is make them money with all the negativity and fear resulting in more clicks and view time. They know peace and fair weather isn't getting them anywhere.
No one in this entire thread said education is a negative. Forcing beliefs is a negative however.
When all these children hear day in and day out is one side of the story because the narrative is being ran by people who say "do it our way or you get nothing" you need to look directly at the source.
I'm ok with my children hearing everything as long as they hear both sides. When you have social media blocking everything that doesn't pertain to the liberal echo chamber however... I don't want to hear about echo chambers.
It's a cult mentality. Democrats want you to hear what they have to say and block any and all other thoughts and opinions and you want to bring up echo chambers... lol.. rich.
I do agree that echo chambers are for fools though.
Ironically funny you bring up echo chambers and fools while being on the side that rejects any and all thoughts differing from those of their own...
You know why you rarely if ever see Republican news being represented positively in social media? It's simple.. it's either blocked, or put into an algorithm that only allows a very small number of people to actually see it. Don't even get me started on the "fact checkers."
It's the reason Democrats are so frightened of Trumps new social media site he will be rolling out. The stock went up nearly 1,700% in one day for a hypothetical social media company.. lol. All he does is print money for everyone and everything he touches including those who supposedly hate him. He's like a real life Voldemort in the sense you almost don't want to say his name since social media has him hyped to be the antichrist... now I wonder why that is? Gee it's a mystery I tell ya.. all he does is make them money with all the negativity and fear resulting in more clicks and view time. They know peace and fair weather isn't getting them anywhere.
No one in this entire thread said education is a negative. Forcing beliefs is a negative however.
When all these children hear day in and day out is one side of the story because the narrative is being ran by people who say "do it our way or you get nothing" you need to look directly at the source.
I'm ok with my children hearing everything as long as they hear both sides. When you have social media blocking everything that doesn't pertain to the liberal echo chamber however... I don't want to hear about echo chambers.
It's a cult mentality. Democrats want you to hear what they have to say and block any and all other thoughts and opinions and you want to bring up echo chambers... lol.. rich.
I do agree that echo chambers are for fools though.
Get out of here with that crap. Algorithms helped Republicans spread disinformation. When it became clear these lies were harming society some social media sites started cleaning it up.
Democrats don't all think alike. They pay attention to facts. The Republican party has far right propaganda sites and a cult leader that they believe without any independent education.
They are the party of echo chambers. Aren't you the one afraid your child might learn something?
Things are going to be much, much worse for some of you if the extremists in the DNC continue to push unpopular ideas. But, I doubt anything will change, and 2022 will be a blood bath for them.
Things are going to be much, much worse for some of you if the extremists in the DNC continue to push unpopular ideas.
Actually not many push CRT. This was overblown. No fact checker was able to find a k-12 school in VA that teaches CRT. At most you can find a literal handful that slightly allude to it. This is crazy overblown nonsense. I can do the same for any random low HDI Republican trash-heep county teaching their creationism bullshit.
Overall Democrat policies are more popular (which is why they've won nearly all popular votes the last few decades). And I'm talking about real policies and important stuff, not this fake culture war "War on Christmas" style of useless trash.
@eoten said:
, and 2022 will be a blood bath for them.
That's how it goes. The cycle after that will be a blood bath for the right. Welcome to politics.
so 1 slide from a wealthy PRIVATE school in NYC and 2 links about COORPORATIONS AND ADULTS is
"OMfG tHeY'Re TeACHinG TeH KidZ RAcISmS!!!
jesus, do better man.
Lol because corporate America teaching it and school age children learning it still doesn't matter? Thats not teaching about racism its teaching people how to be racist. Good news is some lefty in an irrelevant forum doesn't matter. Glad to see the voters are seeing the issue.
the narrative peddled by the tuckers and other fear-mongers on the right to scare the gullible clickers into a froth has been "they're using publicly funded schools to teach little tommy and emma that they're racist because they're white"
yet the evidence you provide is nowhere near that. adults can make up their own minds and private schools have ALWAYS had their own curriculum. what's next? screaming that a catholic school is teaching about jesus? OMG!
When your place of work tells you to be less white that isn't a problem to you because adults make up their own mind? And private schools are generally less likely to teach these things.
So for you Its only a problem if its widespread in public education? So like this?
first link is a paywall opinion piece so i can't read it. link to non-paywall?
2nd is a silly training class given to some teachers.. oooooooo scary. do you have any idea how many dumb mandatory training employees everywhere have to sit through every year?? shit i have to sit through the same courses EVERY year at work so my employer can check a few boxes saying all their employees are trained. does it require teachers to actively TEACH anything new?
