@bronzeheart92 said:
As someone who lives in a country that doesn't have gun rights (Finland), seeing everything that happens over in USA is kinda disheartening to be honest. All of those school shootings and other incidents have really made me convinced that the 2nd is a relic that should never have a place in this day and age. I know USA has other problems of it's own too but fortunately nothing lasts forever and there's always a chance that USA can in fact change from the within as long as there's the will for it.
You do realize shootings and mass murder events happen in other countries as well, and their bans on firearms have done nothing to reduce those events? It's specious to believe banning something stops people from using it, and foolish to believe it's the only, the best, or even the deadliest option for someone wanting to maximize harm to others.
Secondly, there is less than 300 homicides per year that even include a rifle of any kind. And only a very small portion of those fit the category of an "assault rifle." So you would have to make an attempt to ban every type of firearm, and put forth measures to confiscate and destroy them all, and that just isn't happening. You'd end up in a situation where only those willing to break the law would be armed. It would also open a black market to the importation of firearms across our borders, and a bigger black market.
Secondly, the 2A has many uses, self defense being one of them. Can you honestly tell me a woman is going to stop herself from being gang raped by four men, each twice her size with a whistle, or some pepper spray? No, but guaranteed neither of those men will volunteer to be the first one to take a bullet. This is why crimes like sexual assaults have gone up in Europe and the same is true for home defense. Do you think a burglar honestly fears an 80 year old woman with a broom? But an 80 year old woman with a Glock is a different story. Certainly you do not want to make the elderly unable to defend themselves in home invasions, or women be easier victims to rapists, because of your misplaced fear in a tool villified by far left propaganda.
Lastly, the people who try to talk about "gun violence" statistics intentionally mislead you on the numbers in order to create the illusion of having more problems than we actually do. For example, people who have a political agenda against them will include non homicides in with their statistics. This means suicides, justifiable shootings in self defense, or police get lumped in in order to inflate the numbers. The dishonesty behind that should tell you their intentions are not altruistic, but political in nature. Do you think people who actually know the truth about, and use firearms on a regular basis are going to come to your side of the argument based on falsified information, and deceptively inflated statistics clearly pushed to drive a political wedge issue? Of course not.
Even the guy above claiming to be a gun owner with a carry permit just pushed dishonest, inaccurate information. People selling at gun shows require a background check or have to have the firearm transferred to the buyer via FFL who performs a background check. The "gun show loophole" doesn't exist, and it's an effort to go after private sales and make it illegal for example, to transfer a gun that has been in your family for generations to your child without having that firearm recorded, documented, and both your names tied to it. It's a thinly veiled attempt at a backdoor registration.
Secondly, his attempt to say mass shootings occur more frequently with guns is a captain obvious moment. It's like stating that most car accidents involve a motor vehicle of some sort. Well DUH!. However, that doesn't mean the absence of firearms reduces mass murders at all. As you'll find in Europe, other objects are used instead of equal to even deadlier results. Vehicle attacks, bombings. Bombs themselves being significantly easier to acquire than guns, and far deadlier, able to kill hundreds in a split second. So to pretend removing guns from the equation is going to stop or deter a single person intent on harming others is specious at best, if not completely ridiculous.
Whether or not anybody BELIEVES an arm populace can fight off the government is irrelevant. Just because someone doesn't think there is a chance, doesn't mean there isn't. After all, the US military has had all that superior weaponry in Vietnam and Afghanistan as well.
His claims about gun organizations is also false. The NRA has actually supported, if not assisted in the authoring of several major pieces of gun control. The National Firearms Act of 1934 which has no legal grounds to exist anymore in 2021 as the parameters in which SCOTUS ruled in its favor in 1939 are no longer relevant today. The NRA also supported the 68 Gun Control Act, '86 FOPA, and attempt to derail DC V Heller which reaffirmed that yes, the individual has the right as outlined in the constitution and reaffirmed by SEVERAL papers and publications by the founders which confirmed that fact.
I've posted these quotes ad nauseum to confirm beyond any shadow of a doubt about the meaning of the 2A, but every time someone comes up with another one of these silly, misguided threads, they seem to have forgotten them and you'll find a few try to claim it applies to the National Guard or some other similarly dumb comment.
Furthermore, the rate of gun ownership in the US has been skyrocketing, and the homicide rate has been in decline. There's no correlation between homicide rate and gun ownership.
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