3rd is an article about a school district spending money on an anti-racism audit and from the few documents linked is the response to an RFP from the district for MAEC to perform the audit and what it would entail. sure you can argue it is money stupidly spent but what's your argument beyond that? school districts waste money everywhere. if you don't approve, don't vote for their budget and vote in new board members.
it's looking like you're just googling a few things, reading a catchy clickbait headline, and linking it here with no real thought.
@vl4d_l3nin: Do you read with your kids and talk about it as you're reading, or just give them everything without question and just leave them to their own devices?
Former. What does that have to do with anything though?
It just mean you can handle this, you can use it as an opportunity with your kids to talk about your values, and you can give the school board your opinion and talk with parents, teachers, the principal. It's not the end of the world like fake news says.
I know. I'm not worried about my own family, I was just making the point that I have first hand knowledge about what's going on, and the narrative that "nobody is teaching CRT k-12" is straight up gaslighting at this point.
Lol because corporate America teaching it and school age children learning it still doesn't matter? Thats not teaching about racism its teaching people how to be racist. Good news is some lefty in an irrelevant forum doesn't matter. Glad to see the voters are seeing the issue.
the narrative peddled by the tuckers and other fear-mongers on the right to scare the gullible clickers into a froth has been "they're using publicly funded schools to teach little tommy and emma that they're racist because they're white"
yet the evidence you provide is nowhere near that. adults can make up their own minds and private schools have ALWAYS had their own curriculum. what's next? screaming that a catholic school is teaching about jesus? OMG!
When your place of work tells you to be less white that isn't a problem to you because adults make up their own mind? And private schools are generally less likely to teach these things.
So for you Its only a problem if its widespread in public education? So like this?
first link is a paywall opinion piece so i can't read it. link to non-paywall?
2nd is a silly training class given to some teachers.. oooooooo scary. do you have any idea how many dumb mandatory training employees everywhere have to sit through every year?? shit i have to sit through the same courses EVERY year at work so my employer can check a few boxes saying all their employees are trained. does it require teachers to actively TEACH anything new?
3rd is an article about a school district spending money on an anti-racism audit and from the few documents linked is the response to an RFP from the district for MAEC to perform the audit and what it would entail. sure you can argue it is money stupidly spent but what's your argument beyond that? school districts waste money everywhere. if you don't approve, don't vote for their budget and vote in new board members.
it's looking like you're just googling a few things, reading a catchy clickbait headline, and linking it here with no real thought.
Yeah. None of that is K-12 CRT classes in VA. He's literally spouting fiction as was Youngkin.
Silent should be pissed off at Rufo for starting this bait and tricking him. He should be even more mad that so many conservatives bought it.
How a Conservative Activist Invented the Conflict Over Critical Race Theory | The New Yorker
To Christopher Rufo, a term for a school of legal scholarship looked like the perfect weapon.
This is fake outrage. The above article literally lays out what happened. Defending it makes you look foolish when the facts known on this.
At best there's a handful of K-12 kinda sorta almost maybe hinting at something far off from CRT, nationwide. Not remotely as troubling as the GOP has turned it into. Pure and utter nonsense when compared to something REAL like GOP Anti-vaccing and anti-masking which resulted in countless deaths. You know actual important topics.
so 1 slide from a wealthy PRIVATE school in NYC and 2 links about COORPORATIONS AND ADULTS is
"OMfG tHeY'Re TeACHinG TeH KidZ RAcISmS!!!
jesus, do better man.
Lol because corporate America teaching it and school age children learning it still doesn't matter? Thats not teaching about racism its teaching people how to be racist. Good news is some lefty in an irrelevant forum doesn't matter. Glad to see the voters are seeing the issue.
lmao.. Bingo.
it's good to remind myself that from time to time instead of letting them drag me down to their level.
The reason a lot of these parents flipped out is because they saw what was being taught when their kids were taking online courses in virtual classrooms.
Most the outrage comes from parents that have children who have witnessed it first hand. The people on this forum will tell you otherwise. They think a bunch of people sit in front of the TV and got mad because Tucker Carlson told them to. These are the same people who think black people are being hunted by police and climate change will wipe us out in the next 10 years.
Ironically most the people that say it's a non issue do so because they either support whats being taught or they are unaware because they have 6 cats and no children.
says the fella given multiple opportunities to show some evidence and has failed each time.
"but teh corporation is making employees take diversity training!!!" "but teh private school is teaching something i don't agree with!!!"
@comp_atkins: You will literally make an excuse for every example. Ahh its just bullshit training. Aww it's just money spent on bullshit no big deal.
Heres another example
So whats the excuse?
Honestly i don't see the reason for denial? You hate the right so much you can't admit the left will do wrong? I mean really how do you say so blind?
just be intellectually honest. if the discussion is about a public school teaching CRT concepts, don't provide evidence of it by saying a bank is making employees sit through mandatory diversity training.
in any case, i was able to find some examples that would fit the description ( along with subsequent info you provided )
Yw, this is the current model used primarily in academia and LGBTQ circles.
But as we both know, the academic industry is extremely cutthroat. But as of now, this model seems to hold up to any scrunity.
Much like with CRT, I think people would have a much easier time to accept what is actually being told if Dishonest Actors didn't try to turn it into a shouting contest. And best they have the CRAP argument, but that is ultiamtely asinine. Values have ALWAYS been taught as schools, and over here in sweden at least we were specifically exposed to the ideals and values of each of the relevant parties in sociology class, all 7* of them.
*There were 7 parties in riksdag at the time. This was prior to the Sweden Democrats getting over 4%, which is the minimum.
This thread is a prefect example why there needs to be a peaceful divorce of America. We aren't the United States any longer in belief or spirit. You have the Dems that are socialists and/or globalists wanting to ensure indoctrination of children and anyone getting in their way is phobic of some kind. Then you have Republicans and I would argue most centrists that have traditional American values.
We're two different countries tied together as one. Neither side believes the other has good intentions. Neither side believes the outcomes of elections. Neither side wants to live under the other's power as it goes against everything their side stands for.
This thread is a prefect example why there needs to be a peaceful divorce of America. We aren't the United States any longer in belief or spirit. You have the Dems that are socialists and/or globalists wanting to ensure indoctrination of children and anyone getting in their way is phobic of some kind. Then you have Republicans and I would argue most centrists that have traditional American values.
We're two different countries tied together as one. Neither side believes the other has good intentions. Neither side believes the outcomes of elections. Neither side wants to live under the other's power as it goes against everything their side stands for.
Craziest take I've seen. It may surprise you to know that people from various parties live in all states. Maybe accept democracy.
Now that the dust has settled, we can see that overall the democrats did very well and have beaten the odds in ways previous administrations haven't. For the first time in 30 years, this new administration managed to only lose one of the governors races. For the first time in 40 years the NJ governor was re-elected. Back in June democrats also won the special election in New Mexico by a huge margin, they gained house seats in the Georgia House, the California Recall reinforced support for the democrats. Seems like there is confidence in the party and that they are doing better than other administrations have historically in a long time.
Maybe the Democrats should have tried calling more people/things racist to attract independent voters. Trees, math, manners, caring about your children's education, Halloween, 4th of July, patriotism, milk along with of course every republican politican.
Things they said are definitely not racist... telling children they should be ashamed are are evil because of the color of their skin, segregating kids in classroom, treating people differently based on race, different standards based on race, preferring certain races over other.
Maybe also try not to go along with the same ideology that has enslaved or killed millions of people around the globe... communism and socialism. One of the benefits of the pandemic was parents could see the garbage these schools are using to try and push on kids
Next to no school pushed K-12 CRT in VA. And even then the stuff you listed specifically isn't happening lol.
How do you feel being duped? They see you as a fool. I wonder if you were tricked by the War on Christmas too.
BTW are you against the vaccine too? I'm noticing a trend for people who believe in fiction.
Everything I listed is happening. Do a search for any of those and you will see examples of liberals calling those things racist and doing the other things I mentioned and saying it's anti-racist.
You can have your own opinion but not your own facts. Do you not believe that the girl was raped by a boy wearing a skirt who had been transferred after he raped another girl and that the school board lied about it during pride week as was reported by the police department and the news video I posted?
You deny that this occured?
Do you not know about all the people who have been killed in the same of communism and socialism?
Do you have children in school in VA and are you monitoring the school system there? How do you know it's not being taught? Because you're regurgitating the democratic talking points/mainstream media narrative? For example you think this mom is lying?
This is being promoted by the Virginia department of education
Look at the first item on the virginia department of education website if you search for critical race theory: A memo from 2/22/2019
When you hear this woman saying she doesn't want to ban CRT and that she sees benefits from it you don't think she'd consider teaching it?
As a conservative I actual gather data and facts before forming an opinion and don't have a religious like embrace of slogans like liberals do.
You don't think democrats every call people who disagree with them racist or try to get them cancelled?
I'm just trying to understand where you're coming from. You think that only Joy Reid on MSNBC is honest and fair and all data that goes against that must be wrong?
@zaryia: BTW. I'm very pro vaccine for people with weakened immune systems and others who are concerned about the virus or have additional risk factors, but think it is a personal choice between you and your doctor. You should also allow doctors to speak about what works and doesn't work, side effects and question the origin of the virus without having people remove your posts.
I also experienced the "War on Christmas" first hand when my office Christmas party was turned into a "holiday" party and I saw Christmas decorations removed and people saying "happy holidays" instead of Merry Christmas.
I once went to a Christmas show and the bus driver said "enjoy the holiday show" and everyone yelled out "Christmas!". I also remember commercials on TV where the father gave his son a present and said "happy holidays" and numerous retailers refusing to use the word Christmas.
Again, MSNBC says it isn't real so it must not be real to liberals. If MSNBC said the emperor has magnificent clothes on when the rest of us see he's not wearing any you'd fact check it saying that it's true he has great clothes and everyone else is a conspiracy theorist.
@zaryia: BTW. I'm very pro vaccine for people with weakened immune systems and others who are concerned about the virus or have additional risk factors, but think it is a personal choice between you and your doctor. You should also allow doctors to speak about what works and doesn't work, side effects and question the origin of the virus without having people remove your posts.
I also experienced the "War on Christmas" first hand when my office Christmas party was turned into a "holiday" party and I saw Christmas decorations removed and people saying "happy holidays" instead of Merry Christmas.
I once went to a Christmas show and the bus driver said "enjoy the holiday show" and everyone yelled out "Christmas!". I also remember commercials on TV where the father gave his son a present and said "happy holidays" and numerous retailers refusing to use the word Christmas.
Again, MSNBC says it isn't real so it must not be real to liberals. If MSNBC said the emperor has magnificent clothes on when the rest of us see he's not wearing any you'd fact check it saying that it's true he has great clothes and everyone else is a conspiracy theorist.
Not saying Christmas doesnt mean that anyone wants to erase christmas.
There are a TON of holidays celebrated at around Christmas. So people just say Happy Holidays as a catch all for whatever season you celebrate, whether it is Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanzaa or something else. There are a TON of celebrations going on at this time.
War on Christmas is still a dumb conspiracy theory.
Again, MSNBC says it isn't real so it must not be real to liberals. If MSNBC said the emperor has magnificent clothes on when the rest of us see he's not wearing any you'd fact check it saying that it's true he has great clothes and everyone else is a conspiracy theorist.
Unfortunately what you mentioned is politics/ideology 101. Many times people only hear what they want to hear. Both sides are guilty.
The Virginia governor race was a big deal. The Democrats treated it as such. Losing that race hurt them. Don't let anyone kid you. Regardless what excuse and blame they use, neither Obama, Biden or Harris and even McAuliffe were able to convince the majority of voters to vote for him. Some of those people called Republicans racist and tried the fear tactics but apparently it failed.
I also experienced the "War on Christmas" first hand when my office Christmas party was turned into a "holiday" party and I saw Christmas decorations removed and people saying "happy holidays" instead of Merry Christmas.
ROFL WHAT!? Oh man really hard hitting topic worth worrying about 🤣 The fact the above situation even remotely bothered you says it all. Compare this to climate change or covid which the right were completely and utterly wrong about. Like really lol.
You see why people laughed at the War on Christmas right? It's was an absolute and total nothing burger. Like this CRT nonsense.
@Maxpowers_32 said:
You literally just proved my point that it barely exists.
The best you and silent can find are youtube, twitter, and op-eds. Scrounging your hardest to only find less than 1% of schools teaching things slightly similar (but far off) from CRT and from flimsy as shit sources. And even then, most of that is not actual K-12 CRT classes. That proves this is fake outrage.
Tell me what % of K-12 schools currently teach CRT. Find a verified link with a confirmed list.
@Maxpowers_32 said:
@zaryia: BTW. I'm very pro vaccine for people with weakened immune systems and others who are concerned about the virus or have additional risk factors, but think it is a personal choice between you and your doctor.
Most doctors say take the vaccine. 🤣 The anti-vaxxers (mostly right wing) are being nutjobs.
That's a FAR FAR worse problem than less than .1% of schools teaching something slightly similar to CRT (kinda maybe lol). It puts into perspective how much of a nothing burger this all is.
@zaryia: I also experienced the "War on Christmas" first hand when my office Christmas party was turned into a "holiday" party and I saw Christmas decorations removed and people saying "happy holidays" instead of Merry Christmas.
I once went to a Christmas show and the bus driver said "enjoy the holiday show" and everyone yelled out "Christmas!". I also remember commercials on TV where the father gave his son a present and said "happy holidays" and numerous retailers refusing to use the word Christmas.
